
Tomorrow in the middle of the ambush, I would rather not eat meat, can not miss these 3 "Ruyi dishes", light and refreshing

author:The Troubles of Junior Werther 20

In the daily diet, bean sprouts are a relatively common "living vegetable", which is mainly edible vegetables cultivated through seeds such as grains and beans. The types of bean sprouts are very rich, the most common of which are mung bean sprouts, soybean sprouts, and lentils, which are the most affordable and cost-effective vegetables in life. The head of the soybean sprouts is golden, the taste is delicious, the nutrition is also very rich, a variety of vitamins and minerals, since ancient times has been highly evaluated, so it is also called "Ruyi dish". Soybean sprouts have relatively low calories and sufficient moisture, which is a must-eat dish for many people in summer.

Tomorrow in the middle of the ambush, I would rather not eat meat, can not miss these 3 "Ruyi dishes", light and refreshing

In our local area, soybean sprouts are cultivated in different ways, and there are generally two kinds of soybean sprouts to choose from. The most intuitive difference between the two is that one is slender, one is short and relatively fat, like to eat yellow soybeans can choose fat this, that is, the price is slightly more expensive, personally still prefer this slender soybean sprouts. Soybean sprouts are more diverse, especially tomorrow is the middle volt, the hot summer to take cold mixing or stir-fry is the best choice. Today I will share with you 3 delicious ways to eat, light and refreshing.

Tomorrow in the middle of the ambush, I would rather not eat meat, can not miss these 3 "Ruyi dishes", light and refreshing

【Bean sprouts fried noodles】

Ingredients: bean sprouts, vermicelli, leeks, eggs, dried chili peppers, garlic, salt, soy sauce, oyster sauce, chicken powder

Preparation steps:

1, the bean sprouts are cleaned and put into boiling water to blanch the water, control the dry water and set aside, pick and wash the leeks, and soak the noodles in cold water in advance

2: Heat the oil, pour in the beaten egg liquid and fry until it solidifies, pull it aside and add dried chili peppers and garlic to fry until fragrant, then pour in the soaked noodles

3: Sauté until the noodles are soft, then add leek segments and bean sprouts, add the right amount of salt, soy sauce, oyster sauce and chicken powder according to your taste, and fry well out of the pot

Tomorrow in the middle of the ambush, I would rather not eat meat, can not miss these 3 "Ruyi dishes", light and refreshing

【Bean sprout vermicelli cold mix】

Ingredients: bean sprouts, vermicelli, spinach, carrots, green and red peppers, green onion and garlic, salt, chicken powder

Preparation steps:

1: Put the vermicelli in boiling water to soak softly, wash the spinach and bean sprouts, wash and rub the carrots into shreds, and cut the green and red peppers into strips

2: Boil water in a pot, add a little salt and oil after the water boils, add spinach, bean sprouts and carrots and blanch, remove the cool water and squeeze out the water for later

3: Put the prepared ingredients into a large bowl, then add minced garlic and green onions, pour the hot oil on top, sprinkle some salt and chicken powder, stir well and eat

Tomorrow in the middle of the ambush, I would rather not eat meat, can not miss these 3 "Ruyi dishes", light and refreshing

【Stir-fried small rape with bean sprouts】

Ingredients: soybean sprouts, small rapeseed, hand-rolled flour, dried chili peppers, salt, soy sauce, oyster sauce, chicken powder

Preparation steps:

1: Pick and wash the small rapeseed, hand-roll out the powder into small pieces, and cut the dried chili pepper into strips

2, the country burned oil, after the oil is hot, put in the dried chili pepper and stir-fry, then add the cleaned soybean sprouts for sautéing, stir-fry until soft, add small rapeseed

3, after the rape becomes soft, add hand-rolled flour, sauté at the same time add the appropriate amount of salt, soy sauce, oyster sauce, and chicken powder, stir-fry well and cooked can be plated and eaten