
A thriller! The Indonesian man was eaten by a giant crocodile by a 4-meter-long river, and his belly was rotten when he cut it open


There are many cruel animals in nature, and crocodiles are the most notorious. They not only have a strong attack on other animals, but also may attack humans, humans may be hurt by it if they are not careful, and crocodiles pose a huge threat to human life safety.

A thriller! The Indonesian man was eaten by a giant crocodile by a 4-meter-long river, and his belly was rotten when he cut it open

Recently, a terrible thing happened in Indonesia, a man was swallowed by a giant crocodile by the river, and when he was found, he had become unrecognizable.

Indonesian crocodile attacks man

On April 29, local time, a man in Indonesia's West Papua province was preparing to take a boat by the river, but was suddenly attacked by a crocodile more than 4 meters long, biting the man's arm and dragging him into the water. The man had called for help after the attack, but because there were relatively few residents in the vicinity at that time, no one heard, and the man eventually disappeared into the water.

A thriller! The Indonesian man was eaten by a giant crocodile by a 4-meter-long river, and his belly was rotten when he cut it open

Hearing that the man had encountered a giant crocodile, the villagers began to search for the whereabouts of the man, but after several searches, the man was not found. A day later, the bad news came. The villagers found a giant crocodile more than 4 meters long by the river, and the crocodile's belly was unusually inflated, there seemed to be something inside, the villagers suspected that the crocodile ate the man in distress, immediately grabbed the crocodile, took a knife to cut the crocodile's belly, and it was indeed a shocking scene!

The crocodile's stomach was indeed the man, who had no signs of life, and his body had rotted in the crocodile's stomach, and the villagers could only bear the pain of dealing with the man's affairs.

A thriller! The Indonesian man was eaten by a giant crocodile by a 4-meter-long river, and his belly was rotten when he cut it open

In Indonesia, crocodile attacks have also been many, in 2018, also in Indonesia's West Papua province, some villagers finally could not control their anger after attending the funeral of a villager killed by a crocodile, they rushed into the local crocodile sanctuary with knives, hammers and other weapons, killing more than 300 crocodiles. Knowing that crocodiles are protected animals in the local area, illegal hunting of crocodiles is punished by law, and they also have to hunt crocodiles, which is enough to see that the local people have a deep hatred for crocodiles.

A thriller! The Indonesian man was eaten by a giant crocodile by a 4-meter-long river, and his belly was rotten when he cut it open

In Africa, crocodiles are also an animal that does great harm to humans. In the 1990s, a giant crocodile named Gustav appeared in Burundi, Africa, and this crocodile killed or injured at least 300 people in a decade, a veritable "murderous demon" that frightened the locals.

It is reported that Gustav is a Nile crocodile, with a length of more than 5 meters, a weight of 1 ton, and is very cunning, and it is difficult for the average capture team to kill it. Burundi even used its army to hunt it down, but without success. Fortunately, this giant crocodile did not attack humans again.

A thriller! The Indonesian man was eaten by a giant crocodile by a 4-meter-long river, and his belly was rotten when he cut it open

According to statistics, crocodiles kill more than 1,000 people a year, which is more harmful than sharks, pythons and other animals. This ferocious animal is found only in Asia, Africa, Australia and the Americas, and often inhabits freshwater lakes, rivers, and climbs onto land to feed on other animals in the water or on land.

Of all the crocodile species in the world, the saltwater crocodile and the Nile crocodile are the most likely to attack humans, and both crocodiles run at speeds of more than 20 kilometers per hour, which is about the same as the speed of human running. But their best hunting method is to lurk in the water and then suddenly attack the target on the shore. And compared to smaller crocodiles, larger crocodiles are more likely to attack people and have stronger attack power.

A thriller! The Indonesian man was eaten by a giant crocodile by a 4-meter-long river, and his belly was rotten when he cut it open

Why crocodiles attack people

Crocodiles often appear in fierce images in many film and television works, which is the same as their actual situation. Crocodiles are carnivores, and whether it's a lake fish or a large mammal on land, it can become their food, and humans are no exception. So why do crocodiles living in the wild attack humans?

Crocodiles take the initiative to attack people for a lot of reasons, the most likely reason is the crocodile lack of food, crocodiles hungry will launch a fierce attack on other creatures, if humans appear in their range of activity at this time, they may be attacked by crocodiles, and may also become crocodile food.

A thriller! The Indonesian man was eaten by a giant crocodile by a 4-meter-long river, and his belly was rotten when he cut it open

Crocodiles become more grumpy during their special periods, such as the breeding period, and in order to protect their offspring, they will be more wary of their surroundings. They will be more aggressive than usual, and every move nearby will attract their attention. At this time, if a human is close to them, it is very likely to be attacked.

Crocodiles are also a territorially minded animal, they are solitary animals, they divide territory with each other, and if other crocodiles break in, they will also attack their own kind. If humans move around the lake or on the lake and mistakenly enter the territory of crocodiles, they will be treated as invaders by crocodiles, and crocodiles will attack humans to protect their territory.

A thriller! The Indonesian man was eaten by a giant crocodile by a 4-meter-long river, and his belly was rotten when he cut it open

Since crocodiles spend most of their time in the water or in shoals, their areas of activity are also in these places, and they generally do not actively enter human territory. However, if it is in the summer, the precipitation becomes more, and many villages along the river become crocodile activity areas, and the villagers in the villages are more dangerous.

And the crocodile is a cold-blooded animal, and the increase in the temperature of the environment will make the crocodile more active, more like to move, the more aggressive. So summer is a high-risk season for crocodiles to attack humans.

A thriller! The Indonesian man was eaten by a giant crocodile by a 4-meter-long river, and his belly was rotten when he cut it open

Crocodiles also have a strong bite force, generally more than 2,000 pounds, twice as large as lions. Once the prey is bitten by a crocodile, it is difficult to escape again. And the crocodile also has 68 sharp teeth, with a strong bite force, can easily bite through the human body, which is why few humans attacked by crocodiles can survive.

A thriller! The Indonesian man was eaten by a giant crocodile by a 4-meter-long river, and his belly was rotten when he cut it open

What's scary about crocodiles is that they have a special skill, Death Roll. Although crocodiles have a strong bite force, but do not have flexible claws, it is difficult to divide the prey, at this time the usefulness of death rolling appears. They will bite part of the body of the prey and then quickly roll over their bodies, thus pulling the bitten part off the body of the prey and making it easier to eat.

A thriller! The Indonesian man was eaten by a giant crocodile by a 4-meter-long river, and his belly was rotten when he cut it open

What to do when you encounter a crocodile

Crocodile attacks on people, is a very scary thing, although in real life it is difficult to encounter wild crocodiles, but in order to take precautions, but also to learn some coping methods to protect their own lives, in case of emergency.

If you encounter a crocodile, be sure to keep your distance from the crocodile and don't look at it out of curiosity. Crocodile attacks people is very fast, perhaps humans have been bitten by crocodiles before they can react, and crocodiles are similar to humans, even faster than humans, and it may be too late to escape after they run. Finding a crocodile nest or crocodile egg in the wild also means that there are crocodiles around, and if it is found by an adult crocodile, it is likely that you are invading, so you should also escape as soon as possible.

A thriller! The Indonesian man was eaten by a giant crocodile by a 4-meter-long river, and his belly was rotten when he cut it open

If you are unfortunate enough to be attacked by a crocodile, you can fight back against the crocodile's eyes. Because outside of the crocodile's full "armor", the eyes are their most vulnerable place, attacking the crocodile's eyes can make it feel pain, and if it is lucky, the crocodile will retreat and give up the attack. In addition to the eyes, crocodiles can also be attacked on the head, which is also a place where they are more vulnerable. You can also use a wooden stick to attack the crocodile's upper jaw when the crocodile opens its mouth, and win a chance to escape for yourself.

A thriller! The Indonesian man was eaten by a giant crocodile by a 4-meter-long river, and his belly was rotten when he cut it open

Most of the crocodiles on the mainland are farmed, and there are not many wild crocodiles, and many of them are Yangzi crocodiles, which are mainly distributed in lakes in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River such as Jiangsu, Anhui and Jiangxi. However, with the development of society, the scope of human activities has gradually expanded, the wild ecological environment of the Yangtze crocodile has been continuously compressed, and the number of wild Yangzi crocodiles has been decreasing, becoming a protected animal.

A thriller! The Indonesian man was eaten by a giant crocodile by a 4-meter-long river, and his belly was rotten when he cut it open

The mainland also adopts artificial breeding methods to increase the number of Yangzi crocodiles, and then release them into the wild, slowly recovering their numbers. However, we do not have to worry about the Yangtze crocodile hurting people, because this breed of crocodile is small, and the personality is more docile, and it will take the initiative to avoid people when encountering people, and rarely attack people, and there have been no incidents of injury at present.

A thriller! The Indonesian man was eaten by a giant crocodile by a 4-meter-long river, and his belly was rotten when he cut it open

As creatures living together on Earth, human beings must learn to live in peace with this ferocious animal. We must not only reasonably protect crocodiles, but also avoid malicious hunting and violating them, so as to avoid the extinction of many crocodile species; We must learn to stay away from them, so as not to cause harm to our own lives.

Author: Fat Pill Proofreader: W

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