
A nervous stomach to "make a revolution"? May be irritable bowel syndrome

author:There is a doctor

In life, have you ever had such an experience - the more critical the moment, the more "revolutionary" your stomach is!

As soon as I enter the examination room, I want to go to the toilet;

When there is an emergency, the stomach pain is unbearable;

As soon as you drink a cold drink, your stomach immediately rumbles;


A nervous stomach to "make a revolution"? May be irritable bowel syndrome

It doesn't matter if your stomach hurts, you can bear it and finish the right thing first, but the point is that this stomach pain can't be tolerated, turning over the river and the sea, if you don't go to the toilet in the next second, you can be heroic and righteous!

Even so, most people do not take these symptoms seriously, but only feel that the stomach is not good.

But please note that this is a chronic functional gastrointestinal disorder called irritable bowel syndrome.

Irritable bowel syndrome

This is a very common disease, the main symptom is abdominal pain or abdominal discomfort, often accompanied by bowel habits and changes in stool characteristics, constipation and diarrhea and other symptoms alternately.

However, this disease has passed clinical examination, but there is no real organic lesion, and there is no clear cause and pathogenesis.

The point is that this disease can occur in people of any age, and its prevalence is 1.4% to 11.5%, and the prevalence of women is slightly higher than that of men, and the prevalence of young and middle-aged people is relatively high.

A nervous stomach to "make a revolution"? May be irritable bowel syndrome

Because it is not a fatal disease and the symptoms are barely tolerated, the attendance rate is very low, with only 25% of patients going to the hospital.

But I still warmly remind friends with this symptom, to attract attention, you can check whether you have irritable bowel syndrome according to the following symptoms, after all, as soon as the critical moment comes, the stomach will "make a revolution", and it will really delay the right thing.

The course of the disease is more than 6 months, and the past 3 months have repeated abdominal pain, bloating, abdominal discomfort, and have any two or more of the following symptoms:

Associated with bowel movements;

accompanied by changes in the frequency of bowel movements;

accompanied by changes in fecal traits or appearance;

According to the different bowel habits and stool characteristics, it can be divided into: constipation type (type 1, type 2), diarrhea type (type 5 to type 7), mixed type (alternating diarrhea and constipation) and amorphous type.

On the mainland, the most common type is the diarrhea type.

A nervous stomach to "make a revolution"? May be irritable bowel syndrome
A nervous stomach to "make a revolution"? May be irritable bowel syndrome

How can it be treated or improved?

There is currently no cure for irritable bowel syndrome, and the main goal of treatment is to eliminate or alleviate symptoms and reduce their impact on life.

Its main treatment methods include diet, lifestyle modification, drug therapy, psychosocial, cognitive and behavioral interventions. Among them, dietary factors are the most important reasons, so we must pay attention to diet:

1// Avoid gas-producing foods

Foods and beverages such as beans, onions, celery, carrots, raisins, bananas, apricots, salty crackers, alcohol and caffeine.

2// Avoid lactose intake

For example, dairy products and low FODMAP (fermented + oligosaccharides + disaccharides + monosaccharides + polyols five components of food) diet, including but not limited to wheat, onions, leeks, garlic, peas, pistachios, cashews, beans, lentil apples, pears, mangoes, cherries, watermelon, plums, mushrooms, etc.

3 Pay attention to clean diet

Studies have shown that the incidence of irritable bowel syndrome is 4 times higher in patients with a history of intestinal infection than in patients without a history of intestinal infection. Therefore, it is particularly important to eat a clean diet and eat less foods that are high in oil and dirty, so as not to induce irritable bowel syndrome.

If irritable bowel syndrome has seriously affected life, then you need to go to the hospital for comprehensive treatment, don't put up with it!