
Nazi Germany's second in command, the fat man behind the leader Hitler, Hermann Goering's merits and faults

author:Guan Tianxia Studio

In fascist Nazi Germany, there is such a figure, his status can be described as one person below, above ten thousand people, is Hitler's right and left arm, weighing 260 pounds he was the world's arrogant and chaotic tyrant at that time, throughout the major historical events of Nazi Germany, we can always see his figure, he made great contributions to Germany, and even created for him, the rank of "Reich Field Marshal".

Nazi Germany's second in command, the fat man behind the leader Hitler, Hermann Goering's merits and faults

Hermann William Goering

He was the god of war in the Air Force, a lifelong warrior, who received numerous medals and was designated as the sole successor of the Third Reich. He worked his life for the Nazis, but was eventually removed from his post and arrested by Hitler, and after World War II, although he did not escape justice, he eventually committed suicide by poisoning himself in prison.

The highest-ranking Nazi general during World War II was the famous Nazi Germany number two, Hermann Wilhelm Göring. Why, then, did Hermann Goering receive attention from the fascist demon Hitler? Why did the two drift apart in the end? Why is the end of the two so tragic?

Nazi Germany's second in command, the fat man behind the leader Hitler, Hermann Goering's merits and faults

German Nazi Hitler

Today, Guan Ge will take everyone into the life of the second-in-command of the Nazis in Germany, Hermann Goering.

Göring was born on January 12, 1893, to a wealthy German family, but no one could have imagined that this young boy, who had vowed to honor his ancestors since childhood, would become one of the cruel rulers of Germany decades later.

Nazi Germany's second in command, the fat man behind the leader Hitler, Hermann Goering's merits and faults

Herman Goering

Goering's father, Dr. Heinrich Ernst Göring, was a cavalry officer who served as German consul general in Haiti, and Goering's father wanted him to become a brilliant statesman.

In 1905, his father sent him to a famous boarding school at the age of 15, but Goering, who had liked to dance knives and guns since childhood, could not stand the stereotypical traditional culture of Prussia, so the elder Goering sent him to the non-commissioned officer school to learn martial arts, and he loved military life very much.

Nazi Germany's second in command, the fat man behind the leader Hitler, Hermann Goering's merits and faults

The gifted Herman Goering loved military life

In 1913, Goering passed the officer examination and developed a keen interest in the newly invented aircraft. In 1914, after the outbreak of World War I, Goering realized early on that there was no honor in the trenches, and at his request, Goering was selected from infantry to the Third Air Reserve for flight training.

But flying an airplane at that time was a dangerous errand, the most primitive aircraft only had a special layer of fabric, the connection was only a special glue, the waterproof effect of this glue was very poor, as long as it rained, it would fall apart, and the aircraft was not equipped with parachutes, and the pilot needed to fly such an aircraft to the front line to reconnoiter and take intelligence photos.

Nazi Germany's second in command, the fat man behind the leader Hitler, Hermann Goering's merits and faults

A rudimentary aircraft from World War I

Goering piloted an unarmed reconnaissance plane to reconnoiter French artillery positions and forced a French bomber to land.

During World War I, Goering shot down 22 American aircraft, becoming not only a well-known air hero in Germany, but also serving as the captain of the Hithoven Squadron composed of ace pilots of the Luftwaffe, and for a time, Goering's reputation was greatly enhanced.

Nazi Germany's second in command, the fat man behind the leader Hitler, Hermann Goering's merits and faults

Herman Goering, who is viewing antlers

With the end of the war, the Germans were defeated and surrendered, and Goering's glorious battle came to an abrupt end. Göring was disappointed with the end of the war, and in the face of the terms imposed on Germany by the Entente, he was always looking for ways to abolish them, and a chance changed the second half of his life.

Nazi Germany's second in command, the fat man behind the leader Hitler, Hermann Goering's merits and faults

In World War I, Germany was defeated and surrendered

One day in 1922, Göring was passing by the Munich Platz and heard a constant shout from the crowd: Please Mr. Hitler to speak on stage. He stopped to watch and saw a small, mustacheed man come up to the podium and talk.

Goering was immediately attracted to the man, and he found that everything Hitler said coincided with his ideas. The next day, Goering asked to join the Nazi Party, and Hitler, believing in his status as a combat hero, readily agreed to his request to join the party.

Nazi Germany's second in command, the fat man behind the leader Hitler, Hermann Goering's merits and faults

Hitler's crazy speech

In fact, in Germany at that time, there were many aristocrats and conservatives who despised Nazism. Goering's entry undoubtedly gave the Nazis a free advertisement, and Hitler immediately appointed Goering as the leader of the SA, and under Goering's leadership, the SA became the Nazi open violence.

In order to overthrow the current regime and establish a fascist dictatorship, Hitler and Goering launched the Beer Hall Rebellion in November 1923, taking advantage of the difficulties of the Weimar Republic. During the coup, Goering was an active participant from beginning to end, and as he marched towards the center of Munich, Goering walked alongside Hitler as the leader of the SA, and a fierce conflict broke out between the Nazi SA and the Munich military police.

Nazi Germany's second in command, the fat man behind the leader Hitler, Hermann Goering's merits and faults

November 1923 Beer Hall Riot

During the clashes, Goering was shot in the thigh and was arrested for his injuries, and was not sent to prison for his injuries, but was imprisoned in a nursing home.

When Hitler was on trial, goering had to abscond to a foreign country before he could recover, and began a life of exile for more than four years in order to avoid the arrest that followed. Although Goering escaped from prison, he was mentally tortured, and the pain of a gunshot wound and a fearful escape life overwhelmed him.

Nazi Germany's second in command, the fat man behind the leader Hitler, Hermann Goering's merits and faults

Hermann Goering fled abroad and escaped prison

In order to alleviate the pain, the doctor gave him two injections of morphine every day, so Goering became an addict who relied on drugs every day to survive. As a result of his long-term exposure to drugs, Goering not only became obese and bloated, but he was in a trance and developed a morbid vanity.

Nazi Germany's second in command, the fat man behind the leader Hitler, Hermann Goering's merits and faults

Years are a pig-killing knife, which herman Goering looked like during world war I, and his body was bloated after World War II

Eventually, he had to be admitted to the Rompur Psychiatric Hospital in Sweden for treatment. But by 1928 the Nazi Party had gone from being an insignificant party to a major political force in Germany, and Goering ended his exile and returned to germany, where he was thinking about it day and night.

Nazi Germany's second in command, the fat man behind the leader Hitler, Hermann Goering's merits and faults

Hermann Goering eventually returned home

Hitler felt guilty about his loyal follower and, in compensation, made him a member of the Nazi Reichstag, which Goering was ecstatic about, and yesterday he was a wandering tramp, and today he is a respected member of Congress.

While Göring was grateful to Hitler, he also realized that if he wanted to get more glory and wealth, he must help Hitler seize more power and die for Hitler.

Nazi Germany's second in command, the fat man behind the leader Hitler, Hermann Goering's merits and faults

Hermann Goering believed that he should honestly fight for

In July 1932, as a sign of loyalty, Goering went to great lengths to raise support for Hitler, preaching Nazism among the lower classes during the day and social circles of high society at night, and using the social connections of his wife Karin to frequently travel among prominent families.

Nazi Germany's second in command, the fat man behind the leader Hitler, Hermann Goering's merits and faults

Herman Goering's wife, Karin

Despite this, Hitler lost to Hindenburg, but he was pleased that the Nazi Party became the largest party in the Reichstag, with Goering as Speaker of the Reichstag. Because the Nazi Party had the predominance in the Reichstag, the Prime Minister was simply unable to govern properly.

In January 1933, in desperation, President Hindenburg could only appoint Hitler as chancellor, and in order to help Hitler monopolize power, Goering used his Prussian police force to personally plan and direct the Reichstag arson case, and imposed the blame on the German Communist Party, and about 4,000 Communists and progressives were arrested in a few days, killing more than 100 people.

Nazi Germany's second in command, the fat man behind the leader Hitler, Hermann Goering's merits and faults

The last president of the Weimar Republic, Hindenburg

In addition, the SA was mobilized to occupy and ban all Communist Party departments throughout the country and restrict the participation of Communists in the parliamentary elections in early March. The Communist Party of Germany, the second largest party in the German parliament, was forced to dissolve after this incident.

In the subsequent parliamentary elections, the Nazis won 44 percent of the seats, not 2/3 of what the dictatorship required, but Goering used his position as speaker of the National Assembly and the United Nations People's Party to forcibly replace all other political parties through a mandate law.

Nazi Germany's second in command, the fat man behind the leader Hitler, Hermann Goering's merits and faults

Member of the German Stormtroopers

At this point, Goering relied on Hitler's support, stepped on the white bones of his companions, and soared to the peak of the power of the Third Reich. He successively served as Director of Imperial Aviation, Prussian Minister of Finance, Prussian Prime Minister, Director of Forests, General of the Army, and even the full executor of the Imperial Economic Four-Year Plan. At this time, Goering actually took over the economic power of the Third Reich.

Goering also enacted a decree restricting hunting to protect animals, the National Hunting Act, and from then on, Goering put up a sign in his office that animal abusers were hurting the feelings of the German people. To this day, Germany's animal protection decrees continue to follow many of the provisions that Goering made in those years. But what everyone doesn't know is that he himself is a big hunter, and after the blitzkrieg in Poland, he also kidnapped many strange animals from the zoo in Warsaw.

Nazi Germany's second in command, the fat man behind the leader Hitler, Hermann Goering's merits and faults

Hermann Goering, despite the promulgation of the National Hunting Act, was a hunting enthusiast and loved to wear animal furs

In administering the Prussian region, Goering took a series of measures to consolidate the fascist regime, he pursued an integrated approach, banned political parties and mass organizations, and concentrated all power in the hands of the fascist government.

In addition, Goering pursued pleasure and was insatiably greedy. He loved to wear long velvet pajamas, his face covered with rouge, his nails covered with red nail polish, as if he were a Marquis of the Renaissance, and he did everything he could to abuse his power, amass money, and collect works of art.

Nazi Germany's second in command, the fat man behind the leader Hitler, Hermann Goering's merits and faults

In May 1945, an American soldier inspected a golden statue, which belonged to Hermann Goering

At this point, with Goering's help, Hitler became the dictator of Germany, a fascist dictatorship built on terror and violence.

In The Second World War launched by Hitler, whether it was pre-war preparations or the outbreak of war, from conspiracy and blackmail to open armed invasion, Goering was a loyal follower and main mastermind of Hitler. He often stayed in Hitler's chamber of secrets for hours at a time.

Nazi Germany's second in command, the fat man behind the leader Hitler, Hermann Goering's merits and faults

Hermann Goering and Hitler

In order to please Hitler, Goering devoted all his energy to the war. Goering said: "I want to transform Germany from an irresistible country into a feared military power in two years, and my goal is to have the most powerful air force formation in the world by the end of 1935."

In order to fulfill his promise, he frantically developed the German armed forces and drew up a four-year plan for the rearmament to force the development of the war economy.

Nazi Germany's second in command, the fat man behind the leader Hitler, Hermann Goering's merits and faults

Germany blitzed Poland in World War II

By 1935, the Luftwaffe had become a formidable air force, and Goering's Air Force had acted as a vanguard, starting with a blitzkrieg victory against Poland, whether sweeping through Denmark, occupying Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, or even against France, which claimed to have the first land power in Europe. For a time, the Luftwaffe was invincible everywhere it went, and often soon after the war began, Germany's air power would destroy its opponents.

On September 1, 1939, the same day that World War II broke out, Hitler officially declared Goering his designated successor in his speech. From an ace pilot in World War I to a second-in-command in the Third Reich, 46-year-old Hermann Goering was momentarily glamorous and triumphant.

Nazi Germany's second in command, the fat man behind the leader Hitler, Hermann Goering's merits and faults

Hitler (left) and Hermann Goering (right)

But as the saying goes, prosperity is bound to decline. Although there were still achievements in economic and diplomatic fields, Goering's military prowess has been criticized. Hermann Göring, who was blind, competitive and triumphant, made one irreparable mistake after another in the Second World War.

The face-loving Goering was reluctant to share the honors he had received with the Army. Hitler, however, could only ask him to encircle the remnants of the Anglo-French forces, but the result was that 330,000 enemy troops escaped from the sea.

Nazi Germany's second in command, the fat man behind the leader Hitler, Hermann Goering's merits and faults

Luftwaffe Field Marshal Hermann Goering, who is meeting

Although this defeat was considered one of the biggest mistakes Goering made in the war, Hitler, in celebration of his victory in the Western Front, promoted Goering to the rank of Marshal of the Reich in July 1940, ranking above the remaining 26 marshals. Hitler's laissez-faire did not make Goering remember the lesson, he always believed in the "air force victory theory", did not accept the cooperation of the army, navy and air force, and believed that his own air force alone could win.

So, during the next nine months of the Battle of Britain, Goering repeatedly bragged to Hitler that his Air Force could deliver a fatal blow to the British, only to be badly injured by the Luftwaffe. Thus, for the defeat in the Battle of Britain, Goering bore great responsibility.

Nazi Germany's second in command, the fat man behind the leader Hitler, Hermann Goering's merits and faults

How badly the defeat at the Battle of Britain was that the Luftwaffe almost wiped out its own reserves

At this time, Hitler turned his attention to the Soviet Union in the east, but the two defeats of the two battles greatly damaged Goering's confidence.

In order to cheer Goering, while fighting against the Soviet Union, Hitler even formally established Goering as his only successor in the form of a will. For this glorious status, Goering once again did everything in his power to organize the Air Force to launch a frenzied attack on the Soviet Union.

However, the mighty Soviet Union was far stronger than its predecessors.

Nazi Germany's second in command, the fat man behind the leader Hitler, Hermann Goering's merits and faults

Battle of Stalingrad

In November 1942, when the Soviets counter-encircled the Germans who had invaded Stalingrad, trapping 330,000 German troops inside the city, most of the Army generals demanded an immediate breakout, while Goering reassured Hitler that his air force could deliver enough ammunition and supplies to the encircled Germans.

But after Goering mobilized all the forces that could be mobilized, even the bombers and communication planes were mobilized for airlift. Still not completing the supply work, Hitler had to postpone the Sea Lion Project indefinitely, and because of the arrogant Goering's extravagant and extravagant lifestyle, he was not only despised by the army and navy, but also caused Hitler's strong dissatisfaction.

Nazi Germany's second in command, the fat man behind the leader Hitler, Hermann Goering's merits and faults

Luftwaffe Field Marshal Elhard Milch

Eventually, Hitler gave command of the airlift to Goering's deputy, Milch, too late.

In order to save his own life and 90,000 German soldiers, the commander Paulus chose to surrender, during the airlift, the Luftwaffe also lost more than 400 transport aircraft and bombers, more than 1,000 pilots, the air force suffered heavy losses, still did not obtain air supremacy.

Nazi Germany's second in command, the fat man behind the leader Hitler, Hermann Goering's merits and faults

The only marshal of the German army to surrender, he surrendered to the Soviets in 1943

The Battle of Stalingrad became an important turning point in World War II, after which the German victory ceased to exist.

At the end of World War II, the Allies began to carry out large-scale strategic air raids on Germany, Goering began to be criticized by German civilians, his reputation gradually slipped, and Goering, who began to be marginalized, plundered the artworks of neighboring countries, totaling more than 1300 famous paintings and more than 250 sculptures. Beginning in 1943, the Allies carried out strategic bombing of the German mainland, devastating both an important city and industrial center.

Nazi Germany's second in command, the fat man behind the leader Hitler, Hermann Goering's merits and faults

After World War II, the Allies attacked Germany

It was then that Goering gradually disappeared from the sight of the Nazi hierarchy, barely visible at nazi meetings, and even Hitler seemed to have forgotten the existence of the partner.

In 1945, when the end of Nazi Germany came, when defeat was a foregone conclusion, Goering abandoned Hitler, fled Berlin, and sent a telegram to Hitler, saying: My Führer, do you agree? By your order of 29 June 1941, I shall at once take over the entire command of the country. If I have not heard back from you tonight at 10:30, I will consider that you have lost your freedom of movement and that the conditions for carrying out your orders have been met. I will act for the supreme authority of the nation and the people. Settle for, your faithful Herman Goering.

Nazi Germany's second in command, the fat man behind the leader Hitler, Hermann Goering's merits and faults

Reich Field Marshal Goering, a telegram plunged him into the mud, hitler issued a hunting order in the bunker

Hitler, who had read the telegram, was furious enough to order Goering to be removed from all offices and sentenced to death for treason. Ordering the SS to immediately arrest Goering's entire family and fall into the hands of the SS, Goering was terrified.

Because in these years in Germany, he knew that the SS methods were so cruel, but Hitler, who had always been fierce, did not execute him at the first time, which was not like Hitler's style. Perhaps in Hitler's mind, Hermann Goering was still a different existence.

Nazi Germany's second in command, the fat man behind the leader Hitler, Hermann Goering's merits and faults

German SS in World War II

The top-secret telegram was lost after the war until more than a decade later, when a student stumbled upon it in a safe deposit box and sent it to auction. In the end, it sold for $55,000, ending Hitler's friendship with Goering.

By the beginning of 1945, the empire was on the verge of destruction, and for the mustache at this moment, there was a Soviet onslaught in front of it, and there were defectors inside, which can be described as a two-sided attack. There is no doubt that the mustache, after reading this treasonous telegram, fell into endless despair, and his spirit tended to collapse.

Nazi Germany's second in command, the fat man behind the leader Hitler, Hermann Goering's merits and faults

On April 30, 1945, Hitler committed suicide by raising a gun

On April 30 of the same year, Hitler committed suicide with a gun and wrote in his will that Goering, while being relieved of all his duties, was no longer qualified as a worshipper and was succeeded by Admiral Karl Dönitz as President of Germany.

Nazi Germany's second in command, the fat man behind the leader Hitler, Hermann Goering's merits and faults

Carl Dönitz

Hitler's life can be described as a success or defeat for Goering.

On May 7, 1945, the once-invincible Imperial Marshal Hermann Goering surrendered to the U.S. Army and formally signed the Unconditional Surrender.

However, Goering's nightmare did not end, he fell into the hands of the US military and was escorted to Nuremberg for trial as the number one war criminal, and the court declared that his actions were extremely heinous and unforgivable. After the full disclosure, the court officially announced Goering's execution. Knowing that he was powerless to return to the queen, Goering entrusted his brother to take care of his wife and daughter.

Nazi Germany's second in command, the fat man behind the leader Hitler, Hermann Goering's merits and faults

Hermann Goering was tried in Nuremberg

While awaiting trial, Goering was asked to quit drugs and strictly control his diet, and the thin Goering resumed his former treachery, and as the nazi second largest figure after Hitler, he frantically defended himself, saying that he was often at odds with Hitler, powerless to avoid war, and had to obey.

Soldiers loyal to the state said they knew nothing about the Holocaust, and it was clear that Goering was very capable of deceiving others, but he was more capable of deceiving himself. After the death sentence was pronounced, Goering thought he was a soldier who should have been shot rather than hanged, and after arguing fruitlessly, ate cyanide capsules the night before the execution.

Nazi Germany's second in command, the fat man behind the leader Hitler, Hermann Goering's merits and faults

German Reich Marshal Hermann Goering Cause of death: Cyanide poisoning death

Goering's body was later cremated, his ashes were scattered into the Issa River, and the former Head of the Empire, Nazi Number Two, finally went to the grave with the Nazi Empire. Moreover, he did not change his opinion of himself until his death, telling the Allied doctors that within 50 years, every German city would have its own sculpture, but this has not yet been achieved.

Goering finally left the world the way he had chosen, ending his sinful life with both hands.

Nazi Germany's second in command, the fat man behind the leader Hitler, Hermann Goering's merits and faults

Herman Gorin's ashes were scattered into the Isa River

Looking back at the relationship between Goering and Hitler, the two people who did not know each other seemed to have the same ideals and felt sorry for each other, but such an iron relationship could not withstand the test of reality, and the two trusting partners eventually drifted apart on the same path

For Herman Goering, the American biographer Matthew Cooper once commented on him: Goering is a person who is like a mystery, he has the essence of many heroes and villains, he is a character who combines many contradictions, he is lazy and full of momentum, both clear reality and romantic, cruel and amiable, cowardly and brave, both elegant and rude, and at the same time has many qualities such as shrewdness, ego, humor, and coldness, which are ridiculed and disgusted.

Nazi Germany's second in command, the fat man behind the leader Hitler, Hermann Goering's merits and faults

Tribute to Luftwaffe Field Marshal Hermann Goering (despite the many stupid things he did)

What do you think of the Second German Leader, Hermann Goering? Welcome to discuss in the comments section.

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