
What is the matter with the stool "dry and hard in the front and soft and sticky on the back"? Doctor: Or associated with three diseases

author:Physician Xu of Internal Medicine

Eating and drinking Lasa is a normal physiological phenomenon of the human body, such as defecation, although it is not worth putting on the table, but it is something to do every day, it is as important as eating, drinking, and sleeping.

When feces are filled with rectal stimulation of intestinal wall receptors, impulses enter the low defecation center of the lumbosacral spinal cord and at the same time upload to the cerebral cortex to produce defecation.

If the environment permits, the cerebral cortex sends out impulses to enhance the excitement of the defecation center, produces defecation reflexes, causes the sigmoid colon and rectum to contract, the sphincter is dilated, and at the same time, it is necessary to consciously take a deep breath first, close the glottis, increase the pressure in the chest cavity, decrease the diaphragm, contract the abdominal muscles, increase the pressure in the abdomen, and promote the excretion of feces out of the body.

What is the matter with the stool "dry and hard in the front and soft and sticky on the back"? Doctor: Or associated with three diseases

What are the standards for healthy and normal stools?

1, traits: strip soft stool is not sticky, healthy stool is mostly strip soft stool, not sticky in the urinal, can float on the water surface, water can be rinsed clean, no dry hard lump of paste stool is also normal. When food protein is high, it will be hard, similar to clay; When carbohydrates are high, stools are soft or mushy.

2, color: yellow or brown, normal large is yellow or yellow-brown. Ingestion of dairy products, stools are mostly yellowish; Eat more greens, the stool will turn green; Eat more meat, the stool is brown; Eating the blood and liver of animals, or eating some Chinese medicine, the stool turns black.

3, odor: slight odor, due to the decomposition of bacteria produced by the fecal odor, normal stool slightly smelly, love to eat meat people smell heavier, vegetarians taste lighter, if the smell is unbearable, there may be health problems, pungent sour taste and burnt taste may be caused by indigestion; The odor may mean bleeding in the digestive tract.

4, the quantity: "one piece of poop" about 100g. Healthy stools are mostly banana-shaped strips, each of which is about 10 to 15 cm long and weighs about 100 grams, 2 to 3 at a time. The amount of bowel movements can vary depending on the amount of food eaten, the type of food, etc. For example, if you eat more dietary fiber, the amount of bowel movement will increase

What is the matter with the stool "dry and hard in the front and soft and sticky on the back"? Doctor: Or associated with three diseases

5, frequency and habits: the frequency and habits of defecation vary from person to person, most people defecate once a day, and in the morning, once a day, morning defecation is better, in general, there is no discomfort such as difficulty in defecation, 1 to 3 days of defecation is not constipated, no more than 3 times a day is not diarrhea.

6. Defecation feeling: it can be discharged naturally and smoothly within 1 to 2 minutes, the whole process does not exceed 5 minutes, and it feels relaxed after defecation, and there is no residual defecation, indicating that "defecation" is normal

In short, "defecation once a day" is ideal, but it does not mean that it is the healthiest and only way, after all, individuals are different, the number of stools is not the most critical, the key is the state.

If the stool is not too soft and not too hard, it is normal to defecate 3 times a day to 3 times a week, in other words, regular bowel movements do not mean that you have to defecate every day, but a stable and consistent habit, and only when the frequency of bowel movements suddenly changes, it should be taken seriously.

What is the matter with the stool "dry and hard in the front and soft and sticky on the back"? Doctor: Or associated with three diseases

What is the matter with the stool "dry and hard in the front and soft and sticky on the back"? Doctor: Or associated with three diseases

At the beginning of the stool is dry, and then the stool gradually becomes soft, it is necessary to consider the possibility of intestinal polyps, intestinal polyps mainly refer to the protrusions of the colon mucosa surface, generally divided into inflammatory, hyperplastic and adenomatous.

Adenomatous polyps can become cancerous, inflammatory polyps and proliferative polyps are unlikely to become cancerous, and the occurrence of intestinal polyps is mainly related to the patient's genetics, constitution, and eating habits.

About 50% of patients with intestinal polyps have no obvious clinical symptoms. If not treated aggressively, intestinal polyps will continue to develop, and when complications occur, patients will also have various symptoms, such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, etc.

If a patient with secondary infection may have mucus pus and bloody stools, when the volume of polyps reaches a certain level, it will cause the intestinal lumen to become narrower, and the stool may gradually dry out and be difficult to drain smoothly.

What is the matter with the stool "dry and hard in the front and soft and sticky on the back"? Doctor: Or associated with three diseases

Although it is not necessarily colon cancer that is hard before and after stool, it is necessary to consider this possibility, because some colon cancer patients may indeed have symptoms such as hard and soft before stool, loose stool, unformed stool, and blood in the stool.

Because when the tumor volume increases, it will lead to intestinal narrowing, the feces will be squeezed by the tumor, and the state will change to a certain extent.

The stool stays in the intestine for a long time, the water is absorbed, the first one is hard, and the later stool becomes soft because of sufficient water.

Therefore, if there is a recurrence of hard and soft stools before and after stool, it is recommended to pay attention to it and go to the hospital in time to do CT or colonoscopy to find out whether there is a tumor in the intestinal lumen.

What is the matter with the stool "dry and hard in the front and soft and sticky on the back"? Doctor: Or associated with three diseases

This disease is mainly due to functional gastrointestinal disorders caused by bacterial or intestinal autonomic disorders, which is a common problem.

Typical symptoms are abdominal pain, bloating, abdominal discomfort, abnormal bowel movements, and other defecation abnormalities, including changes in the frequency of bowel movements. Symptoms are generally relieved after defecation.

Most people with irritable bowel syndrome will have problems such as dry bowel movements at the beginning and soft and sticky diarrhea in the back, at this time they need to go to the hospital in time to do relevant examinations, and then adjust their lifestyle.

The phenomenon of hardness before and softness is related to many factors, so you should actively adjust your diet in your life and develop a good habit of defecating on time, which can help you maintain a stable and healthy environment in your body.

What is the matter with the stool "dry and hard in the front and soft and sticky on the back"? Doctor: Or associated with three diseases

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