
National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned

author:Poisonous tongue movie

Deyunshe was named.

Because of this "melon" that broke out -

On June 25, Chen Xiaohua, an artist of the Deyun Society, broke into another person's residence and was detained for indecency.

National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned

Two days later.

Deyunshe responded by dismissing Chen Xiaohua and retracting his stage name as Xiaozi in Deyunshe.

In other words, expelled from the division.

However, this "division gate" is not yet quiet.

People's Daily commented on the incident, "Deyun Society, it is time to examine yourself well."

The apprentice has an accident, there are his own reasons, he can't hit the master with the board, and he can't push the responsibility to the company. However, it is impossible to say that the Deyun Society has completely dissociated itself from the relationship. When artists always do things that go out of the ordinary, should Deyun Society reflect on it?

"Learning art before learning morality" and "discipline disciples without direction" are also many netizens' criticism of Deyun Society.

More and more emphasis on art virtue is the current trend.

The "collapse effect" brought about by the fan effect is difficult to ignore.


Even if the Deyun Society was able to cut off the disciples who committed the crime, what could not be hidden was:

Before the "virtue" of the Tokuunsha was shaken.

The first thing to lose is the "heart" below.


Social events, disturbing passers-by; The level of business, it is the fans who perceive the problem.

Speaking of "thunder", Deyun Society is not the first one today.

In 2010, Li Hebiao beat someone.

In 2012, the Deyun Society "Fight Gate" incident.

In 2019, Zhang Yunlei's "Wenchuan" and "comfort" paragraphs were again criticized.

In addition, there are exposed artists cheating, domestic violence, sleeping powder... And so on.

Was it Guo Degang's neglect of discipline?

Sir did not want to say that an adult, in his private life, still has to let Master take care of the bottom, and he cannot bear legal responsibility independently.

But these negative news really made the sign of "Deyun Society" knock off the gold paint.

Guo Degang doesn't want to care?

It's not going to work.

The question for Deyun is – is it a jianghu drama class or a modern performing arts agency?

Maybe both.

But neither of them is in place, which makes today's Deyun Society repeatedly fall into controversy.

In the past, the Deyun Society had a strict teacher's inheritance.

Between master and disciple, it is not a simple labor relationship.

In addition to learning art, the apprentices have to take care of the work of miscellaneous labor, which is to exercise "eyesight" and character, and it is also the traditional obedience to the master.

Cao Yunjin also complained.

In Master's house, the work can never be finished.

National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned

Down to their private lives, the apprentice is also subject to the master.

Yue Yunpeng fell in love, and Guo Degang asked.

Looking through the phone chat history, in order to have a number in mind.

National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned

Under such circumstances, the disciple who does not say that he has been disciplined must not commit a crime.

But at the very least, Master is more or less jointly responsible.

However, now, the Deyun Society has come to the third generation, the situation has widened, and with the many changes before, the old tradition has become unsustainable.

Deyun Society wants to "industrial upgrading".

In 2020, Deyunshe recruited students online on the live broadcast platform and selected "Dragon Character Generation".

It attracted 2.45 million people to sign up that night.

It is said that it is for "Guo Degang", more like it is for a road to get rich and famous.

National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned

And who remembers.

The first dragon member of the Deyun Society was Ou Di, who worshiped Guo Degang as a teacher in 2016.

National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned

How much cross-talk kung fu did Ou Di Zheng learn?

How much contact do you have with Deyunsha now?

These questions seem to be unimportant today.

Deyun Society is "going to tradition".

But where are the new rules of the Deyun Society?

I'm afraid that Guo Degang himself is becoming more and more confused.


The first label on Guo Degang's body is grassroots.

He comes from the grassroots.

I have been to Beijing three times, thinking of relying on my own ability to break out of the world.

The first two times ended in failure.

Finally, he took root in Guangde Lou, with the cooperation of Zhang Wenshun and Li Jing.

From the beginning of the stage, there was only one audience, and finally the average number of performances was 200 people. The "Beijing Cross-Talk Conference" can also be regarded as laying the foundation for the future popularity of Deyun Society.

National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned

Guo Degang's path was slashed and killed.

Collect and sort out cross-talk classics and polish cross-talk skills.

But when there is no fire, it is difficult to make money.

His wife, Wang Hui, sold cars and jewelry for the Deyun Society, and went to the cave to subsidize expenses.

For the sake of venue and personnel expenses, Guo Degang also had to go to various part-time jobs by himself, mixing film and television circles and entertainment circles.

The most famous example is that in 2003, he participated in a SATELLITE TV program for thousands of guest appearance fees, and broadcast his 48-hour life to everyone in the window on the street.

At that time, his whole mentality collapsed, and he once asked to stop recording.

In the end, the catalogue was finished, and the 4,000 salaries that had been negotiated with the TV station were only 1,000 in the end.

National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned
National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned

What he calls crosstalk also represents grassroots.

Unlike those traditional cross-talk actors with compilation, Guo Degang uses the momentum of "spring wind blowing and regenerating" to fight against mainstream consciousness with barbaric growth.

He has ambitions.

In his autobiography "Just Lived", there is such a passage -

Someone in the Beijing cross-talk industry once said: "Before Guo Degang, we could euthanize very quietly, we could mix very comfortably until death, but after he appeared, it disrupted our normal life... He let the audience know what crosstalk is and what we should do. ”

It can be said that for Guo Degang, who has become famous from a small theater.

Bombarded by the orthodox Quyi Association.

National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned

Then there are the outlawed small theater performances.

National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned

He was not convinced.

So in "On the Present Situation of Fifty Years of Crosstalk", he would say this:

I have to let crosstalk educate people, I have to have educational significance in every paragraph, I don't believe I know. There are too many forms of education for people, let's put crosstalk,

Spare him, he didn't hurt anyone, I think it's good, don't be so demanding.

It can be said that the success of his anti-system cross-talk is just poking at the audience's heart.

In the cross-talk industry, he hates stereotypes, dogma, and step-by-step.

The purpose of the company has been proposed:

Let crosstalk return to the theater and be a real crosstalk.

Pay attention to the point, theater + crosstalk.

In the early days, there was no way out, purely relying on shouting, this group of downcast craftsmen, must also seriously go to solicit customers, go outside to run, a ticket of ten yuan, listen to a whole show.

Not only is the wind halved and the rain is completely completed.

Guo Degang said, "The most tragic one, we tried to perform for an audience. ”

It's about the state of being.

Even in the era when the Internet was just emerging, they had already encouraged everyone to record, record, and spread more, so that the names of "Deyun Society" and "Guo Degang" expanded their influence on the Internet early on and were closely integrated with the word "cross-talk".

Because of the small resources, the future is uncertain.

Therefore, for the apprentices who still need him to help shield the wind and rain from the wind and rain to survive.

Especially the early Yunzi generation, as well as several "children's disciples" who learned art at home.

National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned

He is a true favorite, and he is also a true teacher.

The results are also obvious:

Cao Yunjin and He Yunwei both became the horns of the Deyun Society a few years later.

This "truth" even continued until Li Hebiao beat people, and Guo Degang at that time was also a variety of calves, even indiscriminately, almost destroying the Deyun Society.

National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned
National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned

All this is only because compared to the other people in the society (Li Jing, Zhang Wenshun and several old artists), the Deyun Society, only Guo, is indeed poor and white.

If you want to succeed, you also grit your teeth.

Therefore, from the early Beijing Cross-Talk Conference to the Deyun Society, it can be clearly found that:

This is a process of gradually increasing the weight of Guo Degang.

The most obvious, the words De and Yun, are taken from Guo and his disciples.

What is gradually bound is also the honor and disgrace of his door.

According to the late cross-talk actor Su Wenmao, who recalled:

The apprentice signing the "deed of sale" is a daily routine of the past division, and the content is generally very simple:

Five years of study and art is full, and half a year of service.

National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned

On Guo Degang's side, he managed to eat, live, and teach, study art for three years, serve for one year, and then die and flee, each with a destiny.

National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned

When the "August Storm" in 2010 occurred, some elders withdrew one after another, and the first major crisis of the Deyun Society after becoming famous broke out, it gave Guo Degang a blow at the time:

The old master-apprentice father-son system is no longer sustainable.

Then formalize, then get on the contract.

As a result, the contract known as the "ten-year deed of sale" was officially introduced, which became one of the fuses for Cao Yunjin's departure.

According to the latter, the meaning of the deed of sale is simple:

Deyun Society employees work here, can not leave, resignation need to compensate the company 1 million yuan.

National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned

Compared with this compensation, the early income of the members of the Deyun Society was not only very small, but also unjustly distributed.

It is often a big pot of rice, such as calculating wages according to the number of performances.

Fifty a game, ten a month, five hundred yuan, how to act, how much effort, and salary, it does not matter much, Guo Degang himself also admitted that it is not right.

National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned

Then change it.

Deyunsha thus began a vigorous corporatization reform.

"Master" becomes boss, "apprentice" becomes employee, "master brother" becomes colleague.

Between the "master and apprentice", it is even more clearly marked to sign the contract.

It seems, very modern, everything is on the way to the regular road.

People's hearts have settled down and their careers are getting better and better, and a bunch of "horns" who can sell tickets have emerged in small theaters:

Burnt Cake, Zhang Helun, Meng Hetang, Zhang Jiuling, Zhou Jiuliang...

After that, he not only walked out of the small theater, but also actively embraced the entertainment circle.

For example, let Yue Yunpeng and Guo Qilin act, go on variety shows, and enter the industry of entertainment artists.

For example, the launch of Zhang Yunlei, Qin Xiaoxian, the main idol economy, and even spawned a fan group like "Deyun Girl".

I even imagined that "the future crosstalk form" -

National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned
National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned

This is unheard of in the history of crosstalk.

And all this is the embodiment of the success of the restructuring of Deyun Society.

Deyun Society, in this era, has become a star-making factory in China's entertainment industry.

National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned

But over time, people with hearts can also see some doorways.

On the one hand, the feelings are still the same.

Yue Yunpeng expressed his loyalty and gratitude to His Master in more than one program: It will be fine to sell his deed for a lifetime.

When participating in the variety show, Burnt Cake said that the only purpose of making money in the variety show is to buy a million-dollar "python robe" for master.

Members of the Deyun Society are on the show, as long as Guo Degang is present, it is often a large-scale "Xie Shien" and "competition for favors" scene.

National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned
National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned
National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned

But on the other hand, internal contradictions are becoming increasingly prominent.

Take income, for example.

Some people earn tens of millions of dollars a year, and some people earn six thousand yuan a month.

Because of the income of the eyes, I apply for the Deyun Society Gate Every year.

However, due to insufficient income, some members began to withdraw from the Deyun Society.

National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned

If this is said that if people have their own aspirations and market competition, it is okay to be able to achieve their own destiny.

But as Guo Degang himself said in the interview:

To this day, it is too easy to win a cross-talk actor, like a play.

With Yue Yunpeng's example in front, who is not praised is a matter of Guo Degang's words, and he can fully hold the handle in his hand.

It has even been done, "can not be fully praised", to get the state of "when using people and then praise".

National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned

Look back.

The "filial piety" and "feelings" displayed by The Deyun Society to the outside world.

In a sense.

All the changes in the corporatized operation of Deyun Society are virtual.

Because there is no change in the bones -

Guo Degang, an old-school artist who values feelings, remembers enmity and revenge, and talks about ethics and principles, still has the right to make a final decision.

Just like who he praises and who does not praise whom, the most important point to consider is:

Be obedient

National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned


Ming ming is an entertainment company, disguised as a jianghu sect.

Obviously, it is a star-making factory, and under the banner of respecting and inferiority, it also talks about facade, tradition, and respect for teachers.

Obviously, it is a modern enterprise, and it also uses the nepotism set.

From the shareholders to the management, it is not a family, it is a relative, it is not a disciple, or a disciple.

Deyun Society has also entered the "dual-track system"——

If something goes wrong, talk about the contract, the company, and the equal labor relationship;

What matters is personal relationship or nepotism.

Let's not talk about virtue or virtue.

The problem erupted earlier in the "art" itself.


However, Sir did not want to criticize Guo Degang or Deyun Society.

Because there is a very difficult question:

Does Deyun Society still need to be good?

Even, what is "good"?

Bringing crosstalk back to the little theater?

Deyunsha did it.

Sixteen years ago, when the fire was just beginning, the ticket price doubled, it was still difficult to find a ticket, and even many people had to go to the scalper to spend hundreds of dollars to buy, encounter big performances, and the high price of thousands was not a problem.

National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned

Not to mention that today, there are Guo Yu and the two performances, basically instantaneous.

Several of its horns, no matter how big the performance as long as you participate, basically do not worry about selling tickets.

The small theater can no longer control the Deyun Society.

This is still outside the circle, and inside the circle, let's say one, when the 20th anniversary of the Deyun Society's performance, almost half of the Beijing entertainment circle came to the scene.

Let the cross-talk artists earn money?

Deyunsha did the same.

Twenty years ago, whoever listened to crosstalk, let alone buying tickets, said crosstalk.

Cross-talk artists study for a lifetime, do not earn money, and have to rely on other crafts to support their families.

For example, the old predecessor who founded the Beijing Crosstalk Conference with him, the late cross-talk artist Zhang Wenshun.

National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned

The main business is dry decoration, amateur cross-talk.

The old man once joked that he did half of the decoration in Beijing, and he installed the first elevator and the first boiler in Beijing.

Guo Degang's early cross-talk that "can you walk the second ring" paragraph, behind the joke baggage made by "walking on the second ring", is the real experience of him missing the last train because of the performance too late, in order to save road fees, walking on the road for a night to go home.

Funny and sad.

And now, the top horns of the Deyun Society, with an annual income of millions and millions, have been for more than ten years, monopolizing the national commercial performance market.

National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned

Let Lao Guo sigh how lonely it is to be invincible.

And Deyun Society itself, in the past two decades, has already become a star-making factory and entertainment company in internal entertainment.

Some have even compared it to the Janis office in Japan.

Lao Guo said to himself in the interview that after becoming popular, the apprentices' filming invitations have never been broken.

Zhang Yunlei, Qin Xiaoxian, the theater fire is over, the successful debut, the Deyun girls pick up the station, sign, hit the list... Idol fans of that set, play a lot of fun.

Even his own son Guo Qilin, through the Deyun Society, has also killed a road towards the entertainment circle, dramas, variety shows, and double harvests.

National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned
National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned

Some people may be critical:

When you say so much, you are jealous, you are prejudice, you can't see others well.

Yes, well, how good can the Deyun Society be?

Sir didn't know.

It has done what it would have been like it would have been like it would have been twenty years ago.

Even Lord Guo himself sighed:

"It's been more than 20 years since this year, and I personally think we're in the best shape now."


I would like to ask the people who hate the Deyun Society the most now, which one did not listen to Guo Degang's iron wire repeatedly day and night?

Speaking of a thousand ways and ten thousand, the reason why many people hate Guo Degang and do not like the Deyun Society.

Not that it's not good enough.

It's that it's smelling.

In 2005, Guo Degang put up his own banner by relying on cross-talk "On the Current Situation of Cross-talk in Fifty Years":

Oppose cross-talk only to do educational works, and advocate that cross-talk should face the market, face the audience, and take the road of commercialization.

Let's talk about things, including saying that crosstalk must have educational significance, to use crosstalk to publicize what, this is a big mistake and a special mistake, this is the extermination of human nature, more than a hundred years ago there was crosstalk is why, the actor is to earn money to eat, he is the craft of shaving his head and pedicure, the audience is laughing, especially now in the era of development society is progressing, lack of money, lack of cars, lack of houses, lack of morality, lack of what, into this house, I can not give you these, I guarantee that this afternoon you can forget these troubles, Happy and happy, happy and happy, in this era, it is said that there is such a place to make you happy, it is not easy to find ah.

I have to let crosstalk educate people, I have to have educational significance in every paragraph, I don't believe it, there are too many forms of education for people, let go of crosstalk, spare him, he didn't hurt anyone, I think it's good already, don't be so demanding.

To this end, it also satirizes a bunch of industry oddities.

The threshold of this line is low, and many people have no basic skills when they come to power:

It's all that line of mixing, turning to our line, do you wonder if he's okay, is he okay?

The threshold for this line is too low.

This line is too easy to be red, too easy to become an "artist", and it is not cherished when it is red:

In addition, many actors and a lot of comedians, before they learned he became popular... Red too early, you turn your head to let him learn again, he can't get this heart, he is already an artist.

The market is too big, this line is too easy to mix, most of them are scammers.

China's performance market is very mixed, will be a period of two paragraphs, go all over the world, why, for example, I went to Shanxi, Yuci, I went to a place to perform ah, act for a period of time, five minutes, took thirty thousand yuan, in this life and this life I can no longer come here, China is big, to death can not earn, slowly cheat it.

And look at it now:

Look at the most popular group of people in the Deyun Society, from birth to skill, which one does not meet the above?

Zhang Yunlei's "Exploring the Qingshui River" sang fire.

Coming and going is "Exploring the Clear Water River".

National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned

Qin Xiaoxian's variety shows such as "Happy Comedian Season Seven", "Sisters and Sisters' Martial Arts", "When Burning! Guo Chao", "It's Nice to Laugh", "Deyun Dou Laughing Society", to the film "Fame And Fame".

Still can't escape the "rich second generation" and "silly child" people.

National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned

They are red.

However, the basic skill of cross-talk is the point that fans are paying less and less attention to.

And the Deyun Society, which needs a "corner", will it still care?

Crosstalk is good, not as good as bringing its own traffic.

This kind of "pragmatism" embodied in Guo Degang's employment and reliance has gradually drifted away from cross-talk.

Even Guo Degang himself.

Watch his performances in recent years:

What is always inseparable, or Yu Qian's family, can not be separated, or the next three ways of flying together. Almost all the performances are based on the previous paragraph + Yu Qian.

In Xu Haofeng's "Master", there is a design.

Chen Zhi, a southern martial artist who came to break through the pass, wanted to open a martial arts hall in Tianjin Wuxing, and he had to teach an apprentice, kick the museum, and then abolish him, using a person's life and death prospects to change the qualifications of a sect.

In the movie, many people wonder why the apprentice Geng Liangchen practiced for less than three years before he was able to sweep through Tianjin Wulin?

One word.

Tianjin martial arts rules, do not teach the real.

National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned

Chen Zhi almost came to the last step, abolished the apprentice, opened a martial arts hall, and became part of the "rules", but in the end he still did not hold back.

In the street battle provoked the whole tianjin wulin.

National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned

In the end, he was exchanged for a desert and fled, three-year planning, and both ends failed.

But what makes Sir sigh the most in the movie is the top card of Wuxing, Zheng Shan'ao.

He knew that it was really wrong not to teach, and he wanted to use his old knowledge to do something that would benefit future generations.

But he also said:

Many things, do not always think of.

National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned

This is the beginning of everything that follows.

Unfortunately, these people with good intentions, ideas, abilities, and courage were swept into the garbage heap by the military because of this hesitation.

In Sir's view, Deyun She, Guo Degang, and Xiangsheng are at this stall.

Although Guo Ban said again and again that the crosstalk was over, he was looking at the grave for the crosstalk.

National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned

Deyun Society did not succeed, and Guo Degang revitalized Xiangsheng.

After the success of the Deyun Society, he gave the cross-talk a coffin.

He has opposed the mainstream all his life, and finally has become a big door faction that can be passed by "not teaching the real" and "not playing the real".

Who's going to fight to kill?

National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned

This is every time on the news, Deyun Society will be scolded, because many passers-by think that "lack of morality".

But Deyun's own fans do not need such social news to see, that "heart" has long changed.

Just like his former apprentice Li Yinfei once said to him in tears on the show.

National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned
National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned
National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned

It makes people cry when they see it.

But the reality is.

After Guo Degang listened, he only completed the blessing very politely.

It's like a gust of wind wafting in your ears.

National idol "collapsed house"? The business declined, scandals frequently broke through the bottom line, and the top boy band was spurned

The picture in this article comes from the network

Editorial Assistant: Oda is not hot, Gilmour's Gyro