
WeChat tested the circle of friends to recall the function, and the price of the graphics card continued to fall

author:Artificial Intelligence Industry Chain Alliance

1. WeChat tests the common recall function of the circle of friends

WeChat tested the circle of friends to recall the function, and the price of the graphics card continued to fall

(Tech Planet) On July 15, some media found that WeChat was testing the "common memory" function of the circle of friends. Select "Who to be with" on the posting circle of friends page, and the friends who are selected after posting will receive relevant reminders.

In addition, the circle of friends content will be saved in the common memories in the upper right corner of the circle of friends album. In order to protect user privacy to a certain extent, this content is only visible to each other, and other ordinary users cannot see it.

2. CEO of Volkswagen China: "Extended Range Hybrid is a Transitional Technology"

WeChat tested the circle of friends to recall the function, and the price of the graphics card continued to fall

(IT Home) On July 15, according to the Financial Associated Press, Volkswagen China CEO Feng Sihan reiterated today that from the perspective of customer value, range extender hybrid is a transitional technology, and Volkswagen Group will not pursue this.

When Ideal announced the development of an extended range powertrain last year, Feng Sihan said: "Extended range electric vehicles have some value from a bicycle point of view, but from the perspective of the whole country and the earth, it is the worst solution."

Previously, Huawei Yu Chengdong supported the range of hybrids, and was also bombarded by Weipai CEO Li Ruifeng. 3

3, Nvidia graphics card prices continue to fall, 3060 finally broke

WeChat tested the circle of friends to recall the function, and the price of the graphics card continued to fall

(Zhongguancun Online) Some media wrote that the price of graphics cards above RTX 3080 in China has dropped significantly, but graphics cards below 6000 yuan have basically not reduced prices, like 3060Ti and 3070Ti.

However, from the perspective of overseas markets, the 30 series graphics card has maintained a sharp price reduction since July, the RTX 3090Ti has been 5,000 yuan lower than the suggested retail price, and other models have long been broken, and there is no so-called "out of stock, tight" problem.

It is expected that by the beginning of September, the price of graphics cards will drop by 10% from the current level, so that the entire series will be broken.

4. Douyin responds to the "takeaway function online": some group purchase goods have been opened for delivery

WeChat tested the circle of friends to recall the function, and the price of the graphics card continued to fall

(Surging News) Recently, a reporter found in Douyin that some catering stores have a new function of "group purchase delivery" on the home page, and after clicking to enter and fill in the address, you can directly place an order for delivery.

Different from the self-built takeaway mini programs and third-party takeaway mini programs, this function is provided by Douyin, which is also the first time that Douyin has officially entered the catering delivery service.

Today, the person in charge of Douyin life service responded that considering the actual needs of merchants and users to better protect the user experience, the platform tried to open group purchase commodity delivery services for some merchants with urgent needs, and is still in the exploration stage.

WeChat tested the circle of friends to recall the function, and the price of the graphics card continued to fall


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