
In 1982, the British Conquistador launched an attack on the Argentine warship General Belgrano outside the restricted area, making the world's debut for nuclear submarine combat, resulting in 32

author:Curator Weijian

In 1982, the British Conquistador launched an attack on the Argentine warship General Belgrano outside the restricted area, the world's debut in nuclear submarine combat, which killed 323 people.

The Royal Navy Conquistador fired a total of 3 Type 4 torpedoes of the Type 84 each with an 800-pound warhead to the Argentine warship General Belgrano, with a displacement of up to 4,000 tons, its power is huge, after a load of nuclear fuel, the nuclear reactor can operate continuously for many years, the endurance of the nuclear submarine can reach hundreds of thousands of nautical miles, can be carried out underwater operations for a long time.

A few days after the attack, a rescue team from Argentina finally arrived, saving only 770 people, 323 of whom were killed in the incident, up to half the total number of Argentine casualties in the war, and their losses were very heavy.

Before the sinking, the General Belgrano still had a certain history, and its original was the USS Phoenix, which belonged to the Brooklyn class warships.

The warship played a huge role in World War II, having been the focus of General MacArthur and playing an important role in the Pearl Harbor sneak attack.

On many occasions in World War II, this warship served the United States and survived various large and small wars. It was not until after his retirement that he was sold to Argentina by the United States for $1.2 million.

Originally known as the October Victory, the ship was later renamed General Belgrano, with two modernizations in between.

Now this warship has been left on the sea forever because of the war, leaving an impression on future generations in a special way.

The British Conqueror, which attacked it, is an important representative of the second generation of British attack nuclear submarines, belonging to the Warrior-class nuclear submarines, this type of nuclear submarine, each of which is a warrior of the British Empire, has played an indelible role in the expansion of the British Empire.

The Conquista had sunk the Belgrano with a torpedo in 15 minutes, enough to see that its performance was very good, and that there were very few warships comparable to it in that era.

The Outbreak of the Falklands War in April–June 1982 was one of the most famous naval encounters in recent decades, with the Conqueror and the only nuclear submarine currently sinking an enemy vessel, and its role was historic and cosmopolitan.

However, what the British did not expect was that the vengeful Argentines saw the opportunity to sink Britain's most advanced destroyers to boost morale and avenge their compatriots.

At that time, the British had already set dusk and lost their former prestige, but the attack did shock the British government and the public, and the vengeful Argentines set their sights on the British main destroyer Sheffield, which was far away from the core of the task force, and succeeded in one fell swoop.

In order not to interfere with communications elsewhere, the Sheffield simply turned off the radar, which provided the Argentine warship with the opportunity to attack and caused irreparable damage.

History cannot be changed, but future generations must remember the lessons of their predecessors, war is a means of stimulating the political situation, but the harm it brings is always indelible, so cherishing modern peace is what every country and citizen should do!

In 1982, the British Conquistador launched an attack on the Argentine warship General Belgrano outside the restricted area, making the world's debut for nuclear submarine combat, resulting in 32
In 1982, the British Conquistador launched an attack on the Argentine warship General Belgrano outside the restricted area, making the world's debut for nuclear submarine combat, resulting in 32
In 1982, the British Conquistador launched an attack on the Argentine warship General Belgrano outside the restricted area, making the world's debut for nuclear submarine combat, resulting in 32
In 1982, the British Conquistador launched an attack on the Argentine warship General Belgrano outside the restricted area, making the world's debut for nuclear submarine combat, resulting in 32
In 1982, the British Conquistador launched an attack on the Argentine warship General Belgrano outside the restricted area, making the world's debut for nuclear submarine combat, resulting in 32
In 1982, the British Conquistador launched an attack on the Argentine warship General Belgrano outside the restricted area, making the world's debut for nuclear submarine combat, resulting in 32
In 1982, the British Conquistador launched an attack on the Argentine warship General Belgrano outside the restricted area, making the world's debut for nuclear submarine combat, resulting in 32
In 1982, the British Conquistador launched an attack on the Argentine warship General Belgrano outside the restricted area, making the world's debut for nuclear submarine combat, resulting in 32
In 1982, the British Conquistador launched an attack on the Argentine warship General Belgrano outside the restricted area, making the world's debut for nuclear submarine combat, resulting in 32

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