
The current situation in Iran: surrounded by cold mountains, Persian girls are beautiful and charming, mosques are too stunning,

author:The world in the picture

01: Iran is a mountainous, arid, multi-ethnic country in southwest Asia, most people think of Iran as a hot desert country, but it is actually surrounded by high altitude and cold mountains.

The current situation in Iran: surrounded by cold mountains, Persian girls are beautiful and charming, mosques are too stunning,
The current situation in Iran: surrounded by cold mountains, Persian girls are beautiful and charming, mosques are too stunning,

02: Iran was known as Persia for thousands of years, until 1935 when King Rezasha changed the name from Persia to Iran, and the name "Iran" symbolized the land of the Aryans.

The current situation in Iran: surrounded by cold mountains, Persian girls are beautiful and charming, mosques are too stunning,
The current situation in Iran: surrounded by cold mountains, Persian girls are beautiful and charming, mosques are too stunning,

03: The majority of university students in Iran are women, and higher education is quite common for girls. Iranian girls are different from all women in the world, and they stand out because of their different religions.

The current situation in Iran: surrounded by cold mountains, Persian girls are beautiful and charming, mosques are too stunning,

According to Islam, the official religion of Iran, women must wear veils and cover all parts of the body, except for the hands and face.

The current situation in Iran: surrounded by cold mountains, Persian girls are beautiful and charming, mosques are too stunning,

All Iranian girls are almost beautiful, so that they have to wear veils to be protected from being seduced by some frivolous scumbag, or not seducing men to cheat on them.

The current situation in Iran: surrounded by cold mountains, Persian girls are beautiful and charming, mosques are too stunning,

Most Iranian girls are serious, however, that doesn't mean they don't have a sense of humor. They also like to laugh, so if you're good at joking, feel free to approach the Iranian lady you like and win her heart.

The current situation in Iran: surrounded by cold mountains, Persian girls are beautiful and charming, mosques are too stunning,

Still, if you think it's easy to marry an Iranian girl, you're wrong. You should prove to her parents and closest relatives that you are capable of supporting the family, even if she does not work, similar to our country, not all Iranian women work outside the home.

The current situation in Iran: surrounded by cold mountains, Persian girls are beautiful and charming, mosques are too stunning,

Iranian girls love makeup, and although they still wear headscarves, that doesn't mean they can't use makeup. As a result, Iranian girls look very charming, stylish, and stunning.

The current situation in Iran: surrounded by cold mountains, Persian girls are beautiful and charming, mosques are too stunning,
The current situation in Iran: surrounded by cold mountains, Persian girls are beautiful and charming, mosques are too stunning,

04: Iran is an energy superpower, Iran has the world's second largest proven natural gas reserves after Russia, the third largest natural gas production in the world, and the fourth largest oil reserve in the world, Iran is also developing renewable energy to meet its future needs.

The current situation in Iran: surrounded by cold mountains, Persian girls are beautiful and charming, mosques are too stunning,

05: Iran has the highest volcano in Asia, Mount Damavand.

The current situation in Iran: surrounded by cold mountains, Persian girls are beautiful and charming, mosques are too stunning,

06: Unlike most countries in the world, Iran has its own calendar. The first day of the Iranians following spring is the first day of their new year, called Nowruz. The first six months last 31 days, and of the remaining six months, there are 30 days per month for the next five months, the last month is usually 29 days, and if it is a leap year, it is usually 30 days.

The current situation in Iran: surrounded by cold mountains, Persian girls are beautiful and charming, mosques are too stunning,

07: Saturday and Sunday are not weekends, unlike most countries in the world, Thursday and Friday are weekends in Iran, Thursday is similar to Saturday, most shops are open, but schools and many offices are closed. In addition, Friday represents our Sunday, and almost everywhere is closed.

The current situation in Iran: surrounded by cold mountains, Persian girls are beautiful and charming, mosques are too stunning,

08: Iran is the only habitat of the endangered Asian cheetah, also known as the Persian cheetah, is an endangered cheetah. Once upon a time, this cheetah was widely distributed in the Arabian Peninsula and the Indian subcontinent.

The current situation in Iran: surrounded by cold mountains, Persian girls are beautiful and charming, mosques are too stunning,
The current situation in Iran: surrounded by cold mountains, Persian girls are beautiful and charming, mosques are too stunning,

09: Iran's carpet weaving process dates back to the Bronze Age and is famous all over the world, the persian carpet trade has flourished since ancient times, and handmade carpets are praised for their exquisite beauty and refinement and are regarded as luxury goods. These carpets can be seen in royal palaces and highly wealthy homes in different parts of the world.

The current situation in Iran: surrounded by cold mountains, Persian girls are beautiful and charming, mosques are too stunning,

10: Iranian cuisine is famous for its numerous cuisines, and it can be said that Persian cuisine is praised all over the world. Dishes such as Persian grilled lamb chops, pilaf, pomegranate chicken, Iranian cut cakes and more. Iranian cuisine is often made with a lot of added spices, and the rich flavor and mouth-watering aroma of this food is a favorite of any food lover, and Iranian cuisine has also influenced other cuisines around the world.

The current situation in Iran: surrounded by cold mountains, Persian girls are beautiful and charming, mosques are too stunning,
The current situation in Iran: surrounded by cold mountains, Persian girls are beautiful and charming, mosques are too stunning,

11: Iran is one of the hottest places on earth, home to the Lute Desert. In 2005, the UNESCO-listed site set a record temperature of 70.7°C.

The current situation in Iran: surrounded by cold mountains, Persian girls are beautiful and charming, mosques are too stunning,

12: The adorable Persian cat originating in Iran is a feline characterized by long hair, round face and short snout. The breed's first recorded ancestors were brought to Italy from Rome in the 17th century, and the cat was subsequently raised by Europeans and soon became a highly in demand pet.

The current situation in Iran: surrounded by cold mountains, Persian girls are beautiful and charming, mosques are too stunning,

13: Homosexual acts are punishable by death in Iran, but people can accept that a person may be trapped in a body of the wrong gender, so it is legal for homosexuals to undergo sex reassignment surgery.

The current situation in Iran: surrounded by cold mountains, Persian girls are beautiful and charming, mosques are too stunning,

14: In the Tehran metro, there are compartments reserved for women to avoid contact with men.

The current situation in Iran: surrounded by cold mountains, Persian girls are beautiful and charming, mosques are too stunning,

15: The mosque in Iran is stunning, this is the Nasir-Or-Mork Mosque.

The current situation in Iran: surrounded by cold mountains, Persian girls are beautiful and charming, mosques are too stunning,

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