
1 minute to understand the symptoms and medication of 5 kinds of chicken parasitic infections, and rural chicken farmers do a good job of prevention and control

author:Egg brother raises chickens

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As the saying goes, "parasites eat the profits of breeding", now that the weather is warmer and parasitic diseases are frequent, it is time to understand the common parasitic diseases of poultry. Today for everyone to summarize, 5 kinds of parasitic infection symptoms and treatment drugs, chicken friends may wish to collect first, and then forward, the use of it!

1 minute to understand the symptoms and medication of 5 kinds of chicken parasitic infections, and rural chicken farmers do a good job of prevention and control

1. Chicken coccidiosis: the sick chicken pulls red feces or feces with blood, the cecum of the sick and dead chicken is enlarged, there are pin-like bleeding points on the intestinal wall of the small intestine, and there is a large amount of blood in the intestine.

Young chickens: sulfamemethoxycrine and trimethoprim (TMP) are used in a 5:1 ratio, the first amount is doubled, and used for 3-5 days. At the same time, add 0.2% baking soda to drinking water, and double the amount of vitamin B and vitamin K.

Laying hens: use anti-coccidiosis Chinese medicine containing Artemisia annua, ground grass and plantain, such as fungal enteritis treasure, and use the mixture for 5-6 days.

1 minute to understand the symptoms and medication of 5 kinds of chicken parasitic infections, and rural chicken farmers do a good job of prevention and control

2. Chicken ascariasis: there are bean sprout-like insect bodies in the feces of sick chickens, and there are white, bean sprout-like nematodes in the intestines of sick and dead chickens, up to 2-11 cm long, entangled with each other and blocking the intestine.

Young chickens: Drink albendazole + ivermectin powder for 5-6 days.

Laying hens: add 5 kg of pumpkin seed powder and 8 kg of betel nut powder per 1000 ingredients for 3-4 days.

1 minute to understand the symptoms and medication of 5 kinds of chicken parasitic infections, and rural chicken farmers do a good job of prevention and control

3, chicken tapeworm disease: the feces of the sick chicken have white, rice grain-sized, rectangular insect eggs, the intestines of the sick and dead chickens are filled with white, banded, segmented strips of insects, like hanging noodles, up to 10 cm long, blocking the intestine, forming intestinal obstruction.

Young chickens: Drink albendazole + ivermectin powder for 5 days.

Laying hens: betel nut and pumpkin seeds, grinding mixture, 1000 pounds of feed each add 5 pounds of pumpkin seeds and 8 pounds of betel nuts, for 3-4 days; or 150 grams of betel nuts, 120 grams of pumpkin seeds, first add 2 liters of water, boil for 30 minutes, take the liquid; add 1 liter of water, boil for 20 minutes, mix 2 times the liquid medicine, supply 500 chickens into 2 times mixed drinking or mixed feeding, continuous use 3-4 times.

Precautions: When taking anthelmintic drugs, stop the material for 4 hours before mixing, and stop the water for 2-3 hours before mixing. After 1 hour of free-range chicken medication, the chickens are driven out of the drug site, and the site is cleaned and disinfected to prevent re-infection.

1 minute to understand the symptoms and medication of 5 kinds of chicken parasitic infections, and rural chicken farmers do a good job of prevention and control

4. Chicken tissue trichomoniasis: commonly known as "cecum hepatitis", the main lesions are concentrated in the cecum and liver, the sick chicken excretes sulfur-like feces or blood feces, the cecum of the sick and dead chickens is enlarged, the intestinal wall is thickened, and the intestinal contents become dry to form cheese-like necrotic blocks; the liver surface has a round or irregular, marginal bulge, and an intermediate depression of ulcer foci.

Young chickens: Metronidazole drink according to 0.05% aqueous solution for 5-7 days. At the same time, supplement vitamin K3 powder and cod liver oil to repair intestinal and liver damage.

Laying hens: 90 grams of bald eagles, 60 grams of qin peel, 45 grams of yellow cedar, 30 grams of yellow lian. Usage: Sun drying, crushing, sieving, mixing according to the proportion of 1%, continuous use for 3-5 days. (During the medication, supplement with vitamin K3 powder, cod liver oil)

1 minute to understand the symptoms and medication of 5 kinds of chicken parasitic infections, and rural chicken farmers do a good job of prevention and control

5. Leukocytosis: commonly known as "white crown disease", the sick chicken cock crown is pale, there are traces of mosquito bites, and the internal organs of the sick and dead chicken are covered with small hematomas or small nodules, especially in the heart, mesentery, and fallopian tube membranes with small hematomas or small nodules.

Reserve chicken: sulfa methoxypyrimidine and trimethoprim (TMP) are used in a 5:1 ratio, the first amount is doubled, and used for 3-5 days. At the same time, add 0.2% baking soda to drinking water, and double the dosage of vitamin B and vitamin K.

Laying hens: Select traditional Chinese medicine containing Changshan, Artemisia annua and bitter ginseng, grind the mixture and use it for 5 days.

1 minute to understand the symptoms and medication of 5 kinds of chicken parasitic infections, and rural chicken farmers do a good job of prevention and control

The above is, the symptoms and medication of 5 common parasitic infections in poultry breeding, what questions can be privately sent to the egg brother, this side will answer for you, collection spread, merit immeasurable ~

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