
The fetus also has a biological clock, and these living habits of the expectant mother will disrupt their work and rest rules

author:90 parenting

Perhaps in the eyes of some pregnant mothers, during pregnancy, the fetus is just an embryonic state, and the habits of pregnant mothers will not have a greater impact on them, but this is not the case. Because the embryo begins to develop from the fertilized egg, subtle changes occur every day, although pregnant mothers cannot feel it precisely, but every detail of the pregnant mother will have a big impact on them.

The fetus also has a biological clock, and these living habits of the expectant mother will disrupt their work and rest rules

Take the biological clock, many pregnant mothers feel that the fetus will not have a regular life schedule like a person, but in fact, the fetus can perceive night and day. Especially after pregnancy enters the third trimester of pregnancy, the fetus can judge day and night, and from this time on, their living schedule is the same as that of pregnant mothers, so if the pregnant mother's schedule is irregular, it will have a greater impact on them.

In fact, as early as 2003, the relevant experts in the United Kingdom conducted a series of studies on women during pregnancy, and they found that after women entered the third trimester, if the light was irradiated on the stomachs of pregnant mothers, looking at the changes in the fetus, they would find that the fetus had a light avoidance response, and even at night, if the fetus felt the light, it would become more excited. Therefore, it is concluded that the fetus actually has biological regular work and rest.

The fetus also has a biological clock, and these living habits of the expectant mother will disrupt their work and rest rules

The fetus also has a biological clock, and these living habits of the expectant mother will disrupt their work and rest rules

There are 24 hours a day, during which the body's blood pressure, pulse, breathing, hormone secretion, etc. are different, when we feel the morning sun, our brain will appear a consciousness, "it is now morning", and when the evening sunset falls, the brain will also realize that "the night has arrived".

Therefore, the fetus in the stomach of pregnant mothers is actually the same, basically through the light to feel the 24-hour biological clock. The regulation of the fetal baby's biological clock is through two major ways, on the one hand, the placenta obtains the melatonin hormone from the mother, and the other hormone is through the feeling of the morning sun.

The fetus also has a biological clock, and these living habits of the expectant mother will disrupt their work and rest rules

Therefore, if pregnant mothers like to stay up late, then usually the next day will be relatively late, so that not only the pregnant mother's own regular biological clock will be disrupted, the fetal biological clock will also be greatly affected.

The fetus actually likes a regular life, because the regular biological clock can make them grow healthier, which is of greater help to the development of the body's bones, the balance of the body's hormones, and the improvement of the nervous system.

Conversely, if the fetus's schedule is more disordered, then their growth rate will also be hindered, it is difficult to replenish complete nutrition, and in the process may also protest, resulting in premature birth or threatened miscarriage.

The fetus also has a biological clock, and these living habits of the expectant mother will disrupt their work and rest rules

If you want to help the fetus develop a regular biological clock, pregnant mothers themselves must ensure adequate sleep and good sleep quality, to ensure no less than 8 hours of sleep time per day, for some long sleepers, pregnant mothers can maintain more than 10 hours of sleep per day. Of course, it is not enough to have sleep time, pregnant mothers must also ensure good sleep quality.

Secondly, pregnant mothers should also adhere to appropriate exercise, you can carry out some jogging or pregnant women yoga and other sports, remember to keep the movement soft and soothing, can not carry out high-intensity exercise, otherwise it will make the baby in the belly more excited. At the same time, it should be noted that these exercises should not be done before going to bed, and it is the best time period in the evening or after getting up in the morning, which can be selected at this time, which is more beneficial to the body.

The fetus also has a biological clock, and these living habits of the expectant mother will disrupt their work and rest rules

In addition, when pregnant mothers sleep at night, it is best to wear loose and comfortable pajamas, otherwise if you wear some tighter clothes, causing some pressure on the abdomen, then the fetal baby in the stomach will also have a sense of pressure, which will also affect their sleep.

Finally, the stability of pregnant mothers' own emotions is also critical, which is exactly what many pregnant women neglect, because if the pregnant mothers are not in a good mood, especially in the case of excessive anxiety and tension for a long time, their sleep will be affected, it is difficult to sleep at night, they will feel irritable, the brain will become more and more awake, and even sometimes they will stay up all night, until the next day during the day, they feel that they want to sleep, and such a sleep schedule is extremely unfavorable to them.

The fetus also has a biological clock, and these living habits of the expectant mother will disrupt their work and rest rules

Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a good mood, actively regulate the state, and divert your attention. Families also need to make efforts in this regard, so that pregnant mothers feel a sense of care and security, and they will not think wildly. Otherwise, it is very likely that there will be more suspicion and uneasiness, and even a serious depression in the end.

Conclusion: The biological clock of the fetus seems to be a small problem, but in fact, it is related to all aspects of the life of pregnant women, pregnant mothers can not be neglected, should be fully grasped, so as to escort the growth and development of the fetus.

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