
No appetite in the summer? Pay attention to "how spicy" to eat, share 3 chutneys and open your taste buds

author:Large mouth kitchenette

Introduction: No appetite in summer? Pay attention to "how spicy" to eat, share 3 chutneys and open your taste buds

Hot summer, the easiest to have no appetite, this time, you can make some adjustments in the diet, it is recommended to "multi-spicy". What is "multi-caprylic"? It is to eat more sour and spicy dishes to open our taste buds and improve our appetite.

Today I will share with you the method of 3 chuckles, if you don't have an appetite in the summer, you may wish to do it together, to ensure that you will love these sour and spicy dishes after doing it.

The first course: [Sauerkraut fish]

No appetite in the summer? Pay attention to "how spicy" to eat, share 3 chutneys and open your taste buds

Here's how:

1, buy a fresh live fish, grass carp, blackfish, carp can be, this depends on their preferences. After the live fish are slaughtered and disposed of, the fillets along the gills are one centimeter thick. Rinse the fillets twice with clean water and drain.

No appetite in the summer? Pay attention to "how spicy" to eat, share 3 chutneys and open your taste buds

2: Put the fillets on a plate, add salt, corn starch and egg white, grasp well by hand and marinate for 20 minutes. Rinse the sauerkraut and cut it into two knives, slice the ginger, dried chili pepper and pickled pepper, and wash the bean sprouts and set aside.

3: Add an appropriate amount of cooking oil after the pot is heated, stir-fry the ginger slices and dried chili peppers, pickled peppers and green onions under the oil heat, add two spoonfuls of watercress sauce, sauté the red oil and add sauerkraut, stir-fry the aroma. Add the right amount of water, bring to a boil over high heat, add the remaining fish heads and fish bones, simmer for about fifteen minutes, boil out the fish soup and fish heads and bones, and put the fish fillets in the pot.

No appetite in the summer? Pay attention to "how spicy" to eat, share 3 chutneys and open your taste buds

4: After the high heat is boiled again, turn to medium heat and cook for about 5 minutes, the fish will be cooked, sprinkle some salt and stir evenly, you can turn off the heat. Prepare a casserole dish, spread the bottom with bean sprouts, pour the cooked fillets and fish broth into the pot, sprinkle some chili noodles and coriander. Add a spoonful of cooking oil to another pot, boil the oil over high heat and drizzle on the fillets, and the sour and spicy appetizing sauerkraut fish will be ready.

The second course: [Lemon chicken feet]

No appetite in the summer? Pay attention to "how spicy" to eat, share 3 chutneys and open your taste buds

Here's how:

1: Put the chicken feet in a basin, add water to the chicken feet, soak for 10 minutes and rinse the blood with clean water. Cut off the nails and cut them into small pieces. Spread salt on the lemon, scrub it by hand for a while, rinse it with water and cut it into small pieces with a knife.

No appetite in the summer? Pay attention to "how spicy" to eat, share 3 chutneys and open your taste buds

2: Put the cut chicken feet into the pot, add water over the chicken feet, add the fragrant leaves, star anise, cinnamon, fennel, ginger, green onion, cooking wine, bring to a boil on high heat and reduce the heat to cook for three minutes. Those who like to eat soft rotten chicken feet can cook for a few more minutes. Remove the cooked chicken feet, put them in the prepared ice water, and soak them for 5 minutes, making the chicken feet more chewy.

No appetite in the summer? Pay attention to "how spicy" to eat, share 3 chutneys and open your taste buds

3: Prepare a clean basin, add an appropriate amount of soy sauce, dark soy sauce, sugar, rice vinegar, a bowl of water, minced garlic, millet pepper, coriander, green onion, ginger slices and sliced lemon, stir well, pour in chicken feet, cover with plastic wrap, put in the refrigerator for one night, marinate. The chilled lemon chicken feet are spicy and sour, chewy and especially delicious.

The third course: [sour and spicy shredded potatoes]

No appetite in the summer? Pay attention to "how spicy" to eat, share 3 chutneys and open your taste buds

Here's how:

1: Peel off the outer skin of the potatoes, rinse them and then cut them into thin slices and then cut into thin wires. Put the chopped potato shreds into a basin, add enough water, soak for fifteen minutes, soak the starch in the potatoes, and the fried potatoes will be more crispy. Wash and cut the green and red peppers into thin strips, chop the dried peppers, and chop the ginger and garlic into small pieces.

No appetite in the summer? Pay attention to "how spicy" to eat, share 3 chutneys and open your taste buds

2: Add enough water to the pot, bring to a boil on high heat, add a little salt, drop a few drops of cooking oil, stir well and blanch the potato shreds in the pot, blanch until it is broken, and drain the water.

No appetite in the summer? Pay attention to "how spicy" to eat, share 3 chutneys and open your taste buds

3, another pot with the right amount of cooking oil, after the oil is hot, the garlic, ginger, dried pepper under the pot sautéed to bring out the aroma, add a spoonful of chili oil poured into the green and red pepper shreds, continue to stir-fry out the aroma, pour in the potato shreds, sprinkle the appropriate amount of salt, chicken essence, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar stir-fry into the flavor can be out of the pot. Blanch the potatoes in water, do not stir-fry for too long, and immediately after the taste is in the pot.

The above 3 courses of sour and spicy dishes are most suitable for summers without appetite, and the sour and spicy taste can open the taste buds very well and stimulate appetite. The method is also relatively simple, when there is no appetite in the summer, remember to eat more "spicy" dishes.

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