
5 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines, take advantage of the three-volt day, to drive out the cold in your liver, heart, spleen, lungs and kidneys

author:Traditional Chinese medicine Qu Nan

We often say that all diseases arise from the cold. Our common cough phlegm, old and slow branches, heart palpitation, spleen and stomach deficiency, diarrhea, five more diarrhea, rheumatoid arthritis, rhinitis, cold hands and feet, dysmenorrhea, cold pain in the lower back and so on, are related to cold.

5 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines, take advantage of the three-volt day, to drive out the cold in your liver, heart, spleen, lungs and kidneys

Three volt days is the hottest time of the year, our human body's righteous qi is also in line with the seasons are growing, so if at this time we conform to the body, make up for the yang qi on the body, the yang is exuberant, you can better fight with the cold on our body, so quickly take advantage of this time to drive out the cold on the body!

5 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines, take advantage of the three-volt day, to drive out the cold in your liver, heart, spleen, lungs and kidneys

The next 5 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines recommended by the doctor are recommended to be liked and collected. What are the specific manifestations of the cold in the five internal organs? How to properly drive away the cold, the doctor will tell you now.

5 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines, take advantage of the three-volt day, to drive out the cold in your liver, heart, spleen, lungs and kidneys

First, lung chills. When the lungs are cold, we are easy to cough, sneeze, runny water snot, phlegm can not be spit out, and white and thin, it is easy to cough in winter, a cough can cough for two or three months is not good, usually often fatigue, exercise will gasp, the tongue is relatively white, this time you can refer to a small green dragon particles.

5 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines, take advantage of the three-volt day, to drive out the cold in your liver, heart, spleen, lungs and kidneys

Second, chills. This cold heart does not mean that others hurt our hearts, it is that there is a chill in the heart, we will have purple lips, the face is darker, easy to grow spots, often feel panic, chest tightness, breathlessness, especially in winter or after the cold becomes serious. And it is easy to have cold hands and feet, have no interest in doing anything, and are not happy. At this time, we can refer to a ginseng cardiac pill.

5 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines, take advantage of the three-volt day, to drive out the cold in your liver, heart, spleen, lungs and kidneys

Third, the spleen and stomach are cold. Spleen and stomach have cold is generally cold, when the spleen and stomach function is weak, there is also cold invasion, this time will be cold stomach pain, afraid of eating cold, easy symptoms of diarrhea, lasting for a longer time, long-term diarrhea, but also accompanied by mental fatigue, what is not strong, you can refer to an appendage in the pill.

5 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines, take advantage of the three-volt day, to drive out the cold in your liver, heart, spleen, lungs and kidneys

Fourth, kidney chills. Kidney cold we generally call kidney yang deficiency, the most obvious is the waist and knee cold pain, cold hands and feet, how warm are not warm, legs are soft, what to do is not energetic, there is no interest, often a cold wind on the waist pain uncomfortable, urine color is relatively light, the amount is still relatively much, and if it is serious, it will also involve spleen and kidney yang deficiency, every morning at five or six o'clock will get up diarrhea, which belongs to the five more diarrhea. At this time, we can refer to the Golden Kidney Qi Pill.

5 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines, take advantage of the three-volt day, to drive out the cold in your liver, heart, spleen, lungs and kidneys

Fifth, liver cold in fact, the real cold evil damage to the liver is not particularly common, generally are liver and gallbladder damp heat, liver yang hyperactivity and so on these hot evidence, but cold evil can invade the meridians of the liver, the trajectory of the liver meridian can be said to be from head to toe, if often overhead pain, small stomach cold pain, joint pain, legs and feet are cold easy to cramp, these are the liver cold performance, this time we can refer to a Wu Zhu soup.

5 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines, take advantage of the three-volt day, to drive out the cold in your liver, heart, spleen, lungs and kidneys

Three-volt day yang also lies in the usual maintenance, such as not greedy, not always staying in the air-conditioned room, you can often bask in the sun, sunbathe your back, these are helpful to dissipate cold and yang.

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