
Raising flowers on the indoor balcony even the pots and soil are not selected, and how many potted flowers to buy is in vain

author:Flower cultivation exchange

Most of the flower friends are on the balcony to raise flowers, there are some flower friends can raise a garden feeling on a small balcony of several square meters, which depends on the layout of potted plants, a small balcony can also be planted with flowers and plants.

Raising flowers on the indoor balcony even the pots and soil are not selected, and how many potted flowers to buy is in vain

1. What pot is right for you?

Some flower lovers' concept of raising flowers should also be changed, do not only feel that ceramic pots or cement pots are on the grade.

If you want the potted plants on the balcony to grow better, you can try to choose more breathable and drainage containers. For example, plastic pots (or terracotta pots), do not dislike it ugly, such as root control pots (Qingshan pots) with many openings on the side and bottom, the difficulty of raising flowers will be greatly reduced, and it is easier to raise any flowers. Root control pot does not retain water, if there is more sunlight, it is recommended to use other resin pots, imitation ceramics are also OK, the bottom drainage hole must be more.

Raising flowers on the indoor balcony even the pots and soil are not selected, and how many potted flowers to buy is in vain

Most of them are terracotta pots

Other common ceramic pots or cement pots, some of which have a relatively large capacity, the quality is also particularly heavy, it is difficult to move, a little bump is easy to break, their air permeability is also very poor, and it is not good for plant growth.

2. Use flower stands

Raise flowers on the balcony, if you want to raise more plants, then be sure to make use of vertical space, including the purchase of some multi-layered flower racks, you can set up some hooks or vertical flower trellis walls on the wall.

Raising flowers on the indoor balcony even the pots and soil are not selected, and how many potted flowers to buy is in vain

The potted plants of different sizes are placed in a reasonable position, which is based on the plant's demand for light, to determine the placement position, the more like the light of the plant, the more to the sunshine of the place.

3. Soil

Raising flowers on the balcony, as long as the pot is selected correctly, the soil is also selected correctly, it is basically 90% successful, and the later stage relies on reasonable watering, occasionally give a little fertilizer, and the plant will grow particularly well.

Raise flowers on the balcony, especially the enclosed balcony, be sure to choose some breathable loose and well-drained soil.

Raising flowers on the indoor balcony even the pots and soil are not selected, and how many potted flowers to buy is in vain

Above is the pink princess vine velvet

Some flowers may feel that digging some vegetable garden soil, garden soil or yellow soil directly outdoors can also plant flowers well, but it depends on what kind of environment, if it is outdoors, ordinary garden soil can indeed meet the growth needs of plants.

But on the balcony, the ventilation will not be very good, the lack of light, it is difficult to plant good plants with garden soil.

If you think it doesn't matter if you use a better soil, you can make a comparison and decide which soil to use.

Raising flowers on the indoor balcony even the pots and soil are not selected, and how many potted flowers to buy is in vain

When planting plants, we must first see whether the plants like acidic soil, or neutral soil or weak alkaline soil, which is extremely critical, including blueberries, camellias, gardenias, jasmine, rhododendrons, etc., they all like slightly acidic soil, can not make the soil alkaline, otherwise plants are easy to yellow, but also lead to no flowering.

4. Self-formulated nutrient soil scheme

In this kind of potted plant soil, you can configure it yourself, or you can buy high-quality nutrient soil that others have already prepared. If you want to save money, it is best to match the soil yourself, such as buying a variety of soil materials, and even finding a variety of alternative materials. If you can make your own compost soil, mixed with some coarse sand, bark and decomposed sheep manure, it is a very good potted soil.

Raising flowers on the indoor balcony even the pots and soil are not selected, and how many potted flowers to buy is in vain

Now there are many high-quality nutrient soils, usually some soilless substrates, including the common fine coconut bran, coarse coconut shell and perlite, mixed in a 5:3:2 ratio, and then mixed with some slow-release fertilizer, which is the most common potted nutrient soil.

There are also some florists who prefer to use imported peat soil, mix some perlite, and add some bark or coarse sand appropriately, which can also become very high-quality nutrient soil. Of course, in order to increase fertility, it is still necessary to add some slow-release fertilizer to the soil.

5. Different flower combinations in the four seasons

In addition, if you want to have flowers on the balcony of your home every season, you must distinguish between the dormancy period, flowering period and growth period of the plant.

Raising flowers on the indoor balcony even the pots and soil are not selected, and how many potted flowers to buy is in vain

Above is a pearl hanging orchid

For example, the common autumn plants such as sorrel, cyclamen, crab claw orchids and longevity flowers, they are dormant in the summer, can bloom brilliantly in the winter, move them to a sunny place when they bloom, and place them in a cool, ventilated and dry place during the dormancy period.

In addition, the family should also raise some plants that bloom in summer and autumn, so as to ensure that the family has flowers to watch all year round, and there are many plants that bloom in summer, including common five-star flowers, blue snowflakes, periwinkles, horse cherry blossoms, hydrangea flowers, jasmine flowers, fragrant vines, summer violas, etc. Of course, these plants all need plenty of sunlight to bloom and bloom.

Raising flowers on the indoor balcony even the pots and soil are not selected, and how many potted flowers to buy is in vain

If the sun is not so full at home, then raise some semi-shade-tolerant plants, and more than 2 to 3 hours of light per day can also flower normally, including common bulbous orchids, African violets, large rock trees, shade flowers, molans and so on.

6. Fertilize

To maintain plants and flowers on the balcony, pay attention to supplementing fertilizer at the right time.

Potted plants maintained indoors can be sprinkled with slow-release fertilizer in the potting soil every six months or so, which can meet their basic growth needs.

Raising flowers on the indoor balcony even the pots and soil are not selected, and how many potted flowers to buy is in vain

If you want the plants to grow stronger and flower better, then you should regularly supplement the general water-soluble fertilizer and the water-soluble fertilizer with more phosphorus and potassium elements during the growing season.

Whether to fertilize plants depends on whether they are growing, and if it is in the summer of excessive heat and the winter of excessive cold, it is necessary to temporarily stop fertilizing.

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