
African civets, also known as civet cats, are secreted by glands with musk and a rich and distinctive smell that drives women crazy

author:The animals are coming
African civets, also known as civet cats, are secreted by glands with musk and a rich and distinctive smell that drives women crazy
African civets, also known as civet cats, are secreted by glands with musk and a rich and distinctive smell that drives women crazy

The African palm civet, also commonly known as the two-spotted palm civet, is commonly found in the tropical jungles of eastern and central Africa. Unlike other civets, the African palm civet has its own genetic population, making it the most distinctive species among civets.

African civets, also known as civet cats, are secreted by glands with musk and a rich and distinctive smell that drives women crazy
African civets, also known as civet cats, are secreted by glands with musk and a rich and distinctive smell that drives women crazy

Although they resemble wild cats in appearance and behavior, African palm civets are not cats and are actually closer to weasels and mongooses. The most notable feature is their thick brown to yellow fur covered with a series of dark brown spots. The upper half of the body of the African palm civet is darker in color, which makes it easier for them to camouflage in the bushes. They have a sharp tone, strong and muscular limbs, they have small, round ears and yellow-green eyes, and their pupils are slit-shaped.

African civets, also known as civet cats, are secreted by glands with musk and a rich and distinctive smell that drives women crazy
African civets, also known as civet cats, are secreted by glands with musk and a rich and distinctive smell that drives women crazy

The African palm civet has proven to be an extremely adaptable animal, found in a variety of habitats, from deciduous forests and lowland rainforests to woodlands. They are solitary animals and live a nocturnal lifestyle, which means it will only appear for a few hours at dawn and dusk in search of food. They are arboreal creatures that rest day and night under the shelter of trees.

African civets, also known as civet cats, are secreted by glands with musk and a rich and distinctive smell that drives women crazy
African civets, also known as civet cats, are secreted by glands with musk and a rich and distinctive smell that drives women crazy

During the rainy season in May and October, African palm civets can breed twice because there is more food available at this time. Civets have two sets of odor glands that secrete strongly odorous substances. Between the third and fourth toes of each foot and in the lower part of the abdomen, these glands are mainly used to mark territory and participate in mating. Female civets usually give birth to 4 cubs during pregnancy. Then at 60 days of age, it will feed itself.

African civets, also known as civet cats, are secreted by glands with musk and a rich and distinctive smell that drives women crazy
African civets, also known as civet cats, are secreted by glands with musk and a rich and distinctive smell that drives women crazy

African palm civets can live up to 15 years, although rarely do they live to be that old in the wild. The African palm civet is an omnivorous animal that, like other species of civets, feeds on plants and small animals. Still, pineapples and fruits make up the bulk of their diet.

African civets, also known as civet cats, are secreted by glands with musk and a rich and distinctive smell that drives women crazy
African civets, also known as civet cats, are secreted by glands with musk and a rich and distinctive smell that drives women crazy

Musk, secreted by glands near the reproductive organs of African palm civets, has been collected by humans for hundreds of years. It is said that this smell is very offensive to people, but once diluted, it produces a pleasant fragrance. It is this fragrance that makes the civet's secretion one of the ingredients in the world's most expensive perfumes.

African civets, also known as civet cats, are secreted by glands with musk and a rich and distinctive smell that drives women crazy
African civets, also known as civet cats, are secreted by glands with musk and a rich and distinctive smell that drives women crazy

Palm civets, which live in Africa, are considered pests by locals because they attack poultry. They have caused a lot of damage to farmers. But because of the perfume, humans also pose a threat to the African palm civet, and the hunting of the African palm civet is considered the biggest threat to the species today.

African civets, also known as civet cats, are secreted by glands with musk and a rich and distinctive smell that drives women crazy
African civets, also known as civet cats, are secreted by glands with musk and a rich and distinctive smell that drives women crazy

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