
Japan – the most reclusive country in the world with its own genes for aggression

author:Old Si Ji

The ideal place for Japanese people to live is China!

No matter what stage of social development has changed over the years, this view is engraved in the body of each generation of Japanese people like a gene, and has never changed, because conquering China to live on the mainland without being disturbed by storms is the ultimate dream of every generation of Japanese people.

Japan is a maritime country, and the innate sense of crisis makes such a nation have the ambition to conquer and expand that other countries do not have, and when they are weak, they have been convinced and tolerant, and once they are strong, they will invade other countries like beasts!

From the geographical map, South Korea, North Korea, China is closest to them, South Korea and North Korea needless to say, and their countries are all bullet lands, there has never been any of their own cultural attributes, natural resources are quite scarce, there is nothing to conquer, has never been a place where soldiers must fight, can only be used as a springboard for war, and China, which has a long history and culture, has become their dream homeland and the first object of conquest, throughout the thousands of years, Japan has fought several wars with us. And the fuse of every war is not ignited by us, and we continue to look down:

The first Battle of Baijiangkou occurred in the Tang Dynasty, Japan misjudged the military strength of the Tang Dynasty at that time and fought and then lost, more than 400 warships were burned, most of the Japanese soldiers were drowned, the Tang Dynasty army fought the blood of Japan, the sea water was stained red, and Japan was completely afraid, so that in the next 800 years, Japan no longer dared to fight China's idea, and began to learn Chinese culture with an open mind, and Japan gradually accumulated a little of its own cultural foundation!

Japan – the most reclusive country in the world with its own genes for aggression

The second Battle of Wanghai, in 1419 AD, Japan provoked again at sea, the Japanese military economy at that time was also very rapid, they once again underestimated the military economic strength of the Ming Dynasty at that time, and vainly tried to occupy the Liaodong Peninsula, the result was once again taught a lesson by the Ming Government at that time, this time the Japanese army was caught on three sides, and finally was fully defended and surrendered, the Ming Government once again defeated Japan, learned a lesson, Japan did not dare to come out for a hundred years to disturb our Chinese nation!

Japan – the most reclusive country in the world with its own genes for aggression

The third Wanli Korean War, this war in Japan is also called the Battle of Moon Lu Gyeongchang, the background of this war is Toyotomi Hideyoshi unified Japan, and then Japan's domestic contradictions at that time seriously intensified, economic scarcity, then the Japanese government started the idea of the Ming Dynasty, for this reason they once again took Korea as a springboard, raised 200,000 troops, 700 warships invaded korea, 20 days to flatten Korea, the Korean king fled to the Ming Border Yalu River like the Ming Government to ask for help, the Ming Government saw that the purpose of japan's battle was to drunkenly not to drink, Fighting Korea was nothing more than paving the way for the invasion of China, and in the end the Ming Dynasty army sent troops to aid Korea, and in a few days it defeated the Japanese soldiers, Toyota Hideyoshi was depressed, and the third Sino-Japanese war ended in Japan's fiasco!

Japan – the most reclusive country in the world with its own genes for aggression

The Fourth Sino-Japanese War, which everyone knows, the late Qing government, which was weak at that time, could not resist Japan, which had completed military reforms, and the fourth time we lost the war, and created the world's most humiliating and largest war reparations, but also the compensation for the cession of land, the loss of power and humiliation of the country!

Japan – the most reclusive country in the world with its own genes for aggression

The fifth Sino-Japanese war, let alone me, we won, but paid the most painful price in history, 35 million Chinese paid for it with their lives, and the irony is that the Japanese still do not feel that we defeated them, so that on the day of Japan's surrender, many Japanese officers on Chinese territory chose to commit suicide and did not surrender, they still lack the respect they deserve in their bones, because in their hearts we are far less strong than the United States, they only succumb to the strong, which I think is worth our reflection!

Five Sino-Japanese Wars,

Profoundly reflects what kind of nation Japan is, to put it bluntly, this is a restless nation, a nation with aggressive genes, this will not change with the passage of time, now we seem to be living in a peaceful era, but we must not underestimate Japan, this country is too tolerant, they have been waiting for us to make mistakes, as long as we have internal problems, you wait, the sixth and seventh wars will come at any time, what treaties, agreements are just a piece of waste paper for them!

Japan – the most reclusive country in the world with its own genes for aggression

We 1.4 billion Chinese must keep a clear head, think of danger in times of peace, and never be careless, because the wolves are all around us!

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