
Wang Aimei followed Chairman Mao for many years, and the first time he saw the chairman angry, Feng Yaosong: It is related to He Zizhen

author:Red memory

"Go away!" Chairman Mao was about to get on the train ladder, but Feng Yaosong was about to help him, but he was forcefully thrown away. Chairman Mao's special train was a German-made bus with no handrails, so it would be very unsafe for Chairman Mao to get on the bus and have no one to help him.

Wang Aimei, as a special train staff member, stood at the door of the car and could not get off, when she saw the chairman shake off Kaifeng Yaosong's hand, she immediately walked down and smiled: "Chairman, I pull you, you don't let go, otherwise we will both fall." The chairman barely managed to squeeze out a smile, shook her hands and boarded the train.

After Chairman Mao got on the bus safely, Zhang Aimei thought about what had just happened and was puzzled, this was the first time she had seen the chairman make such a big fire, what happened to the chairman? Later, in the small talk with Feng Yaosong, she learned that the reason why the chairman was angry was related to He Zizhen.

Wang Aimei and Chairman Mao had dinner and went out of the country

In 1956, Wang Aimei became a member of Chairman Mao's special train, and when she first met Chairman Mao, Chairman Mao looked at her restrained appearance and said humorously: "We are still relatives." ”

Wang Aimei shook her head violently, she had never heard anyone in her family say that there were such noble relatives in the family, and it would be a great honor if her relatives were really Chairman Mao.

Wang Aimei followed Chairman Mao for many years, and the first time he saw the chairman angry, Feng Yaosong: It is related to He Zizhen

Wang Aimei

But she thought to herself, there is really no way to connect her ordinary family with Chairman Mao, his father is just an ordinary worker, his mother is also a housewife, how can they be so ordinary and have a relationship with the great Chairman Mao?

Wang Aimei quickly searched for relatives and friends at home in her mind, but in the end there was no result. So she shook her head, lowered her head and said to herself that she didn't know.

Chairman Mao looked at the serious Wang Aimei and smiled and said why: "Isn't adding a tail under the word "Wang" the word "Mao"? Wang Aimei clapped her hands happily and said, "Yes, Chairman, we are relatives!" ”

At that time, Wang Aimei was still young and her personality was relatively lively and clever, although she was more restrained and nervous when she first saw Chairman Mao, but in Chairman Mao's humorous conversation, she instantly relaxed, smiled and said to the chairman: "Chairman, since we are relatives, then you can help and educate me more in the future!" ”

The chairman looked at this clever girl who was also very happy, and ate a meal in one breath, and then saw him pick up an apple, and Wang Aimei took the initiative to come forward and said to help you cut the skin.

The chairman took the apple and shook it a few times, telling her: Little devil, eating apples can not be peeled, the nutrition of apples can be on the skin, said and took a bite on it. He also handed Wang Aimei one for her to eat, and Wang Aimei pushed off a bit and ate like the chairman.

Wang Aimei followed Chairman Mao for many years, and the first time he saw the chairman angry, Feng Yaosong: It is related to He Zizhen

Chairman Mao and the train staff

When she first saw Chairman Mao, Wang Aimei became acquainted with the chairman and did not look timid at all.

Seeing that Wang Aimei and Chairman Mao were so close, the guardian Feng Yaosong came to inform her and accompanied the chairman to dinner for a while.

At that time, Wang Aimei was just a waiter on the special train, but Chairman Mao always ate alone, and Wang Aimei's personality was also relatively lively, so in order to adjust the atmosphere for his old man, he let her accompany Chairman Mao to dinner.

Although the first meeting with Chairman Mao was pleasant, she was also worried that she and the knowledgeable chairman had no topic to talk about. Feng Yaosong only told him to just talk to the chairman about his daily routine, and to know how to adapt to changes.

The newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, and Wang Aimei realized that there was no problem, so she walked into Chairman Mao's special train.

After the director of the dining car brought the meal, Wang Aimei was still thinking about what to talk to the chairman, worried that she could not answer the chairman's questions, but the chairman's subsequent words made her feel that her worries were superfluous, and Chairman Mao said casually: "We are equal, each is convenient for each other, no need to be polite." ”

Wang Aimei followed Chairman Mao for many years, and the first time he saw the chairman angry, Feng Yaosong: It is related to He Zizhen

Chairman Mao

Wang Aimei looked at Chairman Mao's wind and clouds, wanting him to eat slowly but could not summon up this courage, she looked at the chairman in front of her and couldn't help but feel some pain.

Although Chairman Mao appeared to be the leader of the country, he did not even have time to eat, and when he ate, he was like a peasant, as if there were many things waiting for him to do.

Just as she was pondering, Chairman Mao's words pulled her back to reality. Chairman Mao asked her, do you dare to eat chili peppers?

Wang Aimei hesitated for a moment and said loudly: "Dare! Then he put a red pepper in his mouth. But as soon as she put it in her mouth, she screamed, and Chairman Mao looked at her, laughed like a mischievous child, and asked her how about eating another one?

At this point, Wang Aimei did not dare to eat it, saying that she was unwilling to eat anything. Wang Aimei made a foreign appearance in front of Chairman Mao, and even the kitchen master heard her shouting, and Wang Aimei realized that she had come to accompany Chairman Mao to dinner, and how she had made such a big appearance here.

Wang Aimei followed Chairman Mao for many years, and the first time he saw the chairman angry, Feng Yaosong: It is related to He Zizhen

Wang Aimei

However, when receiving the meal, Wang Aimei obviously saw that the chairman was not so tired just now, and the corners of his mouth were still smiling. This also makes Wang Aimei very happy, can let the chairman relax his mood, even if he is willing to make a big foreign appearance.

After eating, the chairman listened to Peking Opera leisurely and discussed Peking Opera with Wang Aimei, who was also changing the law to make the chairman happy. In small talk, Wang Aimei boldly said: "Chairman, in fact, you are taller than Zhuge Liang. ”

Chairman Mao asked, "What is a high law?" Wang Aimei moved out of her housekeeping skills and said seriously:

"Isn't the sixteen-character policy of guerrilla warfare that you summarized higher than Zhuge Liang's?" Didn't you command China's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the War of Liberation, and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea? ”

Chairman Mao looked at the triumphant Wang Aimei and had to concede defeat and surrender: "Yes, yes, you have won this chat!" However, looking at this little devil's triumphant look, Chairman Mao, like a teacher, pretended to be serious and said, "Next time I talk, I will test your Peking Opera." ”

Wang Aimei shouted "Ah" loudly, and after returning home, she made up for the knowledge of Peking Opera, worried that Chairman Mao would test her.

Wang Aimei followed Chairman Mao for many years, and the first time he saw the chairman angry, Feng Yaosong: It is related to He Zizhen

Chairman Mao

The process of eating with Chairman Mao for the first time was very pleasant, the life on the train was monotonous, in order to help the chairman eliminate fatigue and relieve boredom, since then, in the more than ten years of working next to Chairman Mao, accompanying Chairman Mao to dinner has become Wang Aimei's job.

Chairman Mao's rare anger, Feng Yaosong: It is related to He Zizhen

Wang Aimei not only fulfilled her duties and responsibilities when working with Chairman Mao, but also always found a way to make Chairman Mao relax.

One day, when she saw a poetic and picturesque scenery in front of the window of the special train, she asked the chairman to relax, and Chairman Mao put down the pen in his hand, rubbed his temples and eyes, and silently admired the scenery outside the window.

Wang Aimei's cleverness was not only deeply liked by Chairman Mao, but also received unanimous praise from everyone.

Once, when Lu Zhengcao, minister of railways, met with Chairman Mao, while waiting for Chairman Mao, he asked Wang Aimei worriedly if the chairman would ask him about anything when he met him, and if he could give him some wind and noise. Wang Aimei thought about it, and she didn't know what to ask, maybe the chairman just wanted to know about the Ministry of Railways.

Wang Aimei followed Chairman Mao for many years, and the first time he saw the chairman angry, Feng Yaosong: It is related to He Zizhen

Lu Zhengfu

Because Chairman Mao's Hunan accent is relatively heavy, Lu Zhengcao sometimes can't hear it clearly, hoping that Wang Aimei can give him some hints when he can't understand it. Wang Aimei also happily accepted.

When Chairman Mao drove from the private room to the living room, Minister Lu stood up and said hello, and the two began to talk. After Chairman Mao instructed the Ministry of Railways to work, he asked a series of questions: "How many personnel are you equipping your trains, and how are they equipped?" What is the speed of the train, how can it be fast and accurate, and not affect the general train? ”

Chairman Mao spoke quickly, asked a lot of questions, and had a heavy accent, and Minister Lu raised his head to ask Wang Aimei for help, and Wang Aimei picked up the kettle and poured water for the minister, and whispered: "First of all, talk about the equipment of the train." ”

Minister Lu picked up the water cup and said seriously: "Our special train is equipped with trains, forklifts, inspection cars and staff on the train, and there is also a special dispatcher." ”

Wang Aimei followed Chairman Mao for many years, and the first time he saw the chairman angry, Feng Yaosong: It is related to He Zizhen

Lu Zhengfu

Chairman Mao nodded as he listened, and when Minister Lu talked about the speed of the special train, Wang Aimei stood behind Chairman Mao and stretched out a thumb and a small finger to make a "six" shape.

Minister Lu paused when he spoke about the special train operation and other train arrangements. Wang Aimei took the opportunity to say: "Chairman, you can drink some water." ”

Then Lu Zhengcao said: "Chairman, you have to ask our car how not to affect other trains, this depends on the time, direction, and arrival station you set, we have a temporary dispatcher on the car, who is a living map of the railway." Subsequently, Wang Aimei introduced the process in detail.

Lu Zhengcao stood to the side without interjecting, listening quietly. After Chairman Mao listened to the explanations of the two men, they chatted for a while, and Wang Aimei, a astute little girl, saw that their conversation was about to end, and took the initiative to praise Minister Lu in front of the chairman and said:

"Our minister's marksmanship is good, when inspecting the Chengdu Railway, he also shot a lot of pheasants on the mountain, and gave us several special trains.

Chairman Mao was also infected by Wang Aimei's liveliness, and said with a smile: "I am not as good as your minister's marksmanship, so I can't give you a pheasant to eat in the mountains." With that, all three laughed. In this way, this meeting, under the mediation of Wang Aimei, happily ended the conversation.

Wang Aimei followed Chairman Mao for many years, and the first time he saw the chairman angry, Feng Yaosong: It is related to He Zizhen

Wang Aimei

After the meeting, Minister Lu was very happy and specially invited Wang Aimei to eat the three fresh stuffed dumplings from their hometown in northeast China.

In April 1959, the staff of the special train followed Chairman Mao out for thirty or forty days, and for a month, Chairman Mao's work was also very busy, busy with inspections, meetings, and meetings. Therefore, during that time, food and accommodation were on the train, and the staff of the special train worked day and night, maintaining a high degree of vigilance.

On this day, Chairman Mao returned from the inspection and prepared to sleep on the train, and the staff of the special train immediately threw themselves into intense work, and Wang Aimei also adjusted the temperature and humidity of the special train on the special train.

Finally before the chairman returned, Wang Aimei finished her work, and when she turned around, she saw that the chairman was looking gloomy and ugly under the car ladder.

Feng Yaosong stood to the side and tried to help the chairman up the car ladder, but was thrown away by the chairman.

Wang Aimei followed Chairman Mao for many years, and the first time he saw the chairman angry, Feng Yaosong: It is related to He Zizhen

Wang Aimei (center) shows the conductors posing with Chairman Mao

Wang Aimei was worried that the chairman would not be able to stand and fall, so she took the opportunity to get out of the carriage and said to Chairman Mao: "Chairman, I will pull you along, please don't let go, otherwise we will both fall under the car." ”

Chairman Mao reluctantly smiled and handed his hand to Wang Aimei, and the two boarded the car smoothly.

Wang Aimei saw that Chairman Mao's mood was not right, and she was also careful in talking and doing things, and after following him into the living room, she gave him the wet towel prepared on the table, and Chairman Mao looked at her without speaking, took the towel and wiped her face and hands and sat down on the sofa.

Wang Aimei did not dare to speak indiscriminately, and said to the chairman that you should drink some water, and Chairman Mao heard that: "No, my stomach is full of gas, what water do you drink?" Then he asked her to call Wang Dongxing over.

Wang Aimei gently opened the door, called Wang Dongxing, gave the two tea cups and exited the living room.

Wang Aimei, who returned to the cabin, sat down and breathed a sigh of relief, thinking repeatedly about today's events, what happened to the chairman today, and for so many years, this was the first time she had seen the chairman make such a big fire. Wang Aimei did not know what had happened, but she could only tell herself not to make mistakes at work and make the chairman angry.

Wang Aimei followed Chairman Mao for many years, and the first time he saw the chairman angry, Feng Yaosong: It is related to He Zizhen

Chairman Mao

Later, when he saw Feng Yaosong, Wang Aimei still wondered what had happened to the chairman and asked why.

Feng Yaosong sighed and whispered to him that there were always meetings these days, and the chairman did not rest well.

The main reason is related to He Zizhen, today the chairman called He Zizhen during the break, greeted her first, originally was well-intentioned, wanted to meet her, but did not know what the reason, did not meet the success.

However, Feng Yaosong did not know what they said on the phone, and the chairman was not happy when he put down the phone.

Perhaps, Wang Aimei can understand the chairman, Chairman Mao is also an ordinary old man, who does not want to be with his family every day?

But he was out all day meeting and inspecting, and he had very little busy leisure time, and he saw his children very little, because she could always hear the chairman complaining to them, and she couldn't do anything, couldn't do what she wanted to do, couldn't see the people she wanted to see.

Wang Aimei followed Chairman Mao for many years, and the first time he saw the chairman angry, Feng Yaosong: It is related to He Zizhen

Chairman Mao's family

Therefore, Wang Aimei understands him, so she always thinks of ways to make the chairman happy. However, the next morning, after Chairman Mao got up, his mood had calmed down, and Wang Aimei also knew that the chairman must have been sorting out his mood last night.

Ordinary things he could tell the staff, but his own love life had never been told to anyone else, and he could only endure loneliness and pain night and night.

In fact, He Zizhen and Chairman Mao have always been worried about each other, but for various reasons, they have never had the opportunity to meet, and finally in 1959, the two were reunited in Lushan, and their love for each other finally had an outlet.

Love robs mortals, regrets end

After He Zizhen and his children returned to China, they often exchanged letters with Chairman Mao, and the beginning of the letter was always the word "Gui Mei", which was enough to bring the two back to the tender and sweet relationship during the Jinggangshan period.

Although He Zizhen ran away in a negative mood, He Zizhen's feelings for Chairman Mao were unswerving, and before returning to China, she once said: "I have only loved one person in my life, that is, Chairman Mao, and there will be no second love." ”

Missing each other but not seeing each other is probably the most painful thing for the two of them, He Zizhen's illness can be explained, and Chairman Mao is also thinking about He Zizhen.

Wang Aimei followed Chairman Mao for many years, and the first time he saw the chairman angry, Feng Yaosong: It is related to He Zizhen

He Zizhen and Mao Zedong

He Zizhen's good friend Shui Jing knew the two people very well, and wanted to see but could not see the kind of feelings, once she asked Shang Kui, why did Chairman Mao not meet with He Zizhen?

In his opinion, this was a very easy task, but Shang Kui shook his head and said:

Chairman Mao is the leader of the whole party and the whole country, his every move should be an example for the people, he must also be bound by the Central Committee, and his discipline is very strong."

After listening to it, Shui Jing also felt that Shang Kui's words were very reasonable, as a leader, although Chairman Mao's power was relatively large, he did not have the freedom of a common people, and his emotional life would also be restricted.

But Chairman Mao is still an ordinary person after all, an ordinary person with rich feelings, and he and He Zizhen have experienced ten years of turmoil, so how can they not miss her? Finally, Chairman Mao could not resist the lovesickness and decided to see her.

So, on July 7, 1959, Shui Jing left for Nanchang and took He Zizhen to Lushan, where Shang Kui told her not to let He Zizhen know that the chairman wanted to see her, because he was worried that He Zizhen would trigger an old disease because he was too excited.

Wang Aimei followed Chairman Mao for many years, and the first time he saw the chairman angry, Feng Yaosong: It is related to He Zizhen

The water is still

Under the arrangement of Shui Jing and Shang Kui, they finally sent He Zizhen to Lushan, and at the same time, they were also looking forward to what the outcome of the two would be through this meeting.

After decades of separation, the two were no longer husband and wife when they saw Chairman Mao, and when he saw Chairman Mao, he zizhen was just crying vigorously, and when he saw the emotional He Zizhen, Chairman Mao was of course very distressed, but he did not know how to comfort her.

After chatting for more than an hour, Chairman Mao called Shui Jing in and told her that she must pay attention to He Zizhen's emotions and send her down the mountain tomorrow, and that she should not leave before going down the mountain.

In addition, he also explained one thing to her: "There is another thing, it is best to go back and do it." He Zizhen took away Chairman Mao's three small bottles of sleeping pills, and if he ate too much, something would happen, so he hoped that Shui Jing would pay more attention.

That night, He Zizhen told her about the bits and pieces of her acquaintance with Chairman Mao, and it was not until dawn that Shui Jing also managed to get three bottles of sleeping pills that made Chairman Mao worry.

Wang Aimei followed Chairman Mao for many years, and the first time he saw the chairman angry, Feng Yaosong: It is related to He Zizhen

He Zizhen

This meeting was the first and last time Mao Zedong and He Zizhen met after 22 years respectively. Since then, they can only convey the friendship between them through their daughter Li Min.

In his later years, He Zizhen's physical condition was not very good, kong Dongmei knew that her grandmother missed her grandfather, and whenever her grandfather spoke, her grandmother would faint. When Chairman Mao learned of this, he would also write to Li Min and say guiltily: "I know that this is all because of me." ”

On the eve of Chairman Mao's death, he could no longer express his feelings in words, he looked at his daughter standing in front of him, compared to a circle gesture, Li Min did not understand his meaning. It was not until after her father's death that she learned that her father's gesture meant Guiyuan, the name of her mother.

In fact, the day of Chairman Mao's death was the time of the full moon in the Mid-Autumn Festival, and it was also He Zizhen's birthday, so at the last moment of his life, Chairman Mao's gestures were not only missing He Zizhen, but also looking forward to the reunion of his relatives.

Wang Aimei followed Chairman Mao for many years, and the first time he saw the chairman angry, Feng Yaosong: It is related to He Zizhen

Chairman Mao

Chairman Mao worried about the country and the people all his life, put his emotional life aside, he could not have a normal life in his old age, and he did not enjoy what is called "the joy of heaven." He was alone, restrained his feelings, and spent the rest of his life alone. And this long-lasting love, no matter how to rob mortals, can only regret the end in the end.