
"Xiao Ai Sports Competition" dominates the Eastern European Division, TSpirit, what tactics are you hiding?

author:Esports hey

Last year's TI10 must have impressed many players, many wonderful tactics were developed, and the strength of Secret and LGD made many players' championship predictions fill these two teams. But perhaps for Chinese players, often the sky is not what people want, and the ultimate dark horse has entered the audience's field of vision, that is, TSpirit. Relying on their indomitable playing style and a unique mammoth spoon, the young team defeated a number of strong opponents, reached the final with an absolutely strong posture, and finally cut down LGD to win the TI10 championship.

"Xiao Ai Sports Competition" dominates the Eastern European Division, TSpirit, what tactics are you hiding?

But after TI10, the team apparently did not continue to maintain high-intensity training, and was affected by a certain war, TSpirit's performance at the Stockholm major was not satisfactory. On the second day of the knockout round, he was defeated by bc teams from South America and boarded the plane home. This time, major and EG team were upset and eliminated in the group stage. Regarding the situation of EG, Xiao Ai is ready to talk about it later.

Friends who have read Xiao Ai's analysis of TSpirit during the major may know that this team almost only has a one-handed elf system to support the scene during the major, but this set of lineups alone is absolutely difficult to support. Sure enough, in the knockout stage, he was banned or robbed of the elf, and quickly left the Stockholm major field.

"Xiao Ai Sports Competition" dominates the Eastern European Division, TSpirit, what tactics are you hiding?
"Xiao Ai Sports Competition" dominates the Eastern European Division, TSpirit, what tactics are you hiding?

DPC Eastern European League

After major, perhaps the team has realized that there is not much time left before TI11, and it is the top priority to hone the squad. Intensive training, high-intensity ladders, and an extremely rich lineup system, these keywords have gradually become the label of TSpirit. In the DPC League in the Eastern European Division, TSpirit has maintained a record of total victory in the current four weeks of matches, and the four 2:0 records have announced the awakening of the strong.

"Xiao Ai Sports Competition" dominates the Eastern European Division, TSpirit, what tactics are you hiding?
"Xiao Ai Sports Competition" dominates the Eastern European Division, TSpirit, what tactics are you hiding?

And in this Eastern European DPC League, TSpirit is no longer stuck to the elf system, on the one hand, perhaps their elf system is still feared by the opponent, ban or snatched, and on the other hand, TSpirit no longer chooses when he can choose the elf. This may be their self-confidence, but it is also a way for them to hide their tactics.

At present, TSpirit has selected a lot of heroes in the competition, and almost no two games have the same lineup. The Beast King system in the 3rd position, the werewolf system in the 3rd position. Zhongdan TORNTOTOKYO is no longer a Parker pillar force, and the purple cat, captain, and ice dragon also appear on the field. It is worth saying that in the high-quality duel with the NAVI team, TorontoTOKYO's Zeus cooperated with the 3rd Beast King to play tons of damage, and finally ended the long reversal with 43% of the output. It can be said that this team is not the same as the TSpirit during the Stockholm major.

"Xiao Ai Sports Competition" dominates the Eastern European Division, TSpirit, what tactics are you hiding?

Rich tactical system and tough playing style, the strong pressure resistance of the No. 1 Yatoro, and the beastly aggressiveness of the No. 3 Collapse make this team extremely powerful.

The approaching of TI11 has made all major teams nervous, whether they can participate in TI and get good results in TI, which are important indicators that will determine the development of teams and personal careers. TSpirit has grown up visible to the naked eye, can this TI10 ultimate dark horse become a strong opponent of the CN team on TI11, and can the CN team complete the ultimate transformation in front of TI and get the honors missing in the past years on the TI field? Hopefully, this year's TI11 can go one step further and bless the CN team.

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