
Ignoring the warnings of Chinese academicians? The "fig leaf" of the new glory is torn apart: has technology been replaced by beauty?

author:Present-day Finance Agency

Looking at the smartphone market more than a decade ago, most of the manufacturers in mainland China are relatively low-end "OEM machines". However, with the rapid growth of the mainland's economy, the mainland's scientific and technological level has also developed rapidly. In recent years, a number of very outstanding domestic mobile phones have emerged in China.

But as a former subsidiary of Huawei, Glory's "fig leaf" is gradually being torn open, has the technology been replaced by the United States?

Ignoring the warnings of Chinese academicians? The "fig leaf" of the new glory is torn apart: has technology been replaced by beauty?

First, Huawei is "stuck neck"

The technology field in the United States has always been very leading in the world, but in recent years, with the continuous development of the global technology industry, many countries' technology companies have emerged in the world, and their countries' technology industries are about to rise. In order to maintain its "hegemonic" status, the United States has carried out many crackdowns and restrictions on many enterprises, and huawei and ZTE, well-known technology companies on the mainland, are also among them.

Ignoring the warnings of Chinese academicians? The "fig leaf" of the new glory is torn apart: has technology been replaced by beauty?

Due to a series of restrictions imposed by the United States, Huawei has been greatly affected since 2020. The United States not only requires relevant chip manufacturers to stop providing chip processing services to Huawei, but also restricts the application of Huawei technology overseas, and plans to gradually dismantle related communication equipment. In this case, Huawei's share in the global mobile phone market began to decrease sharply, and because the number of Kirin chip chips was getting smaller and smaller, Huawei could only sell its glory brand, which had been developing for seven years, in order to ensure the normal operation of the mobile phone development business.

Ignoring the warnings of Chinese academicians? The "fig leaf" of the new glory is torn apart: has technology been replaced by beauty?

Ii. Academician Ni Guangnan issued a warning

As the world's largest smartphone consumer market and the world's largest manufacturing base, China's demand for chips by various technology companies is very huge.

Due to the immaturity of the mainland in chip manufacturing technology, coupled with the lack of advanced lithography machines for chip manufacturing, the mainland has to rely heavily on foreign chips, and the amount of chips imported from overseas each year has reached 2 trillion.

Ignoring the warnings of Chinese academicians? The "fig leaf" of the new glory is torn apart: has technology been replaced by beauty?

It is precisely because of the extreme dependence on foreign chip manufacturing technology and finished products that the mainland has to be subject to people to a certain extent and is restricted from development.

Huawei is the most vivid example: the United States not only restricts Huawei's development in the mobile phone business, but also modifies the chip rules many times, so that even if Huawei has developed a chip independently, it cannot be used on a large scale, and it is impossible to purchase chips from third-party chip manufacturers on a large scale.

Ignoring the warnings of Chinese academicians? The "fig leaf" of the new glory is torn apart: has technology been replaced by beauty?

In this regard, Academician Ni Guangnan of the mainland issued a warning.

He believes that if the mainland's domestic enterprises want not to be stuck in the neck and restrict development, then only by unremittingly taking the road of independent research and development, only by firmly grasping all the core technologies in their own hands, will they not be limited by other factors, and the core technologies cannot be bought with how much money.

Ignoring the warnings of Chinese academicians? The "fig leaf" of the new glory is torn apart: has technology been replaced by beauty?

The "fig leaf" of the new glory is torn open

Although Huawei and Honor are now two independent companies, Honor is still a very strong company and still receives the attention of many people. Relevant data show that in the first quarter of 2022, Honor's mobile phone sales were 12.8 million units, ranking second among domestic mobile phone brands, second only to oppo.

Although Honor's sales after leaving Huawei are still very good, is Honor really like this on the surface?

Ignoring the warnings of Chinese academicians? The "fig leaf" of the new glory is torn apart: has technology been replaced by beauty?

Some time ago, some people in the industry put forward three major problems that Glory will face after independence in view of the current situation of the Glory brand:

1. Although the sales of Honor's mobile phones seem to be good at present, from the overall sales volume of the mobile phone market, the entire market has shown a downward trend. Therefore, Glory must take effective measures with a positive attitude to face the sales market with declining sales.

2. After becoming independent from Huawei, Honor needs to prove its strength in many aspects such as technology, capital, supply chain, and brand.

3. In the research and development of smart phones, Honor must not only resist the law of market development, but also strive to catch up with the footsteps of Huawei and other manufacturers to continuously enhance the competitiveness of enterprises.

Ignoring the warnings of Chinese academicians? The "fig leaf" of the new glory is torn apart: has technology been replaced by beauty?

Fourth, has the technology of glory been replaced by beauty?

According to relevant reports, some research institutions have disassembled the Honor x30 mobile phone with the help of relevant institutions.

It found that after Honor's independence, the proportion of core technology spare parts in the United States has risen from 10% to 39% compared with the previous Huawei foundry hours, which means that Honor's chips and related communication modules have basically been imported from the United States. This also has to remind people of the warning of Academician Ni Guangnan, indicating that mainland enterprises still have a long way to go on the road of independent research and development.

Ignoring the warnings of Chinese academicians? The "fig leaf" of the new glory is torn apart: has technology been replaced by beauty?


Huawei is a very good and competitive enterprise in both the domestic and international technology markets. Although Huawei still needs to import chips from abroad, it has been constantly exploring on the road of independent research and development, and some technologies have reached the top international level. For mainland enterprises, blindly relying on imports will only be more and more unfavorable to their own development, there is a risk of being stuck in the neck, only independent research and development, can go further.

Finally, I would like to ask you, do you think that the technology of glory has been replaced by beauty?

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