
#Micro Toutiao Life Development Plan## Record a good life with Micro Toutiao#Charming and cute little yellow flowers, facing the breeze, towards the sun, comfortable. Even in the dead grass, the face still does not change color

author:Poinsettia grain

#Micro Headline Life Development Plan ##用微头条记录美好生活 #

The charming and cute little yellow flowers, facing the breeze, towards the sun, are comfortable. Even in the dead grass, he still does not change his face, and laughs with the clover about the beautiful life.

Such a cute little yellow flower, named "snakeberry", is rumored to grow where snakes crawl. In an instant, does chicken skin crawl all over the body? I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, "You can watch it from afar, you can't play profanely".

Haha, snakeberries are non-poisonous and can be completely close [croak]

#Micro Toutiao Life Development Plan## Record a good life with Micro Toutiao#Charming and cute little yellow flowers, facing the breeze, towards the sun, comfortable. Even in the dead grass, the face still does not change color
#Micro Toutiao Life Development Plan## Record a good life with Micro Toutiao#Charming and cute little yellow flowers, facing the breeze, towards the sun, comfortable. Even in the dead grass, the face still does not change color
#Micro Toutiao Life Development Plan## Record a good life with Micro Toutiao#Charming and cute little yellow flowers, facing the breeze, towards the sun, comfortable. Even in the dead grass, the face still does not change color

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