
Sullivan: China has learned two things from the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, namely "rethinking" and "being more perfect"

author:Military Observation
Sullivan: China has learned two things from the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, namely "rethinking" and "being more perfect"

According to the US media Bloomberg news agency, after the Colorado Aspen Strategic Security Forum was held late this month, the guest guest CIA Director Burns came to the scene to analyze the situation of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, and then pointed the finger at China. The expert, who has been concerned about the "China issue" for many years, began to hype up the topic of the Taiwan Strait, and told reporters present that "from now to 10 years, the risk of China's armed reunification incident is getting higher and higher, and we must not underestimate China's determination in the next few years." He then added: "China has 'learned a lesson' from the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the most important of which is that it must have overwhelming military strength in order to achieve a decisive victory." ”

Sullivan: China has learned two things from the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, namely "rethinking" and "being more perfect"

According to the news, after this passage was reported by the US media, it once caused a heated discussion in public opinion, coupled with the impact of Pelosi's "planned visit to Taiwan" incident, making many people worry about the changes in the situation in the Taiwan Strait in the next few months. White House National Security Adviser Sullivan then appeared at the Aspen Strategic Security Forum, claiming that the United States does not intend to change their "ambiguous policy"; There are also reports that the White House and senior Pentagon officials are dissuading Pelosi, and she may not be able to achieve the trip; On the 25th, the US "Atlantic Monthly" once again published the transcript of the dialogue interviewed Sullivan, and a large part of it was about the Taiwan issue.

Sullivan: China has learned two things from the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, namely "rethinking" and "being more perfect"

Shortly after the dialogue began, the topic of the conversation between the two men transitioned from the Russian-Ukrainian conflict to the Taiwan Strait issue. Moderator Goldberg asked Sullivan, "What is the White House most worried about that China is learning from the Situation in Russia and Ukraine?" Sullivan said two answers, one is that the Chinese side may think "we may have to reconsider the issue of [military unification]", and the other is that the Chinese side may also think "if we want to do this, how can we do it more perfectly than Russia", but he refuses to break these topics into detailed explanations. The host continued to ask: "If the Western countries (note that it is not 'Ukraine' mentioned here) defeat Russia, then the mainland may give up the idea of 'using force'?" ”

Sullivan: China has learned two things from the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, namely "rethinking" and "being more perfect"

Sullivan, on the other hand, said with a wry smile that everything was not so simple, but that a victory in Ukraine would indeed have a deterrent effect, and he summed up the question with ambiguous answers. Although China has repeatedly stressed that "the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and the Taiwan issue are fundamentally different, and the latter is a matter of national internal affairs", in recent months, Western politicians have repeatedly compared the two and tried to find Taiwan's "destiny" from the direction of the Ukrainian crisis, which is also a nonsense. In short, U.S. officials have repeatedly stressed that China has "learned lessons," "learned from experience," and "gained confidence," which are uncertain subjective speculations.

Sullivan: China has learned two things from the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, namely "rethinking" and "being more perfect"

It is also worth mentioning that compared with the caution of Biden's government officials, the CURRENT REPUBLICAN politicians in the United States can be described as fully exerting pressure on Biden to take the toughest posture. Former US defense secretary Esper visited Taiwan in the middle of the year to encourage the People of Taiwan to "use all the people as soldiers" and "accept more weapons." After returning to the United States, he even falsely claimed that "the one-China policy is outdated", which was subsequently denied by the White House. In addition, the US Republican anti-China lawmakers such as Tom Cotton, Rubio and others are still vigorously urging Pelosi to "not cancel the plan because of fear" and "do not self-deter" to insist on the trip, they prefer to see the Democratic Party take a dangerous step.

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