
Wonderful photos to see the world, Nazi-made sex dolls, honey-filled honey hives in the sun are so stunning

author:The world in the picture

Every five years, the Netherlands hosts the Sailing Festival in Amsterdam, where ships from all over the world come to Amsterdam for the world's greatest nautical wonders.

Wonderful photos to see the world, Nazi-made sex dolls, honey-filled honey hives in the sun are so stunning

Made in 1520, the German statue of the Grim Reaper with a bow.

Wonderful photos to see the world, Nazi-made sex dolls, honey-filled honey hives in the sun are so stunning

As a farmer, what if your goat has nowhere to go? Charles Baker, a South African farmer, built a tower for his goats to entertain them.

Wonderful photos to see the world, Nazi-made sex dolls, honey-filled honey hives in the sun are so stunning

Imagine these tiny creatures with a complete skeletal system, arteries, and a whole set of organs.

Wonderful photos to see the world, Nazi-made sex dolls, honey-filled honey hives in the sun are so stunning

A teenager from the Dinka tribe in southern Sudan and their family's cattle, the Dinka tribe originated in Qazira, now Sudan. Since the 13th century, the people of the Dinka tribe began to migrate out of Gezira to escape military conflict and drought.

Wonderful photos to see the world, Nazi-made sex dolls, honey-filled honey hives in the sun are so stunning

The jade funeral dress is a jade dress handmade by the Han Dynasty on the mainland and used for ceremonial funerals of members of the ruling class.

Wonderful photos to see the world, Nazi-made sex dolls, honey-filled honey hives in the sun are so stunning

A fairly rare mineral, Esmonite, has been found in mines in North and South America in the form of needle-like crystals with a glass luster.

Wonderful photos to see the world, Nazi-made sex dolls, honey-filled honey hives in the sun are so stunning

In 1940, 300 similar or identical stone balls were discovered in Costa Rica. When were the stone balls built? And what is it used for? There is no scientific explanation.

Wonderful photos to see the world, Nazi-made sex dolls, honey-filled honey hives in the sun are so stunning

The Jewish Museum in Berlin faces the children's world, and this monster is a sloth made of bicycle metal plates.

Wonderful photos to see the world, Nazi-made sex dolls, honey-filled honey hives in the sun are so stunning

The natural hive full of honey in the sun is amazing, thanks to Mother Nature for the gift!

Wonderful photos to see the world, Nazi-made sex dolls, honey-filled honey hives in the sun are so stunning

Paris Street Children's Orchestra, 1937.

Wonderful photos to see the world, Nazi-made sex dolls, honey-filled honey hives in the sun are so stunning

The incredible image captures the moment when lightning hits the volcano that is erupting, a rare moment captured by a graphic designer across from the famous Colima volcano in central Mexico.

Wonderful photos to see the world, Nazi-made sex dolls, honey-filled honey hives in the sun are so stunning

Mother Nature is amazing, having the same look is indeed a completely different child.

Wonderful photos to see the world, Nazi-made sex dolls, honey-filled honey hives in the sun are so stunning

In Cluj-Napoca, Romania, one can pay for a bus ticket with 20 squats. A device measures squatting and issues a valid bus ticket that can be used for free for disabled and elderly people, and this little sister is in great shape!

Wonderful photos to see the world, Nazi-made sex dolls, honey-filled honey hives in the sun are so stunning

Samarkand, Uzbekistan.

Wonderful photos to see the world, Nazi-made sex dolls, honey-filled honey hives in the sun are so stunning

The way to put human tears under a microscope.

Wonderful photos to see the world, Nazi-made sex dolls, honey-filled honey hives in the sun are so stunning

Window washers in america start a new day, with the sunrise reflected off the building.

Wonderful photos to see the world, Nazi-made sex dolls, honey-filled honey hives in the sun are so stunning

18: The mood is not beautiful, is there anything more healing than this?

Wonderful photos to see the world, Nazi-made sex dolls, honey-filled honey hives in the sun are so stunning

It turns out that whether it is a person or an animal, you must look after your baby when you go out. The hippopotamus foraged on the grass with its two-week-old cub, and the mother just walked forward, and the baby was attacked by a cheetah, although it was best to save the baby, but the baby's tail and ears were still injured.

Wonderful photos to see the world, Nazi-made sex dolls, honey-filled honey hives in the sun are so stunning

In 1931, somewhere in Norway was known as a fur trader of the coastal Sami.

Wonderful photos to see the world, Nazi-made sex dolls, honey-filled honey hives in the sun are so stunning

Clouds swirl around the ruins of the 15th-century Machu Picchu Inca Castle, overlooking Peru.

Wonderful photos to see the world, Nazi-made sex dolls, honey-filled honey hives in the sun are so stunning

When the Nazis occupied France in 1940, German soldiers had sex with Parisian girls that led to an outbreak of syphilis in the army. The Nazi hierarchy decided to develop a synthetic female to meet the needs of soldiers and not to infect. Thus was born a top-secret project: the blue-eyed blonde silicone sex doll, and the first artificial girl in history, "Bo gilder". Wehrmacht soldiers first tested the use of Bogild in 1941, and Hitler was so satisfied with the test results that he ordered 5,000 dolls for his personal guard. However, this idea ultimately failed, and in the bombardment of Dresden, all instances of Bogild were destroyed by the Allies.

Wonderful photos to see the world, Nazi-made sex dolls, honey-filled honey hives in the sun are so stunning

Initially the Doll Face plan was designed as an image of a Hungarian actress Kate Vonnaga, but was rejected.

This Israeli female police officer is still quite good-looking, like it!

Wonderful photos to see the world, Nazi-made sex dolls, honey-filled honey hives in the sun are so stunning

Butter is a weapon invented in India, originally used by an ancient Maratha warrior caste, which later spread to much of India. Essentially, it is a sword attached to a glove, but unlike regular gloves, this weapon protects the arm to the elbow. Since the entire structure from the tip of the sword to the elbow was one, the wrist of the Maratha warrior could not be moved, so all movements had to come from the elbow. It has been documented that this weapon was more commonly used by cavalry.

Wonderful photos to see the world, Nazi-made sex dolls, honey-filled honey hives in the sun are so stunning

This bronze head with a gold mask and braided hair is a relic of the Mainland Shang Dynasty, 42.5 cm high and 20.5 cm wide. In 1986, no. 2 pit of Guanghan Sanxingdui site was excavated, and it was collected by Sichuan Guanghan Sanxingdui Museum.

Wonderful photos to see the world, Nazi-made sex dolls, honey-filled honey hives in the sun are so stunning

The de lakul langur is a critically endangered primate endemic to Vietnam, with fewer than 250 remaining today.

Wonderful photos to see the world, Nazi-made sex dolls, honey-filled honey hives in the sun are so stunning

Lights mark the piste of Piscolc, one of the longest illuminated pistes in Switzerland.

Wonderful photos to see the world, Nazi-made sex dolls, honey-filled honey hives in the sun are so stunning

Spectacular stingray migration.

Wonderful photos to see the world, Nazi-made sex dolls, honey-filled honey hives in the sun are so stunning

In 1945, the future Queen Elizabeth II was serving in the army. During World War II, Queen Elizabeth II worked as a mechanic and ambulance driver. In the photo, Elizabeth holds a watch in her hand — a gift from her colleague.

Wonderful photos to see the world, Nazi-made sex dolls, honey-filled honey hives in the sun are so stunning

The world has changed so much in the past 100 years, which is a contrast between the hundred years before and after Mont Saint-Michel in France.

Wonderful photos to see the world, Nazi-made sex dolls, honey-filled honey hives in the sun are so stunning

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