
Why repeated mouth ulcers? Doctors remind that these points must not be done

author:Chinese medicine Chen Kunfei

Mouth ulcers, everyone has a deep understanding.

Afraid to drink water.

Don't dare to eat, especially spicy and irritating foods.

Even the slightest movement of the mouth, it is very painful!

Why repeated mouth ulcers? Doctors remind that these points must not be done

So why do mouth ulcers occur?

Why repeated mouth ulcers? Doctors remind that these points must not be done

1. Local trauma

If we always eat some rough things, our oral mucosa is easily damaged, resulting in local injuries, then the probability of mouth ulcers is greatly increased.

Why repeated mouth ulcers? Doctors remind that these points must not be done

If you do not correct your bad eating habits in time, it is easy to cause oral wounds to be repeatedly stimulated, so that mouth ulcers are difficult to heal.

2. Malnutrition

Why repeated mouth ulcers? Doctors remind that these points must not be done

Malnutrition can also lead to mouth ulcers. If a person does not have sufficient nutrition, then his resistance must be low, and his oral mucosa is in a sub-healthy state, prone to damage, resulting in ulcers.

For example, some people are long-term lack of trace elements and vitamins, such as iron, folic acid, and B vitamins, and need to improve our immunity by supplementing nutrients.

3. Other disease effects

Why repeated mouth ulcers? Doctors remind that these points must not be done

Other diseases can indirectly produce mouth ulcers, which can have a subtle effect on the body. Therefore, we can not only look at the surface of the disease, some of them have mouth ulcers, there may be duodenal ulcers, ulcerative colitis, gastric ulcers and so on. Therefore, we need to check other parts of the body for diseases and cannot miss the diagnosis.

4. Interference from adverse mental factors

Why repeated mouth ulcers? Doctors remind that these points must not be done

Interference from mental factors can also produce mouth ulcers. Nowadays, social pressure is greater, and many people will have anxiety, tension and various negative emotions because of the influence of many things in life and work. These negative emotions affect our physical health for a long time, not only psychologically, but also lead to a decline in our resistance, eventually producing mouth ulcers.

Doctors remind that the following points cannot be done:

1. Always eat rough foods such as nuts.

2. Dietary preference, appetite for spicy and other irritating foods.

3. Stay up late, too much pressure, etc.

4. Irregular physical examination.

Why repeated mouth ulcers? Doctors remind that these points must not be done

Finally, I hope that everyone can have a regular diet, balanced nutrition, adjust your mentality, have regular physical examinations, and have a healthy body.