
A pink "dome" appears in the night sky of an Australian town! Not the door of time and space, some companies admit it

author:Fun to explore

Recently, sharing a photo of a night scene on foreign social media is inexplicably frightening, because the photo shows a kind of spectacle that has never been seen before: a circular "dome" with a pink glow appears on the dark night sky, and the brightness of the pink glow gradually weakens from the inside out, looking very sci-fi.

A pink "dome" appears in the night sky of an Australian town! Not the door of time and space, some companies admit it

Seeing such a spectacle, we should first fantasize about it: a giant saucer with a diameter of more than several kilometers is secretly hidden above the clouds, the saucer spacecraft shoots out a pink light, and the object in the pink light seems to suddenly lose gravity and begin to fly high into the air.

A pink "dome" appears in the night sky of an Australian town! Not the door of time and space, some companies admit it

The pink circular "dome" appears in a small town called "Mildura" in Australia, but some locals are frightened, afraid of being sucked into this pink light, because some people speculate that it may be a "time and space gate" to another dimension of the universe.

Tammy Szumowski, a local resident, said in an interview that it was strange that I was calling my mom and suddenly saw it, and my dad said the end of the world was coming.

A pink "dome" appears in the night sky of an Australian town! Not the door of time and space, some companies admit it

Is the pink circular "dome" the work of aliens? Mainland scientists expressed belief in the existence of aliens, China's Celestial Eye received a signal of a suspected alien civilization, the Pentagon began to pay more and more attention to UFOs, and NASA also joined the study of UFOs.

But to say that "aliens have visited the earth" is indeed unconvincing, because we have been looking for aliens for decades, and so far we have not found a single hair of aliens, or simply pragmatic, from the perspective of natural phenomena and man-made phenomena to find the reason for the emergence of pink circular "domes".

A pink "dome" appears in the night sky of an Australian town! Not the door of time and space, some companies admit it

Is it really the "gate of space-time" of another dimensional space? This conjecture is even less composed, aliens still have the possibility of existence, and "another dimensional space" and "space-time gate" are just a hypothesis proposed by scientists in the last century, and this hypothesis is indeed crazy.

However, another dimension, space and time gate, has appeared many times in traversal dramas, science fiction movies and science fiction novels, but whether it exists or not, scientists dare not assert, so this is impossible.

A pink "dome" appears in the night sky of an Australian town! Not the door of time and space, some companies admit it

Is it the Aurora? Some people think that this may be a very special aurora phenomenon, because recently, the solar wind (0259UT) hit the Earth's magnetic field, triggering a G1-level geomagnetic storm, the Pacific Ocean is rippling with a variety of auroras, and someone also spotted a light purple Steve at midnight.

Obviously, the pink circular "dome" is neither an aurora phenomenon nor a Steve phenomenon, the aurora is believed that many people have seen it with their own eyes, most of them are emerald green, and always changeable, and the "Steve" phenomenon exists for a very short time, generally only a few seconds to disappear.

A pink "dome" appears in the night sky of an Australian town! Not the door of time and space, some companies admit it

This is not that it is not, what is it? It is understood that this is actually a kind of spectacle formed by the combination of man-made phenomena and natural phenomena.

Just when everyone was talking about it, a medicinal cannabis company in the small town of "Mildura" admitted that they made it, and the company posted that they made the pink circular "dome", and the company grew medicinal marijuana, in order to increase the growth rate of medicinal marijuana, using red lights to illuminate.

A pink "dome" appears in the night sky of an Australian town! Not the door of time and space, some companies admit it

As we all know, almost all plants need photosynthesis to produce nutrients and promote growth, in the hot summer, the sun is very sufficient, plants do not need to fill the light, but in the dark winter, it is necessary to supplement the plant, which can play a role in promoting growth.

Now the northern hemisphere is summer, and Australia in the southern hemisphere is a cold winter, therefore, some plants in order to grow healthily need to fill the light, the general practice is to increase artificial light illumination, friends who have cultivated experience must know.

A pink "dome" appears in the night sky of an Australian town! Not the door of time and space, some companies admit it

It is understood that higher blue light is often used in the plant growth stage, it tends to make cannabis short and thrive, the leaves are very healthy, and red light can usually motivate plants to grow tall and promote bud flowering, which may enter the flowering period faster than in blue light.

According to Rees Cohen, senior communications manager at the pharmaceutical cannabis company, under normal circumstances, when the red light is on, the blackout blinds will close, blocking the red light, and it may be that the workers forgot to turn off the blackout shutters, causing the very powerful red lights to shine into the night sky.

A pink "dome" appears in the night sky of an Australian town! Not the door of time and space, some companies admit it

Coincidentally, the winter clouds in the sky of the Australian town of "Mildura" are also very special, low in height, dense and relatively flat, which is a natural projection curtain, which shows the pink light projected on the ground, coupled with the super scattering ability of the clouds to red light, forming a pink circular "dome".

A pink "dome" appears in the night sky of an Australian town! Not the door of time and space, some companies admit it

In May this year, a large piece of "blood red" appeared in the night sky of Zhoushan, Zhejiang province and Fuzhou, Fujian Province, which is more similar to the pink circular "dome" of Australia, and the reason has been identified, which is caused by the red lights of distant-water fishing boats, because the water mist in the air is very sufficient, and the scattered red lights form a large red.

A pink "dome" appears in the night sky of an Australian town! Not the door of time and space, some companies admit it

Therefore, the Australian pink circular "dome" is certainly not the arrival of the "end of the world", nor the "gate of time and space", not the "aurora" and "Steve", nor the "alien flying saucer", but a combination of human red lights and cloudy weather, and the company also admits. Interesting and informative scientific content, please pay attention to the only WeChat public account: Interesting Exploration

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