
Stomach pain vomiting acid water, heart socket pain, 1 dose of traditional Chinese medicine, healthy spleen and stomach conditioning gastritis, clever solution

author:Director yang of the Department of Internal Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Today to share a stomach pain of the tongue image, stomach pain, also known as stomach pain, heart and mouth pain, heart and stomach pain, abdominal pain, stomach pain, is the above abdominal stomach near the heart socket pain as the main symptom of the disease.

Stomach pain vomiting acid water, heart socket pain, 1 dose of traditional Chinese medicine, healthy spleen and stomach conditioning gastritis, clever solution

This friend's tongue is like eating too much cold and hurting the stomach, the main symptom is stomach pain vomiting acid water, feeling stomach bloating a press on the pain. We then from the tongue image analysis, first look at the scorch, the tip of the tongue fat and red, this is damp heat in the heart and lungs, wet turbidity and stasis, often feel chest tightness and shortness of breath, the tip of the tongue fat slightly red, this is also damp and hot on the disturbing clear, often manifested as dizziness.

We look at the scorched tongue again, the middle of the tongue is our spleen and stomach, the middle is depressed, representing the weakness of the spleen and stomach, the tongue is white and greasy, which means that things are eaten too much, especially some cold foods, resulting in turbidity and moisture, the most common manifestation is stomach bloating and indigestion, pantothenic acid water.

Look at the base of the scorched tongue, the root of the tongue is concave, this is generally insufficient kidney qi, the tongue is white and thick, this represents the performance of insufficient kidney yang, but also indicates that the lower scorch is relatively heavy, the symptoms shown are easy to diarrhea, waist soreness. To summarize the whole, it is usually not paying attention to diet, eating cold food, resulting in scorching in the spleen and stomach, resulting in stomach gas does not drop.

Therefore, in response to this problem, the treatment is to eliminate food stagnation and stomach pain relief, and use Bohol pills plus and minus

Divine Comedy, Hawthorn, Poria, Lycopodium, Banxia, Tangerine Peel, Forsythia, 7 doses, decoction, 1 dose per day.

Stomach pain vomiting acid water, heart socket pain, 1 dose of traditional Chinese medicine, healthy spleen and stomach conditioning gastritis, clever solution

This formula is used, Divine Comedy, Hawthorn, Lai Zi - To eliminate food stagnation: Poria sativa, half summer, tangerine peel and stomach wetness; Forsythia ---- clear heat and dissipate knots. If it is a proprietary Chinese medicine, it is a flavored Bohol pill. This formula as a whole is mainly based on food consumption and stagnation, which is suitable for the stomach full of flatulence, do not want to eat and spit acid, stomach pain, the effect is still very good.

Bohol pills are a formula for the treatment of stomach diseases that I am more accustomed to in the clinic, mainly considering that modern people generally eat irregularly, unrestrained, it is easy to appear in the case of diet stagnation, Bohol pills are a prescription for consumption and stagnation, which is very suitable for the current social environment.

The main effect of this formula is to eliminate food stagnation, rationalize gasification and phlegm and dehumidify, but in fact, according to the clinical symptoms, it can be added or subtracted with symptoms, and can treat a variety of gastrointestinal diseases.

Stomach pain vomiting acid water, heart socket pain, 1 dose of traditional Chinese medicine, healthy spleen and stomach conditioning gastritis, clever solution

If the excessive diet leads to the accumulation of food, directly use Bohol pills, do not need to do too much addition and subtraction, this formula is very targeted, but if the patient's usual spleen and stomach deficiency, qi deficiency-based resulting in weak transportation, at this time to add the appropriate spleen tonic medicine, you can join the party ginseng, white art, etc.; If the patient's wet resistance is heavy and the stomach is full, it can be appropriately added to Cangshu, Magnolia, Weed, Peran and other drugs to strengthen the effect of aromatic wetness.

Stomach pain vomiting acid water, heart socket pain, 1 dose of traditional Chinese medicine, healthy spleen and stomach conditioning gastritis, clever solution

Patients with poor food stagnation due to spleen and stomach deficiency and poor food stagnation and accompanied by stomach pain, can add drugs such as Yanhusuo, Muxiang, and Sharen on the basis of Bohol Pills, which have a better effect of relieving qi and relieving pain; If the stomach is painful due to poor mood, you can add chai hu, xiangfu, tulip and other drugs on the basis of this formula to strengthen the effect of liver and stomach qi and pain relief, spleen and stomach are unlucky, the intestines are not clear, and the stomach qi does not drop, you can add rhubarb.

Stomach problems are often affected by diet and mood.

Patients with stomach disease often have symptoms such as stomach bloating, stomach pain, no appetite, and indigestion, which are closely related to life and diet. Everyone should develop good habits in their daily lives to prevent the recurrence of stomach diseases. The key is to nourish the stomach by treating stomach problems. We must control our eating habits, pay more attention to rest, do not stay up late, smoke and drink, etc.

Stomach pain vomiting acid water, heart socket pain, 1 dose of traditional Chinese medicine, healthy spleen and stomach conditioning gastritis, clever solution

In addition, the survey shows that family discord, work disorders, mental tension, etc., will cause imbalances in the function of the cerebral cortex and internal organs, thus becoming the basis for the incidence of chronic gastritis, which is consistent with Chinese medicine "liver and spleen disharmony", "liver and stomach disharmony", "sad thinking hurts the spleen". Therefore, spiritual cultivation is an important aspect that cannot be ignored. On weekdays, we should maintain an optimistic mood, a cheerful and comfortable mood, pay attention to the combination of work and leisure, and beware of depression!

Well, today I will first say this, if there are gastrointestinal related problems, you can leave a message in the comment area.