
Hawking was paralyzed at the age of 21 and confined to a wheelchair for half a century, where did his three children come? The fall of the superstar is the end of a legend. March 14, 2018, Famous Things

author:I really love life

Hawking was paralyzed at the age of 21 and confined to a wheelchair for half a century, where did his three children come?

The fall of the superstar is the end of a legend. On March 14, 2018, the famous physicist Stephen William Hawking passed away, and people around the world mourned his departure. In the world of physics and cosmology, Hawking is a benchmark figure, and the doctrine he proposed has opened up a new world for people.

This physics giant, on the other hand, spent more than half a century in a wheelchair, paralyzed, with only a few fingers to move, and after losing his language ability, he was able to rely on special instruments to transform his thoughts and let the world understand him. From being diagnosed with an incurable disease at the age of 21 to his death at the age of 76, Hawking's life was full of glory, but also full of helplessness and sorrow.

Fortunately, with a serious illness in his body, his talent is still very attractive. Having experienced two marriages in my life, and three children, the love after being paralyzed is very rare, and it is even more shocking to have my own children. Hawking was paralyzed at the age of 21 and confined to a wheelchair for half a century, where did his three children come?

Fate turned, 21 years old suffered from incurable disease

If fate hadn't made a big joke of him, Hawking would have been the real winner in life.

A graduate of Oxford university and Cambridge university, he was Lucas Professor of Mathematics from 1979 to 2009, and later Lucas Professor of Mathematics (newton was the greatest professorship in human history). Hawking is the most outstanding theoretical physicist after Einstein and the greatest scientist of our time, one of the greatest figures in human history, and is known as the "King of the Universe".

But the common impression of Hawking is that of a man in a wheelchair, paralyzed or unable to speak. When he was young, he was full of spirits and had a bright future, so why was he imprisoned in a wheelchair later? As the old saying goes: "Heaven is jealous of talents, red face and thin life", everything began when he was 21 years old to get the case list, and the ruthless turn of fate also changed his life.

Hawking's disease is amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, commonly known as frostbite. The "frozen people" are in a very awake state, watching themselves being "frozen" - unable to move, unable to speak, unable to swallow, until they cannot breathe. What is even more desperate is that today's medicine is not yet able to provide any effective treatment.

After being diagnosed with the disease, doctors had told Hawking that he had only one or two years left, but then he was lucky enough to live more than fifty years. In the time of fate, he also had a rare love and marriage. But in the case of total paralysis, how did the three children come about?

Two marriages with three children, the illness worsened to weakness

For Hawking, when the diagnosis of the disease, everything in life began to be disrupted. But even so, his personality charm eventually allowed him to get love and get married and have children smoothly.

In 1965, Hawking married his first wife, Jane Wilde. At that time, Hawking's illness also gradually began to attack, and even when the two first met, Hawking was already obviously struggling when walking. Even if it is a rare disease, what will become of a patient with frostbite in the later stages, Hawking and Jane know in their hearts.

But even so, Jane willingly married Hawking and bore him three children. Although Hawking had to be in a wheelchair for more than fifty years, his body did not completely collapse when he married Jane. Paralysis is not a matter of moments, but a long-term torture, Hawking saw himself lose his ability to move little by little, until he was paralyzed.

By 1985, Hawking had lost even his ability to speak. At that time, he and his first wife had been married for many years, and his three children had gradually grown up. Looking back at the details of his gradual development, it is clear why paralysis did not affect his fertility. If he hadn't been married early in his illness, he might not have had children of his own for the rest of his life.

As the saying goes, "Afflictions see the truth." Jane Wilde accompanied Hawking through the most difficult years, and in the eyes of others, he was already true love on earth. But after 25 years of marriage, the two divorced. At that time, Hawking had already shocked the scientific community with "A Brief History of Time", and the marriage with his wife was irreparable.

After five years of divorce, Hawking married his caregiver. Hawking was paralyzed at the time, and the two could not have children again. Compared with his ex-wife, Hawking's second wife was terrible, and even committed domestic violence against her husband in a wheelchair, so the two divorced soon after.

In his later years, Hawking reconciled with his ex-wife again and spent his last days together. Marriage is not a shura, but the reality is still difficult. Jane Wilde knew that Hawking would eventually be trapped in a wheelchair, but she still married him and gave birth to three children, which was also admirable.

Hawking is dead, and his three children will continue to write his extraordinary story.

brief summary

Even if he was "trapped" in a wheelchair for half a century, Hawking is still a miracle. Jane, who accompanied him and gave birth to three children, actually witnessed Hawking's gradual incapacitation. Day by day he was powerless to face the disease, but in the field of science, he was truly invincible.

Reference: Flying to Infinity: Days with Hawking

Hawking was paralyzed at the age of 21 and confined to a wheelchair for half a century, where did his three children come? The fall of the superstar is the end of a legend. March 14, 2018, Famous Things
Hawking was paralyzed at the age of 21 and confined to a wheelchair for half a century, where did his three children come? The fall of the superstar is the end of a legend. March 14, 2018, Famous Things
Hawking was paralyzed at the age of 21 and confined to a wheelchair for half a century, where did his three children come? The fall of the superstar is the end of a legend. March 14, 2018, Famous Things
Hawking was paralyzed at the age of 21 and confined to a wheelchair for half a century, where did his three children come? The fall of the superstar is the end of a legend. March 14, 2018, Famous Things

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