
How beautiful is the Princess of Persia? 145 people proposed marriages, 13 men committed suicide for her, but the marriage was not happy

author:On learning from history

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In 806 AD, Bai Juyi wrote for Yang Guifei "Looking back at a smile and a hundred beautiful students, the six palaces are pink and colorless", praising her unparalleled appearance.

In most people's minds, beauty should be like Yang Guifei, apricot eyes and peach cheeks, plump body, but on the other side of the world, there is a princess who subverts people's cognition.

How beautiful is the Princess of Persia? 145 people proposed marriages, 13 men committed suicide for her, but the marriage was not happy

Portrait of Yang Guifei

More than a thousand years later, on the other side of the earth, there is a princess from the ancient persian country, according to rumors, her appearance is also gorgeous and matchless, and she is also known as "the first beauty of Persia".

Countless men fell for her, 145 proposed to her, and even ended her life in order to make the princess remember herself.

Logically, this Persian princess should be a beautiful person, otherwise she would not have attracted so many men to follow her.

In order to see the true face of the Persian princess, many researchers have found old photos that have been handed down, but the princess in the photo is far from what people imagined.

What is the story behind this Persian princess? Let's explore it together.

How beautiful is the Princess of Persia? 145 people proposed marriages, 13 men committed suicide for her, but the marriage was not happy

Persian location map

Birth of Princess Taj

Persia, Iran's old name in ancient Greek, was founded in 600 BC after years of war and dynastic change.

In 1779, the Qajar dynasty was established, and the famous princess in our story was born in this country.

When people think of Persia, they think of towering temples, exotic songs and dances, and beautiful people with high noses and deep eyes.

Exotic beauties are always extraordinarily able to stir people's heartstrings and arouse infinite reverie.

How beautiful is the Princess of Persia? 145 people proposed marriages, 13 men committed suicide for her, but the marriage was not happy

Persian beauty

When it comes to "the first beauty of Persia", the first thing people think of must be that a long black and bright hair, a plump figure, apricot eyes and peach cheeks, plus a wheat-colored skin, just like the princess in the fairy tale of Dis, but the persian princess in reality is a big surprise.

In 1848, Nassertin Shah, the fourth monarch of the Qajar dynasty, succeeded to the throne.

After Nassertin succeeded to the throne, he was still quite dedicated to the rule of the country, and he reformed the country greatly, so that Persia at that time was revived after the low point of the war.

The centralization of power has been strengthened, the finances have been vigorously restored, and the burden on the people has been reduced, so it has the support of the majority of the people.

How beautiful is the Princess of Persia? 145 people proposed marriages, 13 men committed suicide for her, but the marriage was not happy

Nassertin Shah

But in terms of personal aesthetics, the Nassertin king is somewhat puzzling.

King Nassertin had a favorite concubine named Anis Dole, but unlike the concubines who fell in the traditional sense.

Anis's appearance is not outstanding, round face plate, short chin, figure is also five or five points, it is not too much to say that it is a large waist and round, and there is a thick beard at the corner of the mouth.

It is reasonable to say that such a look has never been able to enter the eyes of the king, after all, you are the lord of a country, what kind of beauty has not been seen, but Nassertin has a special love for this Princess Anis.

How beautiful is the Princess of Persia? 145 people proposed marriages, 13 men committed suicide for her, but the marriage was not happy

Anis Dole

King Nassertin's aesthetic of clothing was also unique.

Nassertin was invited by the Tsar to visit Russia.

At the welcome banquet, the Tsar arranged for the ballet dancers to perform, and Nassertin was immediately fascinated by the "puffy skirt" ballet costume.

Upon his return, Nassertin ordered the craftsmen to make the garment and to wear it for all the women in the palace.

In addition, King Nassertin was also very obsessed with beards, which he believed were the foil for the heroism of men, and that thick beards were the icing on the cake for any face.

How beautiful is the Princess of Persia? 145 people proposed marriages, 13 men committed suicide for her, but the marriage was not happy

A beautiful woman with a fake beard

Therefore, under the leadership of His Majesty the King, the Qajar dynasty gradually developed this aesthetic, even women are no exception.

Women with plump figures and beards are highly regarded throughout the country.

Many women without beards will also specially attach false beards to show their charm.

It is precisely because of this that Princess Anis has been wearing a false beard on her mouth for many years to meet the preferences of His Majesty the King.

In 1883, Princess Anis gave birth to a daughter for King Nassertin, who became the "first beauty of Persia", Princess Taj.

At this time, the king was more than half a hundred years old, and this was the birth of his favorite concubine, and the king of Nasserdine was extremely fond of this young daughter, and he was really afraid to melt in his mouth, and he was afraid of falling in his hands.

As Taj grew older, she also became more and more similar to her mother, with a round face and a plump figure.

On top of that, Princess Taj was born with lush hair, and she had not only jet-black, shiny hair, but also a thick beard.

How beautiful is the Princess of Persia? 145 people proposed marriages, 13 men committed suicide for her, but the marriage was not happy

Taj Princess

King Nassertin also liked this daughter more and more, at that time in Persia, the social environment was not open, women not only could not show their faces, but also wore headscarves at all times, and even did not have the right to learn words and knowledge, but Princess Taj had the privilege.

King Nassertin arranged for Princess Taj to have a teacher teach her to read and write.

In addition to cultural knowledge, she also pays attention to the cultivation of her strengths, piano, chess, oil painting, etc., Taj Princess is particularly good at.

In addition to this, she also had a great interest in photography, and in an era when ordinary people did not even see a camera, Taj Princess had learned to take photographs and develop photos.

In the eyes of the people of the Qajar Dynasty, Princess Taj was prominent, versatile, and outstanding, so many men expressed their love to her and came to ask for a princess, but they were rejected.

King Nassertin personally chose a marriage for his beloved little daughter, but the favored princess had an unhappy marriage.

How beautiful is the Princess of Persia? 145 people proposed marriages, 13 men committed suicide for her, but the marriage was not happy

Unhappy marriage

In the photos of Taj Princesses that are now circulating, we can see a woman with double eyelids, a high nose, and long dark hair.

But the woman has a plump figure and a thick beard, and in some photos, the Taj princess is wearing a fluffy ballet dress, which looks a bit funny.

Some people may not believe it, but this is indeed the real "first beauty of Persia".

Because of the unique aesthetic of King Nassertin, the Qajar dynasty at that time believed that women with plump bodies and a little mustache were absolutely beautiful, and because of this, Taj Princess became the "white moonlight" in the minds of the people.

According to rumors, every time Princess Taj travels, she will attract people to watch, and the people want to see the "first beauty of Persia".

Later, for the sake of the princess's safety, coupled with the security problems caused by the congestion of the crowd every time she traveled, the Taj Princess had to reduce the number of public trips, and each trip was equipped with an army.

How beautiful is the Princess of Persia? 145 people proposed marriages, 13 men committed suicide for her, but the marriage was not happy

The man who wrote love poems for Princess Taj, Aleph Kazvini

When Princess Taj became an adult, she also reached the marriageable age, and the men who came to ask for marriage were about to break through the threshold of the palace.

It is said that after hearing that King Nassertin had the intention of choosing a son-in-law for Princess Taj, in just a few months, 145 men came to see her, hoping to hold the beauty, but all of them were rejected by Princess Taj.

Some admirers were difficult to restrain themselves after being rejected, and even chose to commit suicide, and several men, after being rejected by Princess Taj, in order to leave an indelible impression on the princess's mind, also chose to commit suicide, and left a last word before death, probably hoping that their death would make the princess understand her deep love for her.

According to rumors, a total of 13 men chose to commit suicide because they could not get the princess's heart, and this matter was also discussed in Persia for a while.

But as King Nassertin's favorite little daughter, he was sure to choose the most suitable husband for Princess Taj.

Finally, by her father's arrangement, Princess Taj married a nobleman of the royal family.

How beautiful is the Princess of Persia? 145 people proposed marriages, 13 men committed suicide for her, but the marriage was not happy

Taj Princess

The newly adult Taj Princess was still full of yearning for marriage and family, and in the process of Growing Up, Princess Taj was always a pampered, star-studded princess, and she thought that after marriage, she would also become the happiest woman in the marriage, so she went to marriage with full joy.

But the gears of fate can sometimes go wrong, and Princess Taj, though knowledgeable and intelligent, did not expect that love was the most elusive thing in the world.

It is invisible and invisible, but it makes people feel like they are in a sweet world one moment, and the next moment they will fall into eternal hell.

After getting married, Princess Taj lived a conjugal life with her husband for several months.

Soon after, Princess Taj found out she was pregnant, and she happily broke the news to her husband and family.

Her husband was overjoyed when she learned of this, and took good care of Princess Taj during her pregnancy.

Ten months later, Princess Taj gave birth to a daughter.

Originally, I thought that the arrival of her daughter would add more joy and laughter to this small family, but Princess Taj did not expect that this was the beginning of her husband's change of heart.

How beautiful is the Princess of Persia? 145 people proposed marriages, 13 men committed suicide for her, but the marriage was not happy

Taj Princess

Pregnant with October to regenerate the child, is a very laborious process, pregnancy and postpartum physical discomfort so that Taj Princess has no time to take care of her husband, she did not find that her husband often came out early and returned late, sometimes for several days do not see anyone, but Taj Princess only when the husband is busy with official business, she is at home to take care of the child.

But there is no impermeable wall in the world, and no matter how to cover it, it will eventually reveal some clues.

One day, the husband was still late as usual, still drunk, and Princess Taj did not say much, but took off her husband's clothes and let him go to bed.

But while sorting out her clothes, Princess Taj felt that something was not quite right, and the clothes had the smell of women's fat powder.

At first, Princess Taj did not believe that her husband would betray herself, but she could not help but be suspicious of her husband's early departure and late return for a long time.

The next day, Princess Taj sent someone to follow her husband to see what he was doing every day.

In the first few days, there was nothing unusual, and Princess Taj thought she was worried.

How beautiful is the Princess of Persia? 145 people proposed marriages, 13 men committed suicide for her, but the marriage was not happy

But on the fourth day, the soldiers she had sent to follow her came back and forth and saw the princess's husband behaving intimately with a woman, and the two entered a room together and did not come out until late at night.

At this moment, Princess Taj felt that her sky had collapsed, and she could not accept the fact that her husband had cheated on her, and she thought it was Chinser and Ming, but she did not expect it to be wishful thinking.

After the East Window incident, Princess Taj's husband wept bitterly to her and confessed that he was just a ghost for a while, and would never do it again, hoping that the princess would give him another chance.

The soft-hearted Taj Princess believed it, and in the years that followed, the two seemed to be relatively happy on the surface, and the Taj Princess gave birth to a second and third child in succession.

But the seemingly flawless marriage relationship has long been full of rifts.

When Princess Taj and her husband attended royal events, they seemed to be very affectionate, but in fact, when they returned home, their husband rarely spoke to her and often went out and did not come home.

How beautiful is the Princess of Persia? 145 people proposed marriages, 13 men committed suicide for her, but the marriage was not happy

Princess Taj is with the children

Princess Taj did not think of saving her husband's heart, the princess who was pampered in the past, in order to make her husband change her mind to herself, began to wash her hands and make soup for her husband, and according to the aesthetics of the time, in order to make her hair thicker and pasted a false beard, but in the face of a man who did not love himself, even if he was as noble as a princess, there was no way.

The husband's infidelity gradually changed from crying and weeping when he was first discovered.

When questioned by the princess, he even said on his toes: "Men under the heavens are like this, you look at the whole of Persia, which man does not have three or five wives?" ”

Such words left Princess Taj dumbfounded, she had nothing to say, and she had planned to barely survive like this.

After all, in the feudal and decadent society at that time, even princesses could not divorce at will, and divorced women would be regarded as family shame and poked in the spine by everyone.

But the husband's approach is getting more and more excessive, and even breaks through the downline.

If it is a day to spend days and wine, it is enough, but he still has a lot of lovers outside, sleeping day and day, flowers and willows, and eventually contracted venereal diseases.

How beautiful is the Princess of Persia? 145 people proposed marriages, 13 men committed suicide for her, but the marriage was not happy

Princess Taj had long been disheartened, but the incident was like the last straw that crushed the camel, making her unbearable, and she decided to separate from her husband and live her own life.

After the failed marriage, Princess Taj focused more on society and people's livelihood.

From her own unfortunate experience, she can better understand the difficult situation of women in Persia at that time.

Thus, Princess Taj embarked on a different path.

Feminist pioneers

Princess Taj has been a pampered princess since she was a child, and she enters into marriage with joy, only to find that everything is not what she wants.

Her husband's actions made Princess Taj feel unacceptable, and in discouragement, Princess Taj decided to separate from her husband and apply for divorce.

This decision was initially strongly opposed by King Nassertin, who, in his opinion, divorced a woman who married her husband, and since she was married, she had to obey her husband at all times, and divorce was impossible.

How beautiful is the Princess of Persia? 145 people proposed marriages, 13 men committed suicide for her, but the marriage was not happy

Moreover, as a princess, Taj has a high status in the eyes of the people of the whole country, and if she divorces, she will definitely be looked down upon.

But Princess Taj finally "rebelled" this time, she resisted death and did not follow her father's advice, insisted on divorcing her husband, and publicized it in the newspaper, which suddenly stirred up a thousand waves.

In that feudal social environment, women are imprisoned, everyone believes that women are married to their husbands, even if the husband does infidelity, he can only tolerate it, even if the husband dies, he cannot remarry.

But Princess Taj did the opposite, and she protested against feudal etiquette under heavy pressure.

Based on the status of The Taj Princess in the eyes of the people and the Princess's resolute attitude, the Persian Supreme Court agreed to the Taj Princess's divorce request after deliberation.

Princess Taj also became the first divorced member of the Persian royal family.

How beautiful is the Princess of Persia? 145 people proposed marriages, 13 men committed suicide for her, but the marriage was not happy

Princess Taj after the divorce

After the divorce, Princess Taj finally broke free from the invisible shackles, and it was at this time that she began to examine the society deeply.

At this time, she found that women had always been in unfair treatment.

As a princess, she had received higher education since she was a child, and reading, reading, reading, and learning were things that were so ordinary for her that most women in Persia were out of reach.

In the minds of a large number of women, they always follow the concept of "from the father at home, married from the husband", and the whole world is only the small house of the family.

They didn't know how high the mountains were, how deep the water was, nor had they ever seen the vast expanse of the sea and the cascading waterfalls that Princess Taj had seen.

Princess Taj accompanied her father to diplomatic occasions since she was a child, and she was both intelligent and capable, and handled many foreign affairs for her father.

How beautiful is the Princess of Persia? 145 people proposed marriages, 13 men committed suicide for her, but the marriage was not happy

When she saw the world, she thought that this was a very ordinary thing, but she did not expect that this was a world that many girls would not be able to reach in their lifetime.

Thinking of this, Princess Taj suddenly found her own meaning, as a woman, she hopes to help more women, so that they can follow their own wishes.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, Princess Taj secretly organized a women's protection association, which took in a large number of women who had suffered domestic violence from their husbands and had nowhere to go, as well as some women who had been kicked out of their homes because of their husbands cheating.

Princess Taj provided them with accommodation and set up workshops to encourage the women to earn their own money and live independently.

Since then, Princess Taj has protested against the clothing of Persian women.

Due to religious factors and ancient concepts in Persia, women can only wear turbans and robes, cover themselves tightly, and even their hair cannot be exposed, only a pair of eyes.

Princess Taj decided to break this ridiculous notion, and she rarely wore a headscarf, went out to wear her favorite clothes, learned makeup, and chased the fashion.

How beautiful is the Princess of Persia? 145 people proposed marriages, 13 men committed suicide for her, but the marriage was not happy

She doesn't care about other people's pointing, she just wants to make herself and more girls live more comfortably and comfortably.

Taj's various actions made everyone follow suit, and to a certain extent, they promoted the liberation of women in Persia at that time, and she told every woman with her actions, "Be yourself, not attach yourself to men." ”


The story of Princess Taj is thought-provoking, with some mocking her for her ugly appearance, but appearance is never the first measure of man.

She may not be the most beautiful princess, but as a woman, she took the lead in breaking free from the shackles of the times and left a strong mark in history, enough to make future generations look up.