
Pelosi wants to sneak into Taiwan, Western politicians are like "dogs barking trains", and the Chinese side takes the initiative to release three signals

author:Editor-in-chief Old Lu

Following the strategic positive cancellation of channeling, Pelosi began to hype channeling again, this time, in the face of the provocation of the United States, the Chinese side will no longer be polite to the United States.

Pelosi wants to sneak into Taiwan, Western politicians are like "dogs barking trains", and the Chinese side takes the initiative to release three signals

According to the news of the Global Network on July 20, foreign media broke the news that Pelosi, president of the US House of Representatives, may restart the trip to Taiwan. In response, the Chinese Foreign Ministry clearly responded that the US Congress is also a part of the US government, and China opposes any form of "US-Taiwan" official exchanges. The Chinese side demands that the United States must not arrange for Pelosi to visit Taiwan, otherwise all the consequences will be borne by the US side.

Although some media have exposed Pelosi's channeling plan, it does not mean that Pelosi can really make the trip this time. There are two possibilities that Pelosi's trip to Taiwan can be exposed, one is that there are forces in the United States that do not want Pelosi to visit Taiwan, and this force is likely to come from the Republican Party and pragmatists.

For the Republican Party, the midterm elections are imminent, and the current situation is quite unfavorable to the Democratic Party, but if Pelosi, as the speaker of the House of Representatives, visits Taiwan, it is bound to lead to sharp tensions in Sino-US relations, and the Democratic Party can take the opportunity to incite populism and win more votes, and the chances of the Republican Party winning will be reduced, so the Republican Party takes the initiative to expose Pelosi's channeling trip to increase her obstruction.

Pelosi wants to sneak into Taiwan, Western politicians are like "dogs barking trains", and the Chinese side takes the initiative to release three signals

Of course, it is not ruled out that there are pragmatists like former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in the United States, who advocate that they should not be too radical on the Taiwan issue and should continue to engage in a "vague policy." Pelosi's visit to Taiwan is likely to trigger a crisis in the Taiwan Strait, and there is a risk of direct conflict between China and the United States. Therefore, the pragmatics took the initiative to release the wind and sabotage Pelosi's channeling trip.

Another possibility is that Pelosi took the initiative to release the wind to test the reaction of the Chinese side, and then decide whether to continue to channel the platform according to the Chinese response. Pelosi knows that her visit to Taiwan as the "number three" person in the US political arena will have an extremely bad political impact, and the Chinese side's reaction must be very strong. So Pelosi let out the wind in advance, tested the Reaction of the Chinese side, and then made the next decision. In both cases, it is clear that the second is more likely.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry made a clear response to Pelosi's planned visit to Taiwan and sent three major signals.

First of all, the Chinese Foreign Ministry clearly stated that the US Congress is also an integral part of the US government, which is actually characterizing Pelosi's visit to Taiwan. Previously, although there were frequent visits to Taiwan by US lawmakers, few senior US officials dared to visit Taiwan, because parliamentarians were not strictly speaking subordinate to the government, and the behavior of parliamentarians could not be classified as government acts.

Pelosi wants to sneak into Taiwan, Western politicians are like "dogs barking trains", and the Chinese side takes the initiative to release three signals

Although Pelosi is only the speaker of the House of Representatives and does not hold an important position in the US administrative organs, because she is the "number three person" in the US political arena, has a certain amount of real power in her hands, and has great influence in the Democratic Party, there is a difference between her visit to Taiwan and the visit of ordinary legislators to Taiwan. Therefore, the Chinese side directly pointed out that if Pelosi visits Taiwan, the Chinese side will characterize that the United States is conducting substantive official exchanges with the Taiwan authorities, and once this is so characterized, China and the United States will be equivalent to a complete showdown on the Taiwan issue. This is also a response to Pelosi's temptation, clearly telling Pelosi that if we dare to come, we dare to "lift the table".

Secondly, after characterizing Pelosi's channeling trip, the Chinese side is no longer "urging", but directly demanding that the United States not arrange Pelosi channeling. The Chinese side has two meanings in this sentence, one is that it hopes that the United States should take care of Pelosi's words and deeds. The other is also warning the Biden administration that if Biden is powerless to restrain Pelosi, then we will have to "do it for you."

Third, after making the request, the Chinese side put down a sentence that "all the consequences are borne by the US side", combined with the previous wording of the Chinese side, which is actually telling the United States not to say that it is unpredictable. The United States is well aware that the mainland has a very rich means of countering Pelosi's channeling of Taiwan, and whether it is to blockade The island of Taiwan, to intercept Pelosi's special plane, or even to directly launch "armed reunification" in accordance with the "Anti-Secession Law," the Chinese side is fully capable of doing so, and I believe it has made corresponding preparations. All the consequences arising therefrom shall be borne by the US side.

Pelosi wants to sneak into Taiwan, Western politicians are like "dogs barking trains", and the Chinese side takes the initiative to release three signals

It can be said that China has the determination to defend its sovereign interests, but the United States does not necessarily have the courage to have a showdown with China. For a long time, the purpose of Western politicians visiting Taiwan has been for their own selfish interests, and they will weigh their interests before channeling Taiwan, and if the cost of channeling Taiwan is too great, these politicians will definitely not dare to act rashly.

Now that the mainland has grasped the absolute initiative on the Taiwan issue, Western politicians want to make a fool of themselves on the Taiwan issue, which is tantamount to "dogs barking trains." Judging from the three signals released by the Chinese side, if Pelosi wants to visit Taiwan, not only will she not be able to stop the historical trend of cross-strait reunification, but it will also be strongly countered by the Chinese side, and in the end she will only humiliate herself.