
Eat more of these 5 alkaline foods, affordable nutrition, suitable for all ages, and benefit the body to spend the summer safely

author:Mushroom sauce snack light

It is about to fall into the ambush, and the recent temperature is higher than one day. In the summer, many friends will have a loss of appetite, and some people will have dizziness, headache, limb weakness, these situations are usually called "bitter summer".

Eat more of these 5 alkaline foods, affordable nutrition, suitable for all ages, and benefit the body to spend the summer safely

A better way to avoid the occurrence of "bitter summer" situation is to keep a light diet, exercise appropriately, and enhance human resistance. And eating more alkaline fruits and vegetables can also be a good prevention of the emergence of "bitter summer".

Today we will take a look at the 5 kinds of alkaline foods common in life, nutritious and healthy, low calorie and low calorie, cool off and supplement potassium, in one fell swoop.

Eat more of these 5 alkaline foods, affordable nutrition, suitable for all ages, and benefit the body to spend the summer safely

1. Cabbage

Cabbage is also known as cabbage, cabbage, like our hometown is called kohlrabi. Cabbage is high in vitamins and rich in a large amount of dietary fiber, which can speed up intestinal peristalsis and promote digestion, making it a vegetable that is very suitable for summer consumption.

Eat more of these 5 alkaline foods, affordable nutrition, suitable for all ages, and benefit the body to spend the summer safely



Cabbage, garlic, paprika, white sesame seeds, salt, chicken essence, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, sesame oil, oyster sauce, sugar.

☆ Steps:

1. Boil water in a pot, add a little cooking oil and salt after the water is boiled, then add the cabbage that is cleaned and torn into slices, blanched and quickly fished out, after cooling the water, control the dry water.

2. Finely chop the garlic, add paprika and white sesame seeds, use hot oil to stimulate the aroma, then add salt, chicken essence, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, sesame oil, oyster sauce and sugar to taste.

3. Drizzle the sauce on the water-controlled cabbage, grasp and mix well.

Eat more of these 5 alkaline foods, affordable nutrition, suitable for all ages, and benefit the body to spend the summer safely

Second, the fungus

I believe that everyone must have such food as black fungus in their homes. Black fungus is known as the "meat of vegetarians", which shows its high nutritional value. The protein content in black fungus is comparable to meat food, and the iron content is among the best in vegetables, and black fungus also has the effect of moisturizing the lungs and dehumidifying.

Eat more of these 5 alkaline foods, affordable nutrition, suitable for all ages, and benefit the body to spend the summer safely

Wood whisker meat


Lean meat, fungus, cucumber, carrot, green onion, egg, starch, cooking wine, salt, chicken essence, soy sauce, sesame oil, oyster sauce.

☆ Steps:

1. After the lean meat is sliced, add a little cooking wine and starch, grasp and mix well and marinate for about 20 minutes.

2. Wood ear fungus foam hair, cucumber carrot slices, eggs scrambled into pieces and set aside.

3. Heat the oil in the pot, add the green onion and stir-fry until the oil is hot, then add the lean meat slices, fry until the color changes, add soy sauce, oyster sauce and a little cooking wine, stir-fry evenly, then add cucumber, carrot and fungus to continue stir-frying.

4. Add egg cubes after stir-frying and frying for about 20 seconds, add a little sesame oil, salt and chicken essence, stir well and mix well to get out of the pan.

Eat more of these 5 alkaline foods, affordable nutrition, suitable for all ages, and benefit the body to spend the summer safely

3. Broccoli

Broccoli belongs to the crossflower vegetable among vegetables, this vegetable has been shown to be anti-aging and anti-cancer, and broccoli also contains a lot of antioxidants, especially suitable for strong summer consumption.

Eat more of these 5 alkaline foods, affordable nutrition, suitable for all ages, and benefit the body to spend the summer safely

Broccoli on the soup


Broccoli, salted duck eggs, ham, garlic, broth (water).

☆ Steps:

1. Cut the broccoli into the right size and soak in light salt water for about 20 minutes, then rinse with water, which can remove the dirty things inside the broccoli very well.

2. Boil water in a pot, add broccoli after the water boils, blanch and then fish out the controlled water for later.

3. Cut the salted duck eggs and ham into small cubes and set aside.

4. Heat the oil in a pan, heat the oil slightly and add the minced garlic, stir-fry the aroma and add the salted duck eggs to continue stir-frying, stir-fry until the salted duck egg yolk is sandy, add the diced ham and broccoli, stir-fry for about 20 seconds.

5. Add an appropriate amount of broth, no broth can be added to the soup treasure or water, turn off the heat after the water is boiled, and add a little salt according to your own taste before coming out of the pot.

Eat more of these 5 alkaline foods, affordable nutrition, suitable for all ages, and benefit the body to spend the summer safely

Fourth, loofah

I remember when I was a child, every summer the yard of the family was full of loofahs, whether it was stir-frying or making soup, it was very delicious.

The water content of loofah is extremely high, and its nutrients are among the best in all types of melons.

Eat more of these 5 alkaline foods, affordable nutrition, suitable for all ages, and benefit the body to spend the summer safely

Loofah clam soup


Loofah, green onion, ginger, garlic, clams, salt.

☆ Steps:

1. Boil a small amount of water in a pot, add green onion, ginger and clams to boil, cook until the clams open and turn off the heat. Remove the shallots, ginger and clams and strain the broth.

2. Peel the loofah and cut into hob pieces.

3. Cook the oil in the pot, add a little spring onion after the oil is hot, add the loofah after stir-frying, stir-fry soft and add the soup of the boiled clams, boil and cook for another 5 minutes, then add the clams, turn off the heat after boiling again, add a little salt to taste.

Eat more of these 5 alkaline foods, affordable nutrition, suitable for all ages, and benefit the body to spend the summer safely

5. Spinach

Spinach is also a very suitable alkaline food for home-style consumption, which can not only provide various vitamins, fiber and iron required by the human body, but also moisturize the intestines and laxatives and improve iron deficiency anemia.

Eat more of these 5 alkaline foods, affordable nutrition, suitable for all ages, and benefit the body to spend the summer safely

Enoki mushrooms tossed with spinach


Spinach, enoki mushrooms, white sesame seeds, soy sauce, sesame oil, balsamic vinegar, chili noodles, garlic, salt, chicken essence, oyster sauce, sugar

☆ Steps:

1. After washing the spinach and enoki mushrooms, blanch them separately.

2. Dry the enoki mushrooms and spinach on a plate, add minced garlic, white sesame seeds and chili noodles, add a spoonful of hot oil to stimulate the aroma, and then add soy sauce, sesame oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, chicken essence, oyster sauce and sugar to taste.

The above is the whole content of the mushroom sauce article about "Eat these 5 alkaline foods, affordable nutrition, suitable for all ages, and the body benefits from the summer in peace".

Hope to give you some inspiration. If you have other questions or better ways, please feel free to communicate in the comments section, and thank you for reading, commenting, forwarding and liking. Some of the pictures in the article come from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete.

I am a mushroom sauce snack light, pay attention to me, let's make life better together ~

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