
The idealistic flower bought beautiful evening primrose seeds online, and it has been 3 months, growing very tall, but it has not flowered for a long time. After watering the flowers last night, I couldn't help but pull the bones with my hands, revealing small yellow flowers.

author:Iron tree plum blossoms

Idealistic flowers

I bought the seeds of beautiful evening primrose online, and it has been 3 months, and it has grown very tall, but it has not flowered for a long time. After watering the flowers last night, I couldn't help but pull the bones with my hands, revealing small yellow flowers.

Strange, when I bought it, the picture was clearly a big pink flower, how different! I searched for it with Baidu, and it is indeed evening primrose!

But Baidu said that evening primrose and beautiful evening primrose are not the same: 1, the flowering period is different, evening primrose blooms at 8-9 o'clock in the summer night, the flowers will wither around 8 o'clock the next morning, and the beautiful evening primrose can bloom in the early morning or evening when the light is weak.

2, there is a difference in flowers, the flowers of evening primrose are relatively small, the petals are pale yellow or bright yellow, and the flower color of the beautiful evening primrose is diverse, there are white, white pink and pale pink, etc., the flower shape is like a cup, which has high ornamental value.

3, the growth habits are different, evening primrose likes to grow in a cool environment, the temperature is between 16-22 ° C is the most suitable. Beautiful evening primrose is more adaptable and has a certain degree of hardiness.

4. The propagation method is different, the seeds of evening primrose are full, can be directly sown and propagated, and the seedling emergence rate is high. The seeds of the beautiful evening primrose are small and need to be germinated before sowing, otherwise the emergence rate is low.

It seems that I was deceived again, buying ordinary evening primrose seeds, not beautiful evening primrose seeds! Angry, I pulled them all out! Like weeds, it flooded my orange trees!

This is really the difference between ideal and reality!

The first three pictures are from the Internet, which is a beautiful pink evening primrose, and the last few are the real evening primroses I planted. #Let's skip the summer#

#Open My Life Diary # #头条花卉照片集 #

The idealistic flower bought beautiful evening primrose seeds online, and it has been 3 months, growing very tall, but it has not flowered for a long time. After watering the flowers last night, I couldn't help but pull the bones with my hands, revealing small yellow flowers.
The idealistic flower bought beautiful evening primrose seeds online, and it has been 3 months, growing very tall, but it has not flowered for a long time. After watering the flowers last night, I couldn't help but pull the bones with my hands, revealing small yellow flowers.
The idealistic flower bought beautiful evening primrose seeds online, and it has been 3 months, growing very tall, but it has not flowered for a long time. After watering the flowers last night, I couldn't help but pull the bones with my hands, revealing small yellow flowers.
The idealistic flower bought beautiful evening primrose seeds online, and it has been 3 months, growing very tall, but it has not flowered for a long time. After watering the flowers last night, I couldn't help but pull the bones with my hands, revealing small yellow flowers.
The idealistic flower bought beautiful evening primrose seeds online, and it has been 3 months, growing very tall, but it has not flowered for a long time. After watering the flowers last night, I couldn't help but pull the bones with my hands, revealing small yellow flowers.
The idealistic flower bought beautiful evening primrose seeds online, and it has been 3 months, growing very tall, but it has not flowered for a long time. After watering the flowers last night, I couldn't help but pull the bones with my hands, revealing small yellow flowers.
The idealistic flower bought beautiful evening primrose seeds online, and it has been 3 months, growing very tall, but it has not flowered for a long time. After watering the flowers last night, I couldn't help but pull the bones with my hands, revealing small yellow flowers.
The idealistic flower bought beautiful evening primrose seeds online, and it has been 3 months, growing very tall, but it has not flowered for a long time. After watering the flowers last night, I couldn't help but pull the bones with my hands, revealing small yellow flowers.
The idealistic flower bought beautiful evening primrose seeds online, and it has been 3 months, growing very tall, but it has not flowered for a long time. After watering the flowers last night, I couldn't help but pull the bones with my hands, revealing small yellow flowers.

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