
Indian monkeys were bitten to death by dogs, and the monkeys retaliated against the dogs in the village, resulting in the deaths of more than 200 dogs

author:Space-time exploration

You can never imagine how terrifying the lethality of a monkey can be, and how it can slaughter a whole village of dogs.

Indian monkeys were bitten to death by dogs, and the monkeys retaliated against the dogs in the village, resulting in the deaths of more than 200 dogs

It takes place in the Bede district of Maharashtra in the Maharashtra Desert, and the protagonist of the story is a langur monkey from West Bengal, India, who a month ago launched a revenge war against the dogs.

According to the villagers, a group of monkeys frantically hunted and killed local puppies and killed red eyes, so how can there be such a deep hatred between monkeys and dogs?

It turned out that just a few months ago, several dogs in the village hunted and killed a young monkey, so the village dogs were retaliated against by the monkeys.

At first, the villagers did not pay special attention to the monkey's behavior of catching the dog, thinking that it was just a fight between the animals, until they saw the monkey catch the puppy on the roof, trees and other high places, intending to throw the puppy to death, and then understood that the monkey was real!

Indian monkeys were bitten to death by dogs, and the monkeys retaliated against the dogs in the village, resulting in the deaths of more than 200 dogs

In this way, the number of dogs in the village became smaller and smaller, and eventually all 250 dogs were spared, and even monkeys began to attack humans.

We can see from the picture that a mother and daughter are hiding from the monkeys behind them, and some villagers have been injured in order to save the dogs from the monkeys.

The villagers panicked, fearing that the monkeys would attack them instead, and began calling the local forest department to ask the authorities to deal with the monkeys.

With everyone's efforts, two monkeys were finally caught, but the forest department said that it would not dispose of the monkeys and would release them, and the villagers had no choice but to face the decision of the forest department.

In fact, there have not been one or two incidents of monkey injuries, and there have been many incidents of monkey injuries on the mainland.

Indian monkeys were bitten to death by dogs, and the monkeys retaliated against the dogs in the village, resulting in the deaths of more than 200 dogs

For example, once in guiyang Qianling Mountain Zoo, tourist Liu Xiao received "monkey food" from other customers when she was playing, asking her to feed the monkeys to play and get close.

As a result, when Liu Xiao squatted down in front of the monkey, the monkey slapped Liu Xiao and waved at him, and Liu Xiao was beaten so badly that his face was covered in blood and he could only go to the hospital for medical treatment. In fact, Qianling Mountain Zoo has already posted notices to remind tourists. Customers, however, ignored the zoo's warnings.

In April, a little girl living in Longtian Township, Chongqing, was playing in front of her house when she was caught and dragged away by wild macaques that suddenly appeared. Macaque monkeys have large personalities and fierce personalities, and if they are not discovered by their neighbors in time, they do not know what irreparable consequences will be caused.

Indian monkeys were bitten to death by dogs, and the monkeys retaliated against the dogs in the village, resulting in the deaths of more than 200 dogs

It can be seen that monkey injuries have become common, and in the past two days, monkey injuries have also appeared on the news.

On June 17, according to villagers in Yunpan Village, Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province, there have been three incidents of monkey injuries in the village recently, a child and two adults, children with food grabbed and bitten by monkeys, sitting and resting adults were bitten by monkeys full of hand wounds, the local forestry bureau said that it will deal with monkeys as soon as possible, and will give compensation to part of the injured villagers.

A search for monkey injuries will jump out of countless cases, so what is the reason that monkey injuries have been repeatedly prohibited?

In fact, we can see some clues from the above examples.

Indian monkeys were bitten to death by dogs, and the monkeys retaliated against the dogs in the village, resulting in the deaths of more than 200 dogs

First, visitors beg for food and treat amusement park reminders as nothing. Many times, monkeys hurt people because people are holding food in their hands, and many monkeys are fed to it, thinking that people holding food in their hands are to feed it, they will rush up to grab food, and there is a high probability that they will hurt people in the process.

Second, monkeys are wild and aggressive. Although monkeys have a high IQ, their wild nature has never been domesticated, but they are still beasts. In the face of the unknown and threats, it is inevitable to be highly aggressive.

Third, although monkeys are intelligent, there is always a gap between their IQ and that of humans, making it difficult to understand each other's intentions and prone to conflict.

So, there are so many incidents of monkeys hurting people, what should we do when we are in contact with monkeys?

Indian monkeys were bitten to death by dogs, and the monkeys retaliated against the dogs in the village, resulting in the deaths of more than 200 dogs

First, try to keep your distance and don't provoke it.

Second, if the wild monkey takes the initiative to attack, please flee as soon as possible and do not fight back, otherwise it may provoke other monkey members. In addition, if you are scratched, you need to go to the hospital for examination at the first time to avoid wound infection or infection with virus.

In fact, it's not just monkeys, we want to live in harmony with other wild animals, and the most appropriate thing to do is not to disturb each other.

If there are no safaris, no tourists to watch, monkeys live peacefully in the mountains and forests, and humans do not destroy their homes and interfere with their lives, then will there be so many monkey injuries?

Indian monkeys were bitten to death by dogs, and the monkeys retaliated against the dogs in the village, resulting in the deaths of more than 200 dogs

However, the existing zoo is obviously not so easy to close, on this basis, the zoo should fulfill the obligation of managing the monkey herd, such as establishing a protective fence, sending people to take care of it, etc.

If a visitor is attacked by a monkey on the basis of obeying all rules and regulations, the zoo will be responsible and make compensation. But if tourists violate the warning first, they should bear the consequences themselves, and only in this way can some people be honest.

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