
Snakeberry: A red snakeberry found in a hidden place

author:Enchanted Fairy Tale Forest

Snakeberries were found in a very hidden place.

Found in the boxwood bushes in front of the city hall building. Boxwood is not a poplar tree, it is a neatly trimmed shrub, which is very suitable for landscape trees.

These days, the boxwood tree has borne seeds, I did not know before, when I looked closely, I found that it would also bear seeds. In addition to the picture of the snakeberry, it is surrounded by boxwood.

Boxwood bears spherical fruit with small cracks on it, and when it bursts open, a black rice-sized seed pops out of it.

When observing the boxwoods, they found that there was a small red fruit in the root where they were hidden, ha, which turned out to be a snakeberry.

They bear small red fruits, some of which have small yellow flowers on them.

The leaves of snakeberries are very similar to strawberries.

I just don't know if I can eat it, if I go to the forest to play, I may be very happy to see snakeberries.

Snakeberries are weeds that grow on their own, and no one grows them specifically, so they are particularly precious.

Once, I saw a snakeberry drilling out of its head high in a row of cypress hedges, and it was really tenacious.

It has many aliases: Snake Bubble Grass, Dragon Spit Bead, Three-ClawEd Wind, Nosebleed Fruit Fruit, Bead Claw, Snake Fruit, Cockscomb Fruit, Wild Strawberry, Snake Leaf, GroundBerry, Silkworm Berry, Three-Point Red, Lion's Tail, Healing Medicine, Snake Egg Fruit, Ground Brocade, Three Horses Wind, Snake Bubble Grass, Three-Skin Wind, Three-Clawed Dragon, Old Snake Bubble, Snake Rong Grass, Three-legged Tiger, Snake Skin Vine, Snake Eight Petals, Dragon's Finger Pearl, Small Strawberry, Ground Arbutus, Snake Missing, Golden Cicada Grass, Trilobite, Old Snake Thorn, Old Snake Leaf, Dragon Bulb, Snake Grape, Snake Fruit Vine, Snake Pillow, Snake Containing Grass, Snake Pan Grass, Haha Fruit, Hemp Snake Fruit , Kowloon grass, three horses grass, snake woman, snake turtle grass, grounded bayberry, red top fruit, blood boil grass, wild strawberries.

Who gave so many names, which is also too good.

Rosaceae, a perennial herb with soft hairs throughout; The creeping stem is long. Small leaves inverted ovate to rhomboid oblong, 2-3.5 (-5) cm long and 1-3 cm wide; Flowers grow solitary in leaf axillaries; 1.5–2.5 cm in diameter; the fruit is ovate, about 1.5 mm long, smooth or with inconspicuous protrusions, and shiny when fresh. The flowering period is from June to August, and the fruit period is from August to October. It is mostly wild on hillsides, meadows, roadsides, ditches or field weeds; It is distributed throughout the country. Whole herb for medicinal purposes, has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, activating blood and dispersing stasis, astringent and hemostatic, and can cure poisonous snake bites, apply to cure boils, etc.; And used to kill maggots.

When I was happily taking pictures, I found a black caterpillar crawling on the ground, and I was startled, but I still had the courage to continue watching. After a while, another one, and after a while I found another one. Hey, it's so depressed, it's like the same bug walking back and forth in front of me.

But soon I found out that this was not the case, it turned out that the ground was full of caterpillars, I decided to slip away, only to find that the square was almost impossible to walk.

There are not many people who get up early in the morning, and it is estimated that people who exercise do not pay much attention to their feet. I went to the other side and found that there were almost no bugs there, and I found no bugs anywhere else. It is estimated that the sun is too good over there, and the bugs are out in the sun.

I don't know what kind of tree these caterpillars are caused, there are mainly some willow trees and national locusts on this side of the square, and the national locusts are the most fond of attracting insects, but they are small aphids.

It hadn't rained for some time, and the national locust was full of bugs.

These days, the national locust is in bloom, and the head is full of light yellow flowers, which fall all over the ground every day.

It rained yesterday and the weather was a little cooler. Hopefully, the insects of the national locust can be reduced a little.

Snakeberry: A red snakeberry found in a hidden place
Snakeberry: A red snakeberry found in a hidden place
Snakeberry: A red snakeberry found in a hidden place
Snakeberry: A red snakeberry found in a hidden place
Snakeberry: A red snakeberry found in a hidden place

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