
Guo Qilin and Zhou Shen are what a funny drama spirit brothers combination. Guo Qilin asked Zhou Shen: Did you design this concubine when you arrived at our Apartment No. 11, or did you follow you before? Zhou Shen said: Of course

author:Eating melons idlers Xia Xiaona

Guo Qilin and Zhou Shen are what a funny drama spirit brothers combination. Guo Qilin asked Zhou Shen: Did you design this concubine when you arrived at our Apartment No. 11, or did you follow you before? Zhou Shen said: Of course, it is with me from childhood to adulthood. Obayashi believed it to be true: Really? Zhou Keyu next to him saw through everything and smiled at Zhou Shen, and Da Lin also reacted and said: You are too much. Strip it out of the characters first, all right.

Song Zu'er wanted to show everyone the carpet she had prepared, and Zhou Shen said: This looks so dangerous, so when Zu'er turns the carpet, they hug each other and hide back with their faces twisted, as if they are really afraid. As a result, it was really a carpet, and Zhou Shen himself couldn't help but scold himself: "Neuropathy."

Let's go to the canteen to eat together, because everyone wore very classical dresses in this period, and Obayashi said: It is really strange to wear this outfit to come out to eat, and the counts in the castle also have to eat. Liu Yuning corrected: The count in the ancient castle also had to eat a box lunch.

At the dinner table, everyone discussed the BGM of this issue, and Zhou Shen sang a mountain song as a lullaby. Da Lin complained: Throw the child into the mountain, it is impossible to find, if you say old white northwest side, singing on this mountain, like a treasure around a turban. After saying that, he also sang two sentences of "Shandan Dan", and a room full of people laughed and fell down.

I feel that the guests of the reasoning group have a very good relationship, and everyone has a good sense of humor, and it must be very fun to record the show together. Rather than the positive film, I prefer to watch Jia Geng's stay diary, and watching them chat is the most interesting.

#八卦手册 #

Guo Qilin and Zhou Shen are what a funny drama spirit brothers combination. Guo Qilin asked Zhou Shen: Did you design this concubine when you arrived at our Apartment No. 11, or did you follow you before? Zhou Shen said: Of course
Guo Qilin and Zhou Shen are what a funny drama spirit brothers combination. Guo Qilin asked Zhou Shen: Did you design this concubine when you arrived at our Apartment No. 11, or did you follow you before? Zhou Shen said: Of course
Guo Qilin and Zhou Shen are what a funny drama spirit brothers combination. Guo Qilin asked Zhou Shen: Did you design this concubine when you arrived at our Apartment No. 11, or did you follow you before? Zhou Shen said: Of course
Guo Qilin and Zhou Shen are what a funny drama spirit brothers combination. Guo Qilin asked Zhou Shen: Did you design this concubine when you arrived at our Apartment No. 11, or did you follow you before? Zhou Shen said: Of course
Guo Qilin and Zhou Shen are what a funny drama spirit brothers combination. Guo Qilin asked Zhou Shen: Did you design this concubine when you arrived at our Apartment No. 11, or did you follow you before? Zhou Shen said: Of course
Guo Qilin and Zhou Shen are what a funny drama spirit brothers combination. Guo Qilin asked Zhou Shen: Did you design this concubine when you arrived at our Apartment No. 11, or did you follow you before? Zhou Shen said: Of course

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