
Frequent dizziness and headache, in addition to high blood pressure, these 2 reasons can not be ignored

author:Director Wen said spine

Nowadays, many office workers face the huge pressure of work and life, coupled with the lack of attention to their own physical health, resulting in dizziness and headache is very common, which not only affects daily life, but also affects people's mental state throughout the day. So what are the factors that can easily induce dizziness and headaches and other uncomfortable symptoms?

Frequent dizziness and headache, in addition to high blood pressure, these 2 reasons can not be ignored


Hypertension has developed into a relatively common chronic disease, and the age of onset has a tendency to become younger. When suffering from hypertension, patients will have dizziness, headache, hand numbness, chest tightness and other symptoms, and when the symptoms are serious, they will even cause the occurrence of certain diseases such as stroke.

Frequent dizziness and headache, in addition to high blood pressure, these 2 reasons can not be ignored

Poor sleep quality

Sleep quality is an important reason for our mental state! Since we are busy with our daily study and work, we reduce our sleep time. In particular, young people in contemporary social animals are in a state of moving bricks one day. At night, you will feel that this is the time to completely belong to you, so you start the night owl life.

Frequent dizziness and headache, in addition to high blood pressure, these 2 reasons can not be ignored

Lack of long-term sleep time will lead to a decline in sleep quality, but also make their immunity low, which can easily lead to dizziness and headaches.

Cervical vertebrae are misaligned

In fact, there is another one that is easy to cause dizziness and headache, but the reason is difficult for everyone to find. If the root cause is not solved, the dizziness and headache situation is easy to recur repeatedly, which is cervical dislocation.

Cervical vertebral body misalignment will cause soft tissue compression, once compressed to the nerves, spinal cord, it will cause insufficient blood supply to the brain, resulting in dizziness, headache and other phenomena.

Frequent dizziness and headache, in addition to high blood pressure, these 2 reasons can not be ignored

In summary, if you have dizziness and headache caused by high blood pressure, you must seek the help of a cardiovascular doctor as soon as possible; If you have a dizziness and headache caused by insomnia, you have to improve it by improving the quality of sleep. If you have a dizziness headache caused by cervical misalignment, you can improve it in two ways:

We must find a doctor from a professional hospital and rehabilitation institution for manual treatment, blindly believe in famous doctors, and the effect is counterproductive.

Frequent dizziness and headache, in addition to high blood pressure, these 2 reasons can not be ignored

Cervical misalignment is related to the unequal strength of the muscles on both sides of the cervical spine, so it is also necessary to maintain stability through sports rehabilitation training in the later stage. Especially now that there are more and more low-headed people, it is essential to learn some training to prevent cervical spondylosis.

(1) Neck flexion and extension training: put the towel on the back pillow and pull it forward, divide the neck into three sections, and repeat the head-up movement 5-10 times / group, 3 groups per day.

Frequent dizziness and headache, in addition to high blood pressure, these 2 reasons can not be ignored

(2) Neck flexion training: put the towel on the back pillow and pull forward, divide the neck into three sections, and repeat the side head movement 5-10 times / group, 3 groups per day.

Frequent dizziness and headache, in addition to high blood pressure, these 2 reasons can not be ignored

(3) Neck rotation training: put the towel on the back pillow and pull forward, divide the neck into three sections, repeat the head turning action 5-10 times / group, alternating left and right, 3 groups per day.

Frequent dizziness and headache, in addition to high blood pressure, these 2 reasons can not be ignored

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