
Fu Hu to, the line does not stop

author:The words are plain and plain

Tomorrow will be the beginning of the ambush, and the hottest prelude to the summer of 2022 will begin.

This year's "three volts" day starts tomorrow (July 16) and ends at sunrise on August 25, or 40 days. The initial volt and the end volt are 10 days each, and the middle volt is 20 days.

The salient characteristics of the "three-volt" day are: high temperature, low air pressure, high humidity and small wind speed. For people like me who are nearly retired and have poor health, it is particularly important to pay attention to the health of Futian.

1. The air conditioner should be timed and the temperature should be moderate

The weather is hot, and it is natural to turn on the air conditioner to cool down. But for older people, you can't turn on the air conditioner all day and all night like young people, but should sometimes have a moment. Especially when sleeping at night, it is best to time the air conditioner for 1 to 2 hours, and it is best to turn off the air conditioner when sleep is cooked. In addition, when blowing air conditioning, you can not let the air outlet face your body, so as not to cause waist pain, leg pain, cervical spasm and other symptoms.

2. Replenish more water and drink slowly

Humidity, sweating, to drink more warm boiled water to replenish the water in the body. When drinking water, be sure to drink slowly, and avoid "toddler". Because of the extreme lack of water in the body, if you drink water quickly, it will cause the rapid increase of water in the blood, which increases the load pressure on the heart and is very unfavorable to the elderly with coronary heart disease.

3. Eye protection

The sun is scorching, ultraviolet radiation is strong, and our eyes are one of the most vulnerable organs in the body, which should be focused on protection, otherwise, it is easy to cause premature aging of the eyes and cause various eye diseases.

If you go out between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., be sure to wear sunglasses, a hat, or a large umbrella. Beauty lovers should not forget to wear sunscreen arms and protective caps to avoid tanning of the skin.

4. Diet

Eat more soybeans, edamame, mung beans, red beans and other foods rich in dietary fiber and B vitamin beans, which can effectively replenish the nutrients lost from sweat; A cup of milk a day, timely replenishment of calcium and vitamin D needed by the human body; Guiyuan, yam, carrot, red dates, etc. have a miraculous effect on nourishing the eyes, it is recommended to add an appropriate amount in boiling porridge, soup, and stir-fry; Eat some vinegar mixed with cold vegetables (shoot cucumbers, sweet and sour tomatoes, etc.) to promote appetite and help digestion and absorption.

5. Exercise appropriately

Working and resting in the air-conditioned room for a long time, and taking the "turtle shrinkage" method in the heat is not conducive to physical health. To go out in the morning and evening when the temperature is low, walking is undoubtedly the best way to exercise in the middle of summer!

This morning, I took advantage of the cool weather to come to the "Dawangjing Park" early, quickly walked the "Fitness Trail", picked up the "Qingyun Terrace", surrounded by the "Ancient Trees of National Locust", the peach, begonia, ginkgo fruit are dazzling, the moon season, lotus flowers, curly Dan lilies, golden needle flowers should bloom at the right time, and the "Qingxi Waterway" and "Ruyi Lake" water is clear and cool. Walking in such an environment, even if the summer is gradually steaming, the heart is happy and refreshing!

Fu Hu to, the line does not stop
Fu Hu to, the line does not stop
Fu Hu to, the line does not stop
Fu Hu to, the line does not stop
Fu Hu to, the line does not stop
Fu Hu to, the line does not stop
Fu Hu to, the line does not stop
Fu Hu to, the line does not stop