
[No one dares to take care of Taiwan!] Taiwan's military exercise was jointly protested by the Philippines and Vietnam, and the vessel was seized by Indonesia] According to the Global Network quoted by Taiwan's China Times News Network, Taiwan's fishing boats passed through the Strait of Malacca

author:Smoke and drinkers

[No one dares to take care of Taiwan!] According to the Taiwan Zhongshi News Network quoted by the Global Network, when the Taiwan fishing boat passed through the Strait of Malacca, the Indonesian military boarded the ship for inspection in accordance with routine regulations, resulting in 22 people being detained and currently placed in relevant bases in Indonesia. The China Times News Network said to the outside world that after receiving the corresponding circular, Taiwan's foreign affairs department immediately sent someone to understand the corresponding situation. In the face of this incident, the Tsai authorities were completely panicked.

What happened to Taiwan?

Not long ago, the PLA conducted a militarized exercise in the waters of the South China Sea, and shortly after the PLA released the relevant news, the Taiwan military also urgently announced that it would conduct a corresponding live-fire exercise on the Pacific Island. However, what the DPP never expected was that the Philippines and Vietnam actually came forward to protest against the Taiwan military's exercise. In the Philippines, the Philippines first accused the Taiwan military of violating the law. Subsequently, the Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs also declared that it hoped that the Taiwan region could stop the loss in time and prohibit such erroneous acts from repeating, and Vietnam said that this move has posed a certain threat to the current situation of peace and stability in the South China Sea, which has made the regional situation continue to deteriorate. However, this matter is not completely over, and in recent days, news has continued to break out, and a fishing boat in Taiwan has recently been seized by Indonesia.

According to Taiwanese media reports, a fishing boat named "Qiao He" was suddenly inspected by An Indonesian warship while passing through the Strait of Malacca, resulting in the seizure of 22 people. According to insiders, this incident is very close to the time of the Taiwan military's Taiping Island live-fire exercise, when the fishing boat was also located in Indonesian territorial waters, the Indonesian authorities resolutely boarded the vessel for inspection on the grounds of "fishing equipment was not placed in the correct position", and seized the fishing vessel, and now the personnel on the fishing boat are temporarily placed in the relevant Indonesian naval base.

Three Southeast Asian countries made an emergency move

It is not difficult to see that the three major southeast Asian countries have successively "made moves" to the Taiwan authorities, and from this point of view, it has indeed led to speculation from the outside world, and people have unconsciously associated it with the current Taiwan issue, and the two countries have also unanimously issued a joint voice condemning the Taiwan authorities to the outside world, and this move is also considered by the outside world to be a gesture of goodwill to China, but it should be noted that in fact, this has nothing to do with the Taiwan issue in essence. The Philippines, Vietnam and Indonesia have actually only safeguarded their own interests, after all, for these Southeast Asian countries, the overall stability of the situation in the South China Sea is now the unanimous intention and expectation of all countries in the sea area, and only in this way can we ensure the maximization of the long-term interests of all countries. In fact, at the previous ASEAN defense ministers' talks, the 10 defense ministers also jointly issued a statement, unanimously hoping to implement the "Code of Conduct in the South China Sea" as soon as possible.

As for sensitive issues, Southeast Asian countries also understand the hidden sensitivities, so both their leaders and domestic politicians will generally avoid talking about this matter. This is not only a concern for the attitude of the Chinese mainland, but also a concern about pressure from the United States. However, in fact, as the head of Taiwan's foreign affairs department, he has declared the so-called "two countries" fallacy to the outside world, and even hopes that Indonesia can advocate for it. All kinds of words and deeds of the responsible persons of Taiwan's foreign affairs departments are nakedly warning the Chinese mainland, which is quite provocative. In the face of this incident, China will never take half a step back, and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council has made it clear to the outside world that if the responsible person of Taiwan's foreign affairs department attempts to collude with external forces, if he wants to sacrifice the well-being and interests of the Taiwan people as a price to seek benefits for his own private politics, this is a completely wrong act. In the face of this matter, China will never get used to it, and will certainly strike hard to defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country!

[No one dares to take care of Taiwan!] Taiwan's military exercise was jointly protested by the Philippines and Vietnam, and the vessel was seized by Indonesia] According to the Global Network quoted by Taiwan's China Times News Network, Taiwan's fishing boats passed through the Strait of Malacca
[No one dares to take care of Taiwan!] Taiwan's military exercise was jointly protested by the Philippines and Vietnam, and the vessel was seized by Indonesia] According to the Global Network quoted by Taiwan's China Times News Network, Taiwan's fishing boats passed through the Strait of Malacca
[No one dares to take care of Taiwan!] Taiwan's military exercise was jointly protested by the Philippines and Vietnam, and the vessel was seized by Indonesia] According to the Global Network quoted by Taiwan's China Times News Network, Taiwan's fishing boats passed through the Strait of Malacca
[No one dares to take care of Taiwan!] Taiwan's military exercise was jointly protested by the Philippines and Vietnam, and the vessel was seized by Indonesia] According to the Global Network quoted by Taiwan's China Times News Network, Taiwan's fishing boats passed through the Strait of Malacca

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