
Syria suddenly recognizes "Luhansk" and "Doneesk", which is a strong desire to survive

Syria suddenly recognizes "Luhansk" and "Doneesk", which is a strong desire to survive

Yesterday (June 29), Syria overshadowed the G7, suddenly announced the recognition of the legal status of "Luhansk" and "Doneesk", became the focus of international politics, the Syrian government seems to be tough, but in fact, there is a strong desire to survive.

To understand this, there are first a few things you need to know:

1. Russia is the biggest supporter of the Syrian Government of Bashar al-Assad, and it is not too much to say that it is a financier;

Syria suddenly recognizes "Luhansk" and "Doneesk", which is a strong desire to survive

2. The Russian-backed Assad government and the Turkish-backed militants have been facing each other for a long time, and in Idlib, it has always been the focus of conflict between the two sides, and Assad has always wanted to achieve a military victory as soon as possible, to win a quick victory;

Syria suddenly recognizes "Luhansk" and "Doneesk", which is a strong desire to survive

3. But Turkey and Russia signed an armistice on Idlib and set up a buffer zone in the region, not wanting the conflict to escalate.

Syria suddenly recognizes "Luhansk" and "Doneesk", which is a strong desire to survive

3. Because Bashar al-Assad advances, Erdogan retreats, but Erdogan retreats, it will fall to the United States, then Putin is not happy, coupled with russia's economic downturn in the past two years due to the epidemic, the support for the Assad government has decreased, so Bashar has a little mood;

Syria suddenly recognizes "Luhansk" and "Doneesk", which is a strong desire to survive

4. A few months ago, uae crown prince Zeid suddenly appeared and said that he wanted to give Bashar billions of dollars to continue the war, Assad was very happy, but Putin felt that his son was not kissed, a little emotional;

5. Bashar really wants to go to war with the money given by the UAE, Putin is furious, and sends Shoigu to Damascus personally to preach the message, to the effect that if you dare to punch Turkey in the face, I will change you, Turkey is more important to me than you, I can't push Turkey to the United States in order to spoil you;

6. I didn't expect Bashar to eat more peanuts and rice that day, maybe he drank two or two more, saying that the weapons putin gave me were not easy to use, and Russian weapons could not prevent The Us-made weapons of Israel and Turkey.

7. Putin insomnia, displeasure, when he gets up at night, he wants to replace this hairless boy with a hairless mouth, there are rumors that Putin wants to help the tiger Hassan, but it is only a rumor.

Syria suddenly recognizes "Luhansk" and "Doneesk", which is a strong desire to survive

So yesterday's incident happened, originally Russia did not want to offend Turkey, let Turkey guard the gateway to and from the Black Sea, lest the US aircraft carrier enter the Black Sea. If the U.S. Navy enters the Black Sea, not to mention the Snake Island, Crimea is also difficult to defend, but Erdogan officially expressed his support for Finland and Sweden yesterday, which is a golden opportunity, Turkey actually took the initiative to betray Russia, Bashar was quick and quick, quickly expressed loyalty, gave Putin a great support, the subtext is probably, Putin loves me, Putin hit money!

Syria suddenly recognizes "Luhansk" and "Doneesk", which is a strong desire to survive

Joke about human affairs, listen slowly with Jun, see you next time!

Syria suddenly recognizes "Luhansk" and "Doneesk", which is a strong desire to survive

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