
The Turkish president warned Sweden, Finland, that it had three conditions and had the right to veto the treaty

author:Jiang Lei talked about the military

#Turkey responds to Finland and Sweden joining NATO #Turkey warns Sweden that Finland must meet three conditions or there is no way to join NATO

According to the Global Network news, the British Reuters agency reported on July 18 that on the issue of whether Turkey finally approved sweden and Finland to join NATO, Turkish President Erdogan once again made a written voice on the same day and made clear demands on Sweden and Finland.

This time, he spoke openly and forcefully: "It is necessary for Turkey to stress that if our demands are not met, then it will always take countermeasures on the matter of joining NATO; Now, especially Sweden, is not reacting as it should be! ”

The Turkish president warned Sweden, Finland, that it had three conditions and had the right to veto the treaty

More than 20 days ago, the tough-line Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan suddenly "relaxed" and expressed no longer opposition to the joining of Sweden and Finland to NATO. The reason is that under the mediation of NATO bigwigs, Turkey reached an agreement with Sweden and Finland, and Turkey put forward three conditions:

First, Sweden and Finland lifted the arms embargo against Turkey; Second, Sweden and Finland officially recognize Kurdish forces as terrorists; Third, Sweden and Finland must immediately return to Turkey the "terrorists" on turkey's extradition list, who are accused of waging a coup d'état in Turkey in 2016, in which Turkey asked Sweden for 73 suspects.

The Turkish president warned Sweden, Finland, that it had three conditions and had the right to veto the treaty

However, swedish and Finnish politicians and people are now firmly opposed to Turkey's third request, arguing that the "repatriated elements" on Turkey's extradition list, who belong to the dissidents in Turkey, are "brave people who are not afraid of dictatorship" and should continue to be granted asylum, and will be persecuted and imprisoned after repatriation to Turkey.

Finnish Parliament Speaker Vanhanin even publicly stated that he would not accept Turkey's demand to change the rules of the law and extradite "innocent people". Therefore, at present, the opposition in Sweden and Finland is too loud, resulting in the government is difficult to deal with, very "inconvenient to start".

The Turkish president warned Sweden, Finland, that it had three conditions and had the right to veto the treaty

According to NATO's request, the process of ratifying Sweden and Finland to the treaty by its 30 member states will officially begin in September and end in 2023, all member countries need to pass unanimously, if Turkey is still not satisfied with Sweden and Finland at that time, it will vote against it, Sweden and Finland join NATO, it will become a rushing farce, and finally the bamboo basket will be empty.

If Sweden and Finland make concessions to Turkey, they will offend the domestic people and enter the treaty without concessions. Where to go, we will wait and see.

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