
The pacifier le-effect, a deadly theory, "the secret behind the rich" you must know

author:Glass saplings

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We all know that the best way to get a crying baby to stop crying is to put a nipple in his mouth.

According to research, 80% of the world's wealth is in the hands of another 20% of the population. The conflict between 80 per cent of the population and 20 per cent of the population will also be a major problem in the future.

One way to avoid class conflict in order to comfort the "abandoned" people in society is to let companies mass-produce "nipples" - let addictive entertainment and sensory stimulus products (such as: the Internet, television, short videos, etc.) fill people's lives, divert their attention and dissatisfaction, and make them immersed in "happiness" and unconsciously lose the ability to think about real problems. This is the pacifier effect.

The pacifier le-effect, a deadly theory, "the secret behind the rich" you must know

As long as the grievances of the "marginalized" population can be addressed, the 20% elite can sit back and relax.

In short, as long as someone feeds us with a pacifier and keeps us immersed in play and enjoyment, then we become a huge baby that only labors.

How can we avoid falling into the pacifier trap?

1. Self-discipline.

How self-disciplined you are, how free you are!

The pacifier le-effect, a deadly theory, "the secret behind the rich" you must know

Now not only are many children obsessed with mobile phones, most adults are also quite addicted to mobile phones.

Brush videos, watch entertainment, play games, brush circle of friends... In short, the mobile phone seems to have become its own shadow, even if the bath, the toilet mobile phone has become a must-have.

Although mobile phones and life are now inseparable, business communication, friend contact, WeChat transfers, daily pastimes, etc. all need to use mobile phones, but the use of mobile phones should also be reasonably controlled and controlled.

If we are obsessed with this all the time, over time these inferior consultations will make our brains stop thinking, and even be trapped in the deliberately created virtual world to lose themselves until they slowly numb like frogs in warm water!

So we must be self-disciplined, we must know how to self-discipline, because if we want to completely get rid of this state, we must keep our brains awake!

Only by quitting the "pacifier" can we restore our high morale and vitality! Only by not being confused by these "spiritual opium" can we return to the right track of a happy life.

2. Cherish time.

An inch of time is an inch of gold, and it is difficult to buy an inch of time.

The pacifier le-effect, a deadly theory, "the secret behind the rich" you must know

To know that our life is very short, a little careless, the time is wasted, we should cherish the time, work hard, must not be greedy for a moment of happiness, and waste a good time.

With the development of the Internet, various mobile games are constantly being developed, and various video platforms and online novels are emerging in an endless stream, although they have greatly enriched our lives, they have also stolen our time and attention.

For each of us, time is irreversible, time is life, and we should spend our limited time on meaningful things.

As the saying goes: young and strong do not work hard, the old man is sad.

We must cherish our time and make reasonable use of our own time, otherwise time will pass in the blink of an eye, and when we are old and weak, and then want to work hard, it will be too late!

3. Do not blindly follow the opinion.

Out of the mud without staining, mao qing lian without demon.

The pacifier le-effect, a deadly theory, "the secret behind the rich" you must know

Now is the era of information explosion, many people are affected by the influence of network information, become blindly followed.

Seeing some head anchors recommending self-use products, saying that there are preferential offers to get first, they began to get hot.5 Without considering their actual situation, they began to rush to grab it, not knowing that this was just a marketing method.

Brush to which project is good to make money, large profits, zero franchise, no threshold, and did not go through long-term observation and field investigation, it plunged into it, and the result was nothing.

Brush to others every day glamorous, luxury cars, villas... Just a special envy.

Believing in what other people say: "People must live in the moment, must be good to themselves", in order to satisfy their vanity, began to consume ahead, constantly brushed credit cards, and ended up in a deep debt quagmire.

In fact, no matter what we do, we must think rationally, we must not blindly follow, we must keep the brain awake, otherwise if we are not careful, we will be taken into the blind vortex by others and can no longer climb out.

4. Have a goal and a pursuit.

The road is long and the road is long, and I will seek up and down.

The pacifier le-effect, a deadly theory, "the secret behind the rich" you must know

We are born to have our own goals and pursuits, and it is very sad that if a person lives in the world, he does not even have goals and pursuits.

If there is no pursuit in life, it is like a falling leaf in the wind; The lack of enthusiasm in life is like a rootless wood.

During the Ming Dynasty, Li Shizhen did not follow his father's wish to let him enter the army, and when reading the medical book "Shennong Materia Medica", he found that many of the Chinese medicines were not recorded in detail, so he made up his mind to write a detailed medical book.

After more than 30 years, he finally completed the medical masterpiece "Compendium of Materia Medica", and every Chinese medicine in the book has been carefully examined by him.

When Mao Yisheng saw the tragic scene of the collapse of the Wende Bridge at the age of 11, he made a great ambition to build a strong bridge for people. In order to realize this wish, he studied hard and was admitted to the bridge architecture major.

Later, he completed his ideals and built the famous Qiantang River Bridge and Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge, making significant contributions to the country.

Life will become more exciting because of goals and pursuits, and we must constantly improve ourselves in a limited life and create our own value.

The pacifier le-effect, a deadly theory, "the secret behind the rich" you must know