
Have you been attacked by the Ice Cream Assassins this summer? Be careful to aggravate the cough

author:Füssen Pharmaceutical

Have you been attacked by the Ice Cream Assassins this summer?

Have you been attacked by the Ice Cream Assassins this summer? Be careful to aggravate the cough

Childhood memories of only one or two yuan can eat happy ice cream seems to be gone forever, and now the cold drinks left in the store are often 10 yuan to start, and even as high as 100 yuan, so that many netizens shouted: "High climbing!" ”

In fact, in addition to the wallet will be "stabbed" by high-priced ice cream, health may also be "stabbed", especially for coughing children to eat ice cream, it is very likely to aggravate the cough!

Have you been attacked by the Ice Cream Assassins this summer? Be careful to aggravate the cough

Figure | vx Public Photo Gallery


Why is ice cream recommended for coughing children?

Children's respiratory system development is very immature, coughing when there is no way to effectively cough up sputum, and sputum stuck in the respiratory tract, not only aggravate inflammation and cough, but also easy to spread bacteria to other parts of the lungs, aggravate the disease or cause complications.

The temperature of ice cream is relatively low, which is easy to shrink the mucous membrane of the throat, aggravate the inflammatory response, cause contraction and spasm of the smooth muscles of the bronchi, and aggravate the symptoms of wheezing and shortness of breath.

In addition, the sugar content of ice cream is also very high, which is easy to aggravate the exudation of airway secretions, excessive sputum, which will aggravate the disease of the respiratory system and cause cough to be cured for a long time. Ice cream that is too sweet and too cold is also easy to irritate the gastrointestinal tract, causing nausea, vomiting and other gastrointestinal symptoms.

Therefore, it is not recommended to eat ice cream when coughing, and it should be based on warm, easily digestible and absorbed foods without any irritation.

Have you been attacked by the Ice Cream Assassins this summer? Be careful to aggravate the cough

Figure | vx Public Photo Gallery


What medicine is good for a coughing child to take?

Pediatric cough is generally suitable for the use of antitussive drugs with expectorant and sputum-reducing effects for asthma. When choosing a drug, it is necessary to carefully read the instructions, and it is not appropriate to choose cough drugs containing cocaine, poppy shells and other anesthetic addictive ingredients; At the same time, it is also necessary to consider the rationality of the drug dosage form, and it is recommended to choose an easy-to-absorb oral liquid, which is more suitable for children to take. Oral liquid dosage forms of cough medicine such as pediatric cough asthma oral liquid, which is on the basis of ma xing shi gan soup (ephedra, bitter almond, gypsum, licorice) on top of the honeysuckle, plate blue root, melon, increase the heat, expectorant, antibacterial, antiviral, enhance immunity effect.

In addition, the recent flu is fierce, the pediatric clinic is full, and the number one is difficult to find. If your child has a fever and a cough that is not severe, you can refer to the instructions to take Füssen Pediatric Cough asthma orally, which has been recommended by the state and provinces in the process of preventing and treating influenza:

√ recommended drugs in the "Expert Guidance opinions on the prevention and treatment of influenza in the winter of 2021-2022"

√ recommended drugs in the "Beijing 2019 Winter Influenza Expert Guidance opinions on the prevention and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine"

√ recommended medication in the "Influenza Diagnosis and Treatment Plan (2019 Edition)"

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