
Prediction and forecast of pests of garden plants in new urban areas

author:New Town Gardens
Prediction and forecast of pests of garden plants in new urban areas

Prediction and forecast of pests of garden plants in new urban areas

1. Garden tips

1. In August, each garden maintenance unit needs to do a good job in heat prevention and drought resistance, watering should avoid high temperature periods, and the shade plants planted in a position with strong direct light should be shaded by necessary shading treatment.

2. The maintenance unit removes the diseased insect branches, long branches and inner branches in time to ensure the luxury of autumn shoots. In addition, since the proportion of seeded weeds will increase this month, the removal of weeds cannot be relaxed, and in the process of cleaning up weeds, attention should also be paid to the centralized destruction of parasitic plants such as silk seeds.

3. At present, it is the elm green hair firefly beetle old mature larvae concentrated in the elm trunk pupa period, each maintenance unit can organize personnel to manually scrape the old elm tree in the maintenance area of the unit to clean up and prevent.

4. In order to control the spread of adult moths and lay eggs, the conservation units actively carry out manual prevention and control work, and the plant protection unit is responsible for providing technical guidance and the drugs used.

5. The beginning of this month is the occurrence period of the grassland borer, in view of its characteristics of being prone to suddenness and migration, in order to prevent the migration of adult insects from other places from causing harm to the lawn, the garden maintenance units should take spraying precautions against the lawn in the jurisdiction to control the migration hazard of the pest.

6, this month the occurrence of disease is more concentrated, powdery mildew, rust, leaf blight, rot disease, etc. have begun to occur, the maintenance units should often clean up the fallen leaves, dead trees, diseased wood and insect-infested wood in the green space, and deal with it in time, avoid random placement, and pay attention to the green space after the rain needs to be loosened and ventilated in time.

2. Occurrence of garden pests in Hohhot city in August 2021

Although autumn has been established in the beginning of this month, the temperature in our city is still high, and it is often accompanied by rainy weather, and the temperature rises after the rain, resulting in the growth environment of garden plants facing the characteristics of high temperature and high humidity, and the climatic characteristics of this period provide conditions for the occurrence of some harmful organisms. This is mainly reflected in the disease: powdery mildew of various garden plants, perforation disease of elm leaf plum and mountain peach, and rust of Xinjiang poplar, 123 fruit trees, begonias and other plants are more obvious; Poplar, willow, and 123 fruit tree rot diseases continue to occur; Parasitic plants such as silk seeds can be seen on the lawns and open-ground flowers in individual green areas, which need to be paid attention to. In terms of insect pests: stinging insects willow black aphid, willow tumor aphid, Chinese locust aphid, locust bean psychic lice, soap pod eucalyptus lice, etc.; among leaf-eating pests, the amount of harm caused by some green elm green hairy fireflies is still more obvious, such as grass borers and large green leafhoppers in the lawn field; dried borer pests include bare-shouldered star celestial cattle, small beetles, etc.; this month is also the period of underground pest harm.

Leaf diseases

Powdery mildew, rust, coal pollution, anthrax, gray mold and leaf spot disease have a great impact on the ornamental effect of garden plants. Its occurrence is characterized by:

1. The source of initial infection mainly comes from diseased leaves, and there are many re-infections during the short incubation period.

2. Leaf diseases are mainly transmitted by wind, rain, insects and human activities.

3. It often causes leaf spots and damage, and leaves and flowers fall early, which seriously weakens the growth potential of flowers and trees.

Prediction and forecast of pests of garden plants in new urban areas
Prediction and forecast of pests of garden plants in new urban areas
Prediction and forecast of pests of garden plants in new urban areas

Prevention and control methods:

1. Dormant period management:

(1) Remove the source of infection (fungal source), remove the disease residue (dead branches and leaves, etc.).

(2) Spray in late autumn or early spring, select 100 times the crystal of stone sulfur compound to eliminate the overwintering hyphae.

2. Growing season management:

(1) Strengthen cultivation management: ventilation and light transmission, reduce humidity. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were fertilized in balance and organic fertilizer was increased.

(2) Pharmaceutical prevention and treatment: spray 15% triazolone wettable powder 1500 times liquid or 50% carbendazim 800 times liquid at the beginning of the disease.

Dried moths

Celestial cattle

Host: poplar, willow, elm, mulberry, pine, cypress, walnut, locust, etc.;

Tianniu species: about 20,000 kinds in the world, China has about 2200 species, the largest number of Tianniu, the most common in addition to the Star Tianniu and Sang Tianniu, there are also bare shoulder Star Tianniu, grain shoulder Tianniu, peach red neck Tianniu, Red Edge Tianniu and so on.

Life habits: Generally occurs in 1 generation per year, and the celestial cow overwinters in the trunk with larvae or adults. After the adult insects are feathered, some need to supplement nutrition, take pollen, young branches, young leaves, bark, and some do not need to supplement nutrition.

Prediction and forecast of pests of garden plants in new urban areas
Prediction and forecast of pests of garden plants in new urban areas

Small beetles

Harmful seedlings: mostly harmful woody plants, important are harmful elms, pine trees, almond trees, red leaf plums, golden leaf elms and so on.

Life habits: Northern China beetles have more than 1 generation per year, and 3 generations in 2 years or 2 generations in 1 year in high temperature years. Northern beetles prefer drought, so high temperatures and little rain often become the cause of large numbers of small beetles, and this phenomenon is more obvious in coniferous forest areas.

Prediction and forecast of pests of garden plants in new urban areas
Prediction and forecast of pests of garden plants in new urban areas

Wood beetle moths

Harmful seedlings: mostly harmful woody plants, harmful to white elm, in addition to locust, poplar, hemp oak, oak, willow, cloves, ginkgo biloba, plum, apple, pepper, honeysuckle, etc., is the most common drilling moth pest of elm.

Life habits: The larvae of the wood beetle moth are active from March to October, and the adult insects mostly appear in April to July, and can be as late as October. Wood beetle moths overwinter in the trunks of trees (such as oriental wood beetle moths, small wood beetle moths); after old age, they enter the soil to pupate (such as elm wood beetle moths, Mongolian wood beetle moths) to lay eggs mostly at night, laying dozens of eggs to more than a thousand grains at a time, and the eggs are mostly laid on the edge of bark cracks, wounds or decaying tree holes and the edge of the mouth of the tianniu hazard pit; the first larvae like to cluster and invade at the wound, initially invading the subcutaneous phloem, and the larvae of the salix wood beetle are harmed at the root throughout their lives. The larvae are high in fat content and particularly resistant to hunger, such as elm beetle moth larvae that can live up to 113 to 447 days after hunger strike.

Control of dried moth pests

In summary, the prevention and control of dried moth pests should be fully combined with China's "prevention first, comprehensive prevention" plant protection policy, mobilization of the whole people, group prevention and group treatment. Under the premise of improving tree potential, a variety of control measures are combined to fundamentally control dried moth pests.

During or after the adult spawning period, look for egg-laying grooves and scrape them with a knife to kill the eggs or larvae.

During adult infancy, spray 3% high-performance cypermethrin microcapsulant suspension 1000 times liquid.

Prediction and forecast of pests of garden plants in new urban areas
Prediction and forecast of pests of garden plants in new urban areas
Prediction and forecast of pests of garden plants in new urban areas


Source: Plant Protection Unit of New Town Landscaping Service Center

Editor: Hou Xiuqing

Preliminary: Hao Jun

Final Judgement: Du Jialin

Prediction and forecast of pests of garden plants in new urban areas