
Reporter's Note: New features of the Hong Kong Book Fair under the epidemic

Reporter's Note: New features of the Hong Kong Book Fair under the epidemic

Members of the public visit the Hong Kong Book Fair. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wu Xiaochu

Hong Kong, July 25 (Xinhua) -- On the 25th, the 32nd Hong Kong Book Fair entered its sixth day, and the public's enthusiasm for buying books was constantly being released. As the second Hong Kong Book Fair since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, this year's book fair has many new features in terms of hot-selling bibliography themes, booth design, and publication interest.

Coinciding with the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, the reporter visited a number of book stalls and found that many book publishers placed books introducing national development, "one country, two systems", and Hong Kong's development achievements in the past 25 years since its return to the motherland in a conspicuous position to attract readers to stop and read, and some booksellers specially set up a theme exhibition of "Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Return to the Motherland".

At the booth of zhonghua bookstore, there is a large display board with the words "25 Years of Return and Love" printed on it, and books such as "25 Years of Return and Love" and "Hong Kong's Participation in National Reform and Opening Up" are displayed below. Chan Chao-ying, marketing director at Zhonghua Bookstore (Hong Kong) Limited, said that in recent days, there has been an endless stream of people, most of whom are young people, and "My Home in China" is selling particularly well. ”

At the booth of the Commercial Press, Mr. Su and his wife, a citizen, were reading "Reshaping hong Kong's political pattern under "One Country, Two Systems" and "Finding The Way to Hong Kong : A Study on People-Oriented Policies", and the two also shared what they saw in the book from time to time.

Mr. Su told reporters that he was interested in such books. "Reading these books can more clearly see the vicissitudes and historical achievements that have taken place since Hong Kong's return to the motherland, and also more deeply appreciate hong Kong's rapid changes and understand the strong vitality of 'one country, two systems.'"

Reporter's Note: New features of the Hong Kong Book Fair under the epidemic

Citizens read live at the Hong Kong Book Fair. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wu Xiaochu

At this year's book fair, the rich and diverse Theme Books of the Forbidden City have also become a major feature, the most eye-catching of which is the Special Area of the Forbidden City specially opened by the booth of the Commercial Press. There are two walls in the area, one that simulates the scarlet gate of the Palace Museum, the other wall with elements such as dragons and auspicious clouds, and three screens on the wall loop the Palace Museum documentary.

Wu Xiaoyan, assistant general manager of the Commercial Press (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd., said that for a long time, the company has cooperated with the Palace Museum to launch cultural relics, architecture and other related introduction books, and this year hopes to use the Hong Kong Palace Museum to launch new books while the iron is hot, so that the public can understand the history of the Forbidden City and the story of treasures.

Miss Liu, a Hong Kong citizen, is in love with the boxed set of books of the Three Treasures of the Forbidden City. She said: "These two days are still nostalgic for the cultural relics seen in the Hong Kong Palace Museum at the beginning of the month. Purchasing this set of beautifully packaged books allows her to further understand the treasures of the Forbidden City, the world of Tianhua and the world, and to peek into the heritage of Chinese culture. ”

At this year's book fair, the booth of Sanlian Bookstore exhibited books such as "THE ROAD TO COVID-19" and "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky - Chronicle of the Epidemic in Hong Kong", which recorded the journey of Hong Kong's medical care and anti-epidemic. The publication of these books will not only help to carry forward the spirit of Hong Kong citizens to help each other and overcome difficulties together, but also help Hong Kong citizens better understand the strong support of the motherland for Hong Kong.

"These people, these things, we can't forget." Among the people queuing up at the booth of Sanlian Bookstore to check out, Ms. Song, a citizen, purchased a copy of "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky - A Chronicle of the Epidemic in Hong Kong", which she said focused on the extraordinary contributions of ordinary individuals who bravely took responsibility in the face of the severe fifth wave of the epidemic in Hong Kong.

With the development of e-books, paper books are also constantly innovating and changing, hoping to arouse readers' interest in reading in a new way of expression.

Reporter's Note: New features of the Hong Kong Book Fair under the epidemic

Children at the Hong Kong Book Fair. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wu Xiaochu

Yu Keling, deputy general manager and deputy editor-in-chief of the Commercial Press (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd., introduced that the company launched the "Board Game to Understand Chinese History" special board game product last year, guiding Hong Kong teenagers to better understand the geographical knowledge and historical context of the motherland, which was widely popular at the book fair.

This year, the company also further launched the "Mobile Game to Know Chinese History" game learning app, hoping to attract young people to pay attention to traditional Chinese culture by combining books with science and technology.

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