
"This is so abnormal"! Greenland is hot enough to wear short sleeves, should humans really be vigilant?

author:Zhong Ming talked about science

According to the information released by the Central Meteorological Observatory, on the isobaric chart of the 500 hPa height field on July 22, the sub-high has circled the northern hemisphere for a week, and the place controlled by the sub-high prevails in the sinking air flow, like a "pressure cooker", which plays a role in warming and pressurizing the ground, which also means that many places in the northern hemisphere are suffering from high temperatures.

"This is so abnormal"! Greenland is hot enough to wear short sleeves, should humans really be vigilant?

According to the National Climate Center, in June this year, the global average temperature was about 0.4 °C higher than the same period in previous years, but we can clearly feel that this summer is much hotter than the same period in previous years, and even many cases of hot deaths have occurred.

This is mainly because the high global average temperature is not a uniform increase in global temperature, but there are more extreme cases, such as: the northern hemisphere in many places above 40 ° C, and even the United Kingdom, where the summer temperature is rarely as 30 ° C, this year there is also more than 40 ° C weather, extreme heat has led to many deaths, of which Spain and Portugal this summer due to high temperature death reached 1700 people.

"This is so abnormal"! Greenland is hot enough to wear short sleeves, should humans really be vigilant?

Greenland also appeared higher than the same period in previous years, affected by extreme high temperatures, the temperature in Greenland rose to about 15.5 ° C, a full 5 ° C higher than the same period in previous years, the American reporter said: This weather has been hot enough to wear short sleeves to go out, which is really abnormal!

"This is so abnormal"! Greenland is hot enough to wear short sleeves, should humans really be vigilant?

Covered on Greenland, the Greenland Ice Sheet is the second largest ice sheet in the world, covering an area of nearly 1.8 million square kilometers, second only to the Antarctic Ice Sheet.

Greenland's icebergs are melting rapidly due to high temperatures, and data from the National Ice and Snow Data Center shows that Greenland has been melting rapidly at 6 billion tons of ice per day during this time. If the Greenland ice sheet were to melt, global sea levels would rise by 7.5 metres.

Greenland Ice Sheet

The Greenland ice sheet actually melts every summer, but in previous years the temperature was low and the amount of ice melted was limited, and this year it was affected by the high temperature, resulting in a larger and more rapid loss of the ice sheet.

The melting of the Greenland ice sheet is not a good thing for humans because it would exacerbate global warming.

"This is so abnormal"! Greenland is hot enough to wear short sleeves, should humans really be vigilant?


Because the ability of ice sheets and glaciers to reflect the sun is stronger, they will reflect a large amount of solar energy back into space, reducing the earth's absorption of solar energy, according to calculations, sea ice can reflect 80% of the solar energy back into space, the solar energy left on the earth's surface is reduced, the surface temperature will not rise, and even become colder;

In turn, after the melting of sea ice to form seawater, the absorption capacity of seawater to solar energy is stronger, and 90% of solar energy will be absorbed by seawater, resulting in warming of the entire region.

"This is so abnormal"! Greenland is hot enough to wear short sleeves, should humans really be vigilant?

That is: melting ice and snow will cause more solar energy to remain on the earth's surface, causing the earth to heat up; Warming of the earth, in turn, causes snow and ice to melt. If this continues, if the tipping point is reached, it will be difficult to reverse the consequences of the earth's warming even with human intervention.

"This is so abnormal"! Greenland is hot enough to wear short sleeves, should humans really be vigilant?

Ancient remains emerge from the ground

The melting of greenland's ice sheet also poses a new problem: the remains of ancient creatures are exposed to the ground and rediscovered.

This is already happening in other regions.

Oppland in northern Norway is also covered in snow and ice all year round, but since 2006, the local ice and snow have also melted at an accelerated rate, revealing the remains of ancient creatures and fossils of human life.

"This is so abnormal"! Greenland is hot enough to wear short sleeves, should humans really be vigilant?

For example: shoes from the Bronze Age, Viking Age antlers and arrow clusters from 2000 years ago, birds from 4100 years ago, arrows from 6000 years ago, and more than 2,000 cultural relics including textiles, bows and arrows, skis, etc.

Studies have shown that in the past, humans and ancient creatures also lived here, and ancient humans used bows and arrows, arrows, etc. to hunt reindeer, and even ski here.

Because the temperature here is low all year round, some cultural relics scattered on the ground have not had time to oxidize, decay, etc., they have been frozen in the ice layer, which has been preserved in the ice for thousands of years, until global warming causes the ice and snow to melt here, and these cultural relics are re-exposed to the ground.

For example, in 2019, a Viking age antler arrow cluster was found in the Opland Glacier in Norway, which is 2,000 years old.

"This is so abnormal"! Greenland is hot enough to wear short sleeves, should humans really be vigilant?

Scientists have also found here the remains of a 4100-year-old bird, a red-winged bird that was not destroyed by scavengers or decomposed by microorganisms after its death, but was preserved in the ice for thousands of years, and when it was discovered, not only was the entire form very intact, but also the internal organs were intact.

"This is so abnormal"! Greenland is hot enough to wear short sleeves, should humans really be vigilant?

The appearance of ancient biological remains and the excavation of ancient human relics can certainly help us understand the past history, but it is not a good thing that ancient remains are preserved so completely, because ancient germs may also "hibernate" under the ice, waiting for the opportunity to be resurrected.

In 2016, an anthrax outbreak in Siberia resulted in dozens of hospital admissions, the deaths of more than 2,000 reindeer and the death of a 12-year-old boy.

"This is so abnormal"! Greenland is hot enough to wear short sleeves, should humans really be vigilant?

It should be known that there has been no anthrax in the local area for decades, and expert studies have found that the source of this outbreak may be the remains of a reindeer that has been dead for many years, and it died of anthrax fever, because the temperature here is extremely low, it is frozen in the permafrost all year round, and the anthrax spores are frozen in the permafrost.

Temperatures were high in the summer of 2016, and reindeer remains frozen in permafrost were exposed to the ground, releasing anthrax spores that infected the organisms that lived here.

Of course, it must be said that not all germs have the ability to infect humans, but the melting of ice sheets, glaciers and permafrost does not just change the shape of the water here, but affects the ecology of the earth from all aspects, and we cannot sit idly by.

#Greenland##Arctic##美国 #

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