
Rare two-color water lilies in full bloom! Come to the Provincial Bo New Pavilion to admire the lotus

author:Zhongan Online
Rare two-color water lilies in full bloom! Come to the Provincial Bo New Pavilion to admire the lotus

Fish play two-color water lilies

Zhongan Online, Zhong'an News Client News On June 30, two rare two-color water lilies bloomed in the pool of the viewing platform of the new Anhui Museum, attracting the audience to stop and take photos. It is reported that this two-color water lily is named "Wanvisha", known as the world water lily champion, the petals are divided into two colors, half golden yellow, half orange red, the flower color is rare, beautiful. (Li Pengfei, reporter Liu Yucai)

Rare two-color water lilies in full bloom! Come to the Provincial Bo New Pavilion to admire the lotus

Half golden, half orange, the flower color is rare and beautiful

Rare two-color water lilies in full bloom! Come to the Provincial Bo New Pavilion to admire the lotus

Half golden, half orange, the flower color is rare and beautiful

Rare two-color water lilies in full bloom! Come to the Provincial Bo New Pavilion to admire the lotus

Attract tourists to stop and watch

Rare two-color water lilies in full bloom! Come to the Provincial Bo New Pavilion to admire the lotus

Attract tourists to stop and watch