
Female menopause, 4 diseases are prone to high incidence! If you want to get through it smoothly, 4 ways may help

author:Dr. Xudong chats

Menopause is a period that every woman must go through, mostly due to insufficient estrogen secretion, resulting in physical or emotional abnormalities.

Although menopause is an age stage that most women do not want to face, it is inevitable that menopause will generally enter menopause around the age of 40 to 50.

The most common manifestation of women during this period is emotional abnormalities, and even a series of diseases will appear in the body, so for women, if they want to successfully pass through menopause, they must first make a correct understanding and understanding of menopause.

Female menopause, 4 diseases are prone to high incidence! If you want to get through it smoothly, 4 ways may help

What are the manifestations of the arrival of menopause?

1, the body of small problems continue

2. Emotional instability

3. Personality changes

4. Poor sleep quality

It hurt all over my body, and it could be that menopause is coming

When it comes to menopausal women, most people's first reaction is "tigress". It is true that women in menopause have a particularly short temper, like a barrel of explosives that explodes at a point.

However, few people know that in fact, for women, there will be a lot of discomfort in the body before menopause, such as joint pain and so on.

Female menopause, 4 diseases are prone to high incidence! If you want to get through it smoothly, 4 ways may help

This is mainly because when women enter menopause, the level of estrogen in the body drops significantly, in this case, the body's absorption of calcium will be correspondingly reduced, which can easily cause a series of symptoms caused by calcium deficiency, including osteoporosis and other bone and joint pain.

In addition to the above-mentioned grumpy temper and joint pain, of course, many women in menopause also manifested as unstable blood pressure, worse and worse skin conditions, hot and dry body, etc., and even have a serious impact on daily life.

Therefore, for women, if these symptoms occur, it is not best to seek medical treatment in time and seek the help of professional doctors.

Female menopause, 4 diseases are prone to high incidence!

The reason why women who say menopause must pay attention to their physical health, because menopause is also a high incidence of some diseases, such as the following diseases for female friends, we must pay special attention, careful care, and good health.

1. Osteoporosis

The most common physical abnormalities in menopausal women we mentioned above include osteoporosis.

Mainly because the amount of estrogen secreted in the body decreases, the body's absorption of calcium gradually decreases. Even if you usually pay attention to calcium supplementation, but the body can not completely absorb excess calcium will follow the blood circulation, and the way of metabolism is excreted from the body by urine, it is difficult to be absorbed and utilized by the body, so there is a bone and joint disease caused by calcium deficiency.

Female menopause, 4 diseases are prone to high incidence! If you want to get through it smoothly, 4 ways may help

2. Cardiovascular disease

After women enter menopause, it is also a high incidence of cardiovascular disease, and it is more common for myocardial ischemia, intermittent hypertension and so on.

In particular, the induction of these diseases will also lead to obvious chest tightness, chest pain, shortness of breath, breathing and other symptoms in women, but go to the hospital for examination and find that there is no heart disease.

In fact, the reason for this situation is mostly due to the slow blood flow rate caused by the mental pressure of menopause, and the insufficient blood supply to the heart muscle, resulting in microcirculation dysfunction in the body.

Female menopause, 4 diseases are prone to high incidence! If you want to get through it smoothly, 4 ways may help

3. Gynecologic urinary diseases

As women age, the function of various parts of the body will also decline, such as pelvic floor muscle function.

After entering menopause, women's muscle ability to support the bladder will be greatly weakened, and women who are located in menopause are prone to urinary incontinence, so for women, if they find urinary incontinence, they should seek medical examination in time.

4. Breast cancer

Breast cancer has always been a major disease that threatens women's health, and the high incidence age is between 45 and 55 years old, and this age stage is precisely the menopause period of women.

Female menopause, 4 diseases are prone to high incidence! If you want to get through it smoothly, 4 ways may help

Therefore, many menopausal women in order to alleviate the discomfort of the body or delay aging, most of them will take the way of supplementing estrogen, to know that the body to supplement a large amount of estrogen, but can not get a good use, will increase the risk of breast cancer.

Therefore, women at this stage must not blindly supplement estrogen, so as not to cause physical discomfort or induce other diseases that threaten women's health.

If you want to get through it smoothly, 4 ways may help

In general, female menopause will last about 2 to 4 years, of course, because each person's physique is different, some women may last for a shorter time, only 1 to 2 years.

In fact, for women, no matter how long menopause lasts, if you want to take care of your health and avoid inducing diseases, the following 5 methods may be able to help.

Female menopause, 4 diseases are prone to high incidence! If you want to get through it smoothly, 4 ways may help

1. Positive and optimistic attitude

It is crucial to have a positive and optimistic attitude in the face of life.

It should be known that women are no longer as young as before as they get older, especially after entering menopause, coupled with more and more trivial things in life, or for other reasons, if you maintain a negative state of mind for a long time, it will affect your physical health.

So for menopausal women, maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, no matter what you have to face positively, the so-called smile a decade less, good or bad is a day, why not live well.

Female menopause, 4 diseases are prone to high incidence! If you want to get through it smoothly, 4 ways may help

2. Reasonable diet

Younger women should also pay special attention to their diet, trying to focus on low-fat, low-sugar, and low-cholesterol foods to ensure that the body consumes sufficient nutrients and avoids excessive fat intake.

Especially in the way of cooking, try to be light, not only help to smoothly pass through menopause, but also avoid middle-aged obesity.

3. Healthy life

Menopausal women are upset because of the great reduction in estrogen secretion, coupled with the impact on emotional mentality and physical health, it is easy to have life conflicts, affecting the feelings between husband and wife.

Women who can be located at this stage must adjust the feelings between husband and wife, communicate in time, and understand in time, if not, traveling together is also a way to promote feelings.

Female menopause, 4 diseases are prone to high incidence! If you want to get through it smoothly, 4 ways may help

4. Insist on exercise

Just as the so-called life lies in exercise, for menopause, although women will have a series of changes in their bodies, they must also adhere to the good habit of exercise.

Because the body in the process of exercise, can effectively promote the blood circulation of the whole body, so that the body metabolism speed is accelerated, the discharge of accumulated garbage toxins to help delay aging, the health of the body can be described as a lot of benefits.