
How miserable was the post-war situation in Syria?

author:Geeks do nothing and do nothing

Since ancient times, war is the most destructive, ancient China has a saying that "kill a thousand enemies, self-inflicted eight hundred", therefore, to avoid war. And the Syrian war began in 2011, fighting now, it has been 7 years, how miserable is Syria now? These few numbers are enough to shock people's hearts.

How miserable was the post-war situation in Syria?

  Before the war, Syria was a relatively stable and prosperous country in the Middle East, although the GDP was not as large as that of Saudi Arabia, and there was no Qatari tycoon. However, per capita GDP can still reach tens of thousands of dollars, much higher than that of the mainland. Moreover, Syria has long been stable, the urbanization rate is very high, the people are rich, and now Syria is miserable.

How miserable was the post-war situation in Syria?

  First, 400,000 people died and 150 became disabled.

  Syria has a total population of just over 20 million, but 400,000 people have now died in the fighting. 1.5 million people because of bombs, because of the bombing, caused disabilities, basically lost the ability to take care of their own lives, mainly caused by man-made limbs, etc., a large number of broken arms and legs.

How miserable was the post-war situation in Syria?

  Second, 11 million people are homeless and in need of relief.

  Syria has just over 20 million people, but more than half of them are now refugees, living in camps in many neighbouring countries or fleeing the country. And they have no jobs, no sources of income, difficulties in survival, and need food relief.

How miserable was the post-war situation in Syria?

  Third, the city is basically in ruins.

  The situation that Syria is destroying now, we can actually see from the situation in the capital Damascus. Before the war Damascus it was one of the most prosperous cities in the Middle East, with a population of several million. Now, even Damascus is in ruins, and electricity and water cannot be supplied at all. As can be seen from the U.S. bombing of Damascus a few days ago, even the capital has become so. The other major big cities, on the other hand, are now basically razed to the ground, basically dead ghost towns, full of mourning, full of ruins, and unbearable to see.

How miserable was the post-war situation in Syria?

  Fourth, the economic loss is $2 trillion.

  Just 7 years of war has set Syria back at least decades, if not hundreds of years. Now that Syria's industry has been destroyed, the entire national economy has collapsed, and the economic loss has reached $2 trillion, which is still a direct economic loss. For this reason, there is a shortage of goods, inflation is severe, prices are soaring, and even if the war is over, reconstruction will take at least a few decades, and the investment will be astronomical.

How miserable was the post-war situation in Syria?

  Fifth, the trauma of a generation.

  As the saying goes, "the people are suffering, the dead are suffering", and the most painful thing about the war is the children, and the civil war in Syria that lasted for 7 years made it impossible for children to go to school, resulting in the emergence of an entire illiterate group. And the wounds of war on children cannot be healed for decades. Many children have been disabled in the war, and along with those 1.5 million disabled people, the future will be a huge burden on Syrian society... Seeing this, you can see that the United States says to bring democracy to Iraq, Libya, Syria, but war can only bring destruction and ruins, where there is any democracy.

How miserable was the post-war situation in Syria?

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