
The elderly urinate a lot and often get up at night? Probably 5 reasons, teach you 3 ways to improve

author:Wonderful materia medica

After retiring, Lao Li's daily life is very relaxed and comfortable, and it is reasonable to say that his health should be getting better and better in this situation, but recently he found that the number of nights he got up at night increased significantly, and sometimes he even got up four or five times a night, which seriously affected normal sleep.

At first, he felt that he was older, which was a normal manifestation of the aging of the body's organs, and did not care too much. But this phenomenon has always existed, but he is a little suspicious that he does not know that there is a problem with the body, some people say that the abnormal urination is a bad kidney, he thought to himself, will it be the abnormal urination caused by his bad kidney?

Perhaps many elderly people have such a phenomenon: urine 4 to 5 times a night, or even more than 6 times, frequent night urination, resulting in a serious decline in sleep quality, in the long run, energy and physical strength decline, endangering physical health.

The elderly urinate a lot and often get up at night? Probably 5 reasons, teach you 3 ways to improve

First, how many times is it normal to get up at night? Nocturia has a formula for calculating it

Under normal circumstances, after dinner, if you do not eat, drink less water, the metabolic rate in the body will decrease after sleeping, and the blood flow rate will slow down accordingly, at this time, the original urine through the renal tubules can be better absorbed, therefore, the amount of nocturia urine will be less than during the day.

Professor Deng Junhong, director of the Department of Andrology of the First People's Hospital of Guangzhou, reminded that in clinical practice, the number of night ups exceeding 2 times is called nocturia. Some patients with renal insufficiency, cardiac insufficiency, hypertension and diabetes are prone to increased nocturia. Increased nocturia in the elderly may be due to an enlarged prostate.

There are three ways we can tell if we have increased nocturia.

1. Under normal circumstances, the number of urination during the day will be 4 to 6 times, and at night it will be 0 to 2 times, if there are more than 2 times at night, it may be more nocturia;

2. According to the amount of urination to judge, the amount of urine at night should be about a quarter of the day, if the amount of nocturnal urine is found to be > 500ml, you also need to be vigilant;

3. You can judge whether nocturia increases according to your own weight, 60kg of weight people should be within 600ml, more than that is considered to be increased, the formula is 10ml/kg weight.

The elderly urinate a lot and often get up at night? Probably 5 reasons, teach you 3 ways to improve

Second, what is the reason for always loving "getting up at night", is it a kidney loss?

Many people will naturally be associated with kidney deficit after the increase in nocturia, is there really a causal relationship between the two?

The elderly urinate a lot and often get up at night? Probably 5 reasons, teach you 3 ways to improve

From the perspective of Western medicine, there are many diseases that cause increased nocturia, including urinary system diseases and metabolic system diseases.

From the perspective of Chinese medicine, it may be related to kidney deficiency. The kidneys are known as "water dirty" in Traditional Chinese medicine, responsible for the metabolism of water throughout the body, which can discharge excess wastewater from the body, and once the kidney qi is lost, it will cause problems in the metabolism of water, and it is easy to increase abnormal nocturia.

Although the increase in nocturia may be caused by kidney qi deficiency, it is not recommended that ordinary people blindly supplement the kidney every day, and blind supplementation may bring some adverse effects to health.

The elderly urinate a lot and often get up at night? Probably 5 reasons, teach you 3 ways to improve

Third, if there is a lot of nocturia, vigilance or 5 diseases hidden in the body

It should be noted that abnormal nocturia is often caused by disease factors, and these five diseases are more common.

Prostate disease: The most typical symptom in the early stages of the disease is increased nocturia, which is caused by compression of the urethra due to congestion of the prostate gland. As the obstruction becomes more and more serious, the frequency of urination will become more and more serious, and even in the later stage, there will be asymptomatic cases.

Renal insufficiency: During nighttime sleep, the kidneys concentrate urine to the highest point to reduce urine production. Once the kidney function is abnormal, it will lead to the normal concentration of urine, and it is easy to increase nocturia at night.

Diabetes: The most typical symptom of diabetes is "three more and one less", due to the rise in blood sugar in the body, the body can only increase the amount of water to dilute the blood in order to metabolize. After the amount of water you drink increases, the amount of urination will naturally increase. Some diabetic patients with nocturia may be due to impaired renal function due to prolonged high blood sugar.

The elderly urinate a lot and often get up at night? Probably 5 reasons, teach you 3 ways to improve

Cardiovascular disease: patients with cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, if the long-term disease control is not good, it is easy to lead to a decrease in kidney concentration function, which will lead to an increase in nocturia abnormalities. In some patients with chronic cardiac insufficiency, there is an increase in blood flow in the kidneys due to poor systemic circulation, which in turn leads to increased nocturia.

Genitourinary tract diseases: Many elderly women have increased nocturia due to urethritis, uterine prolapse, and cystitis, and there may be a significant tingling sensation during urination.

The elderly urinate a lot and often get up at night? Probably 5 reasons, teach you 3 ways to improve

Fourth, refuse to do the night home, teach you 3 ways to improve

In view of the increase in nocturia, first of all, it is necessary to clarify whether it is caused by disease factors, and it is necessary to seek medical treatment in time for standardized treatment caused by the disease, and after the treatment of the primary disease, the increase in nocturia can naturally be alleviated. Some due to physiological reasons can be improved in these three ways.

1. Drink a limited amount of water before going to bed

Some elderly people are afraid of getting up at night, and they do not stick to the water before going to bed, in fact, proper drinking water is good for reducing blood viscosity. As long as you pay attention not to drink too much, love to get up at night crowd, try not to drink water when you sleep, if you really feel thirsty, it is recommended to take two sips when you go to bed about 30 minutes ago, do not drink in large mouthfuls.

The elderly urinate a lot and often get up at night? Probably 5 reasons, teach you 3 ways to improve

2. Reduce salt intake

British professor Derek Iverson of the University of Bristol has done a study and found that reducing salt intake can reduce the number of nocturia. It is recommended to eat a light daily diet and strictly control salt intake (<6g).

3. Do lifting exercises

With age, the strength of the pelvic floor muscles will weaken, the elasticity of the bladder is not as good as before, and a little urine may appear stronger. In life, you can also properly carry out more lifting exercises, exercise the function of the bladder sphincter and levator ani muscles, which can help reduce the number of night ups and nights.

The lift is done by inhaling first, then lifting the anus, tightening for 3 seconds, then exhaling, relaxing for 3 seconds, 5 to 10 minutes each time.

The elderly urinate a lot and often get up at night? Probably 5 reasons, teach you 3 ways to improve

There are many causes of increased nocturia, which may be related to the kidneys, but not necessarily bad kidneys. Abnormal increase in nocturia should cause vigilance and be careful that it is caused by the disease. When the body is abnormal, it should be timely to find out the cause of the disease and treat it symptomatically. If it is caused by physiological factors, it can be adjusted from the aspect of life, do not drink a lot of water before going to bed, pay attention to salt intake, and actively exercise, do more exercise, in order to improve the night situation. #健康真知计划 #


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[3] "[Health has the truth] How many times a night to get up at night is kidney deficiency? 》. Health Times.2015-06-13

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