
Jiang Weiguo came to Dai Jitao to verify his origins, and Dai took a mirror and stood in front of him: Who do you think you are like?

author:Shi Hai Guanfu

"Who are my parents?" This question is a very important question for anyone, after all, it is about where they come from, but because the answer is obvious to most people, the question is often overlooked.

Jiang Weiguo came to Dai Jitao to verify his origins, and Dai took a mirror and stood in front of him: Who do you think you are like?

But for Jiang Weiguo, this issue is a controversial one. Before the age of 25, he always thought his father was Chiang Kai-shek, but after the age of 25 he heard another version.

Is Chiang Wei-kuo a son of Chiang Kai-shek? What did the search for this question bring to Jiang Weiguo?

Jiang Weiguo came to Dai Jitao to verify his origins, and Dai took a mirror and stood in front of him: Who do you think you are like?

Kaneko Shigematsu

Jiang Weiguo was born in 1916, but to explain his origins, it goes back to 1908, when the 21-year-old Chiang Kai-shek crossed east to Japan for the second time and entered the Zhenwu Army Academy to study, where he met Dai Jitao, who was one year higher than him.

Dai Jitao's ancestral home is Huzhou, Zhejiang, and when he met his fellow countrymen in a foreign country, the two soon became friends.

Jiang Weiguo came to Dai Jitao to verify his origins, and Dai took a mirror and stood in front of him: Who do you think you are like?

After graduating from the academy in 1910, the two joined Sun Yat-sen's League in Japan. Dai Jitao's writing was excellent, and he was appreciated by Sun Yat-sen with his writing.

Later, when the Xinhai Revolution broke out, Dai Jitao and Chiang Kai-shek first returned to China, found that the domestic situation was unfavorable, and then crossed east to Japan again, and it was during this period that the two met a Japanese nurse.

Jiang Weiguo came to Dai Jitao to verify his origins, and Dai took a mirror and stood in front of him: Who do you think you are like?

At that time, Dai Jitao was sick and admitted to the hospital, and the nurse responsible for taking care of him was named Shigematsu Kaneko, who was gentle and careful and young and beautiful, and Dai Jitao soon fell in love with her. Unexpectedly, Chiang Kai-shek came to the hospital to see Dai Jitao, and after seeing the heavy pine gold, he was also very excited.

However, this competition actually has no suspense, Dai Jitao was handsome and handsome when he was young, and his literary style was charming, and Chiang Kai-shek was dwarfed, and the difference was far away. Not long after, Shigematsu established a relationship with Dai Jitao, and Chiang Kai-shek reluctantly withdrew.

Jiang Weiguo came to Dai Jitao to verify his origins, and Dai took a mirror and stood in front of him: Who do you think you are like?

In the years that followed, Dai Jitao traveled frequently between China and Japan, and whenever he went to Japan, he would be with Shigematsu Kaneko.

In 1916, Dai Jitao left Japan with Sun Yat-sen to return to Shanghai, this time away from Japan is different from before, Dai Jitao has established a foothold in China, stabilized, so it is a trick to say goodbye to Shigematsu Gold, but what the two do not know is that at this time, Shigematsu is pregnant.

Jiang Weiguo came to Dai Jitao to verify his origins, and Dai took a mirror and stood in front of him: Who do you think you are like?

After Dai Jitao returned to China, he soon became the secretary general of the Grand Marshal's Office in Guangzhou, and was the pen for Sun Yat-sen. At the same time, he married the Niu family in Huzhou and married Niu Youheng.

In 1917, Chiang Kai-shek and Dai Jitao were in Shanghai together, one day Dai Jitao was working at his residence, suddenly heard a knock at the door, opened the door to see, it was a year has not seen the heavy pine gold, so that Dai Jitao secretly cried in his heart is that Chongsong held a boy who was about one year old in his arms.

Jiang Weiguo came to Dai Jitao to verify his origins, and Dai took a mirror and stood in front of him: Who do you think you are like?

It turned out that after Shigematsu gave birth to a child in Japan, she could not find Dai Jitao everywhere and could not explain to her family, and finally she found a member of the Japanese Alliance named Junzaburo Yamada, and through him found Shanghai.

The meaning of Shigematsu is very clear, it is okay to break up, but the child cannot be thrown at me. However, Dai Jitao was already married at this time, and the other party was the big lady of the Famous Door Button Family in Huzhou, Dai Jitao belonged to Gao Pan, and he really did not dare to suddenly have an extra son.

Jiang Weiguo came to Dai Jitao to verify his origins, and Dai took a mirror and stood in front of him: Who do you think you are like?

However, Shigematsu Jinzi put down the child and turned his head and left, Dai Jitao looked at the crying child's head as big as a bucket, thinking about it, Dai Jitao carried the child to Chiang Kai-shek's residence.

Dai Jitao explained the incident to Chiang Kai-shek, and then begged Chiang Kai-shek to think of a way...

Jiang Weiguo came to Dai Jitao to verify his origins, and Dai took a mirror and stood in front of him: Who do you think you are like?


In 1920, Chiang Kai-shek returned to his hometown in Xikou, when Chiang Kai-shek was tossing and turning back and forth in Shanghai, Guangzhou and other places, engaging in financial and political speculation, busy and happy, and rarely had the opportunity to return to his hometown, so his wife Mao Fumei and concubine Yao Yecheng who stayed in his hometown were very much looking forward to his return on weekdays.

However, this time when they saw Chiang Kai-shek, who had not seen each other for a long time, the wife and concubine could not laugh a little, because Chiang Kai-shek actually brought back a son from outside.

Jiang Weiguo came to Dai Jitao to verify his origins, and Dai took a mirror and stood in front of him: Who do you think you are like?

Chiang Kai-shek returned to his hometown this time in order to hand over this son, who is more than 4 years old, to the care of his family, and he has already taken the child's name, which is called Jiang Weiguo.

This was the son of Dai Jitao and Shigematsu Jinzi, whom Chiang Kai-shek adopted. Chiang Kai-shek's pursuit of heavy pine was unsuccessful, and later watching the goddess and handsome man chicken flying eggs, Chiang Kai-shek adopted their son out of the instinct to lick the dog.

Jiang Weiguo, who was fostered in a family surnamed Qiu in Shanghai before he was four years old, has now been brought back to his hometown in Xikou.

Jiang Weiguo came to Dai Jitao to verify his origins, and Dai took a mirror and stood in front of him: Who do you think you are like?

Although Mao Fumei and Yao Yecheng were traditional women who did not dare to say half a word to their husbands, it was inevitable to question the origin of this child at this time.

Mao Fumei married Chiang Kai-shek before he went to Japan, but Chiang Kai-shek treated him as if he were a performer and had no feelings; Yao Yecheng was originally a prostitute, Chiang Kai-shek was a regular customer in their shop when he was in Shanghai, Yao Yecheng did everything to flatter Jiang, and Jiang redeemed her as a concubine. The second daughter did not have half a say in front of Jiang.

Jiang Weiguo came to Dai Jitao to verify his origins, and Dai took a mirror and stood in front of him: Who do you think you are like?

Chiang Kai-shek left the child behind, and the wife and concubine had to accept the fait accompli, and since Mao Fumei still had to take care of Chiang Ching-kuo, Jiang Weiguo was mainly taken care of by Yao Yecheng.

Although Jiang Weiguo did not remember things at that time, as he grew older, he knew from an early age that Mao Fumei and Yao Yecheng were not his own mothers, but Jiang Weiguo had no doubt about the identity of Chiang Kai-shek's father.

Jiang Weiguo came to Dai Jitao to verify his origins, and Dai took a mirror and stood in front of him: Who do you think you are like?

It is impossible to mention Jiang Weiguo without mentioning Chiang Ching-kuo. Chiang Ching-kuo is six years older than Chiang Wei-kuo, is Chiang Kai-shek's own son, and his biological mother is Mao Fumei, but as mentioned earlier, Chiang Ching-kuo tossed around when Chiang Ching-kuo was a child, and he went to Japan and guangzhou, and Chiang Ching-kuo was in a state of absent fatherhood from childhood.

In contrast, Chiang Weiguo was much luckier, and Chiang Kai-shek's position in the Kuomintang had stabilized when He was a child, so he had more time to return to his hometown, and Chiang Kai-shek was very fond of this child who looked similar to Chongsong.

Jiang Weiguo came to Dai Jitao to verify his origins, and Dai took a mirror and stood in front of him: Who do you think you are like?

I don't know whether it is because of the higher requirements for his own son, or because he hates Mao Fumei, Chiang Kai-shek often does not have a good face for Chiang Ching-kuo, even if he returns to Xikou to see Chiang Ching-kuo, he is also seriously inquiring about the situation of his homework, asking all the questions in Chinese, English, and arithmetic, and always having to pick out some faults to criticize.

But for Jiang Weiguo, the old Jiang not only let Jiang Weiguo ride a big horse behind his neck, but also took him to the street to eat fried sauce noodles... Old Jiang transferred his love for the goddess in his heart to the boy.

Jiang Weiguo came to Dai Jitao to verify his origins, and Dai took a mirror and stood in front of him: Who do you think you are like?

In fact, Chiang Kai-shek revealed in his diary that he had different plans for the two sons of Jingguo and Weiguo, that is, "Jingwen Weiwu".

According to his vision, Chiang Ching-kuo will take over his class in the future, that is to say, Chiang Ching-kuo will be trained in the direction of politics, while Chiang Wei-kuo will be trained in the direction of military affairs, in the hope that the two brothers will be able to take care of each other in the military and political circles in the future.

Jiang Weiguo came to Dai Jitao to verify his origins, and Dai took a mirror and stood in front of him: Who do you think you are like?

Therefore, during the first Kuomintang-Communist cooperation, Chiang Ching-kuo was sent by Chiang Kai-shek to Moscow to study, and did not return until 1937.

When Jiang Weiguo was 20 years old, he was sent to Nazi Germany to study military affairs, and after the start of World War II, he went to the United States to continue to study military affairs.

Jiang Weiguo came to Dai Jitao to verify his origins, and Dai took a mirror and stood in front of him: Who do you think you are like?

In 1941, Jiang Weiguo returned to China and entered Hu Zongnan's command as a second lieutenant in the army, and also participated in the battle to defend Tongguan.

Jiang Weiguo had learned a lot of theoretical knowledge, in fact, he was a Zhao Kuo, and at the time when the tongguan front was facing a great enemy, Jiang Weiguo did nothing militarily, so he had no choice but to "grasp military discipline" everywhere and toss the frontline soldiers bitterly, but no one dared to refute Jiang Weiguo's face.

Until this time, Chiang Wei-kuo still considered himself to be Chiang Kai-shek's own son.

Jiang Weiguo came to Dai Jitao to verify his origins, and Dai took a mirror and stood in front of him: Who do you think you are like?

Asia Insider

So how did Jiang Weiguo learn that he was not of the Jiang family? This matter is actually related to Song Meiling.

Soong Mei-ling was originally pregnant after marrying Chiang Kai-shek, but lost her fertility due to a frightened miscarriage during an assassination attempt against Chiang Kai-shek.

Jiang Weiguo came to Dai Jitao to verify his origins, and Dai took a mirror and stood in front of him: Who do you think you are like?

Song Meiling, who considers herself "empress", is inevitably bitter about this, which directly leads to a relationship similar to "palace fighting" between her and Chiang Kai-shek's two sons.

This relationship prompted Song Meiling to investigate Jiang Weiguo's details, so that when Jiang Weiguo himself was still in the dark, Song Meiling already knew his origins.

Jiang Weiguo came to Dai Jitao to verify his origins, and Dai took a mirror and stood in front of him: Who do you think you are like?

One day in 1941, Jiang Weiguo had already returned to Chongqing, and this morning he came to Song Meiling's study to ask for her peace, but song Meiling was not there, and Jiang Weiguo's eyes fell on a book on his desk called "Inside Asia".

This is an English book written by American John. Genser, the book wrote a lot of secrets from the top level of Asian countries at that time, and the top level of the Republic of China was not exempted, so this book was banned in China at that time.

Jiang Weiguo came to Dai Jitao to verify his origins, and Dai took a mirror and stood in front of him: Who do you think you are like?

Jiang Weiguo opened the book and found that Song Meiling had folded the corner on one of the pages, Jiang Weiguo was curious to see that it was written about himself, including that his birth mother was a Japanese woman and his biological father was Dai Jitao.

Because Dai Jitao was a hardcore of Chiang Kai-shek, he was already the president of the Examination Institute of the Republic of China at that time, and Jiang Weiguo called him uncle at peacetime.

Jiang Weiguo came to Dai Jitao to verify his origins, and Dai took a mirror and stood in front of him: Who do you think you are like?

Now that the book actually said that Dai Jitao was his own father, Jiang Weiguo's first reaction was disbelief. However, Jiang Weiguo thought about it carefully and felt that things were not so simple.

When he occasionally went to Dai Jitao's house, Dai Jitao was always very kind, and he inexplicably felt very close to this Uncle Dai; Dai Jitao's son is called Dai Anguo, who is similar to his own age, and what is more similar is his appearance, and the two look like brothers.

Jiang Weiguo came to Dai Jitao to verify his origins, and Dai took a mirror and stood in front of him: Who do you think you are like?

On the contrary, on the side of the Jiang family, why should the father keep a secret about the identity of his birth mother? Why don't you look like your father and your eldest brother?

In this way, Jiang Weiguo planted the seeds of doubt in his heart. In fact, Jiang Weiguo found that this book was deliberately arranged by Song Meiling in Song Meiling's study, in order to create a gap between the two brothers of Jing and Wei.

Jiang Weiguo came to Dai Jitao to verify his origins, and Dai took a mirror and stood in front of him: Who do you think you are like?

Learn the truth

Jiang Weiguo decided to use his connections to investigate the matter. Although Jiang Weiguo's military rank was not high at this time, as the son of the chairman of the committee, he still had a certain amount of measurement within the Kuomintang.

Kung Fu paid off, and eventually Jiang Weiguo found Junsaburo Yamada, who had helped Shigematsu Kaneko find Dai Jitao, who was Japanese but had a lot of contacts with the League, and many Kuomintang elders kept in touch with him.

Jiang Weiguo came to Dai Jitao to verify his origins, and Dai took a mirror and stood in front of him: Who do you think you are like?

Junsaburo Yamada was also cheerful, and in the face of Jiang Weiguo's inquiry, he told the story and interrogation between Shigematsu and Dai Jitao and Chiang Kai-shek that he knew.

Jiang Weiguo was shocked.

Jiang Weiguo couldn't believe Yamada's one-sided words, and after thinking about it, he decided to ask Dai Jitao directly in person.

Jiang Weiguo came to Dai Jitao to verify his origins, and Dai took a mirror and stood in front of him: Who do you think you are like?

Jiang Weiguo and Dai Anguo were friends since childhood, and he did not come to Dai Jitao's house once or twice, but this time he did not know how to open his mouth after seeing Dai Jitao.

Dai Jitao felt strange when he saw this, and asked Jiang Weiguo what was wrong, so Jiang Weiguo repeated what he saw in "Asia Insider" and asked Dai Jitao, "Is this true?" ”

Jiang Weiguo came to Dai Jitao to verify his origins, and Dai took a mirror and stood in front of him: Who do you think you are like?

Dai Jitao did not answer directly, but took a photo of Chiang Kai-shek and handed it to Jiang Weiguo with a mirror, and then stood in front of Jiang Weiguo and asked, "Who do you think you are like?" ”

Everything was in silence, and Dai Jitao's attitude made Jiang Weiguo understand everything.

Jiang Weiguo came to Dai Jitao to verify his origins, and Dai took a mirror and stood in front of him: Who do you think you are like?

At that time, Chiang Ching-kuo had already returned from the Soviet Union, and the old Chiang had arranged for him to serve as the chief of education of the central cadre school, which was already obviously training successors.

Jiang Weiguo has also been promoted to lieutenant colonel and deputy of the fourth regiment of the armored corps teaching corps, originally Jiang Weiguo still had the idea of fighting with Chiang Ching-kuo in his heart, but now he understands that no matter how he fights, the position of prince is destined to be the eldest brother.

Jiang Weiguo came to Dai Jitao to verify his origins, and Dai took a mirror and stood in front of him: Who do you think you are like?

Hukou "Mutiny"

As a political family, the Jiang family is superficially harmonious with each other, but the secret relationship is no different from that of the palace fight. These details of Jiang Weiguo, later "Prince" Jiang Jingguo also checked through his own channels to understand.

Chiang Kai-shek originally planned for his two sons to "scripture and weiwu", but with the defeat of the Kuomintang and retreat to Taiwan, the counter-offensive gradually became hopeless, and Chiang Kai-shek had to make adjustments.

Jiang Weiguo came to Dai Jitao to verify his origins, and Dai took a mirror and stood in front of him: Who do you think you are like?

Because Jiang Weiguo studied military in Nazi Germany, he was very enthusiastic about armored troops, and after arriving in Taiwan, Jiang Weiguo became the head of the armored unit of the Nationalist army. I don't know if I learned from Chiang Kai-shek, Chiang Weiguo has made no achievements in the military, but in the past few years, the armored unit has been full of his cronies up and down.

On January 21, 1964, the "Lake Mouth Mutiny" occurred, the truth is still confusing. Zhao Zhihua, one of Jiang Weiguo's close associates and then deputy commander of the armored forces, rebelled without warning.

Jiang Weiguo came to Dai Jitao to verify his origins, and Dai took a mirror and stood in front of him: Who do you think you are like?

At ten o'clock in the morning of this day, Zhao Zhihua of the Hsinchu Hukou Armored Corps Base suddenly ordered the First Armored Division to assemble at the assembly site, and then he took the stage to deliver an impassioned speech to the officers and men with a confused face, pinpointing the shortcomings of the times, denouncing corruption, and finally calling on everyone to follow him to Taipei and eliminate the traitors around "President Chiang."

As a result, as soon as the words were finished, several officers in the audience rushed up and pushed Zhao Zhihua to the ground, and a colonel ordered the officers and men on the scene to immediately return to each battalion... This is the whole process of the Lake Mouth Mutiny.

Jiang Weiguo came to Dai Jitao to verify his origins, and Dai took a mirror and stood in front of him: Who do you think you are like?

Although this "mutiny" did not cause any substantial losses, it had a great impact on Jiang Weiguo. Although at that time, Jiang Weiguo had already been transferred to the "Army Participation University" as the principal, and it was said that there was no direct responsibility, but everyone knew that Zhao Zhihua was a close confidant of Jiang Weiguo.

Therefore, Jiang Weiguo was called to the official residence by Chiang Kai-shek and severely reprimanded, and the old Chiang criticized him for "having no direction under the imperial court and not knowing anyone."

From then until Chiang Kai-shek's death, Chiang Weiguo's rank was not promoted again in the past ten years, and he never held a position with real power.

Jiang Weiguo came to Dai Jitao to verify his origins, and Dai took a mirror and stood in front of him: Who do you think you are like?

The "Hukou Mutiny" incident is still full of doubts, and Zhao Zhihua's sudden rebellion without warning was "suppressed" by officers and soldiers at the scene, and the whole process is very absurd. It is said that this farce was actually aimed at attacking Jiang Weiguo...

It was not until more than ten years later that Jiang Weiguo, on the eve of his compulsory retirement, interceded for him through Song Meiling and asked Chiang Ching-kuo to promote him to "General of the National Army".

But the position of real power was completely out of touch with him, and in 1984, he was demoted from commander-in-chief of joint logistics to director of the joint training department.

Disheartened, Jiang Weiguo said bluntly in an interview with a Hong Kong reporter: "I do not have the blood of the 'first family', the Jiang family and the Dai family are my relatives, and I am willing to surname Jiang and dai." ”


The Distant Harmony of Chiang Ching-kuo and Jiang Weiguo's Special Brotherhood The Archives 20131209 Issue Beijing Radio and Television Station

How Jiang Weiguo borrowed Song Meiling's 'ascension' to unveil the road to rising from a lieutenant general to a general People's Daily 2013