
Brands and users participate together, and social networking has become a new direction for e-sports marketing

author:TopKlout Crowley

In recent years, with the rapid expansion of e-sports user groups, China's e-sports industry has entered an upward period of development, and e-sports competitions held by major platforms have emerged one after another, bringing new content and commercial value to the e-sports market.

However, with the continuation of the epidemic, offline events have been suspended, and many events have shifted to online holding. In addition to putting forward higher requirements for the organizers, this also tests the platform's ability to promote the event, and also emphasizes the user's online viewing experience.

Recently, we noticed that from June 8 to 15, Jingdong gathered major brand teams to launch the 618 Jingdong Cup Enterprise Competition on Weibo, which not only gained widespread attention from users, but also received the interaction and forwarding of many Weibo KOLs, setting off a new upsurge in the e-sports circle.

Brands and users participate together, and social networking has become a new direction for e-sports marketing
Brands and users participate together, and social networking has become a new direction for e-sports marketing

A new experience of online viewing in the social arena

This year is the seventh year of the Jingdong Cup e-sports competition, and under the field of national discussion on Weibo, the "competition" between brands has been given a unique social color. Up to now, the #618 Enterprise Cup #Weibo topic has been read by 320 million, and the number of related live broadcast views has exceeded 3.57 million, and with the blessing of social attributes, a relatively niche event has become a hot topic in the field of e-sports.

Hot events are essentially derived from the discussion of users, open the #618 Enterprise Cup # related topics, we can see both the forwarding and discussion of e-sports users for the event, and we can also see the brand users participating in the event cheering for the team.

With the advantages of social platforms, users and viewers can "directly" talk to the organizers and team players, increase user participation, and fully mobilize users' enthusiasm.

Brands and users participate together, and social networking has become a new direction for e-sports marketing

Not only that, the forwarding of KOLs in the field of e-sports such as @mobile game girl and @e-sports madness has magnified the professionalism and competitiveness of this event to a certain extent, attracting the attention of more senior e-sports users and game fans.

Brands and users participate together, and social networking has become a new direction for e-sports marketing

In the past, e-sports events were held in offline venues, and online social platforms were more used as an outlet for the promotion and discussion of events. Nowadays, with the transfer of e-sports events to online, the social platform has gradually changed from a simple publicity outlet to a core channel carrying the promotion, landing and fermentation of the event. Weibo's active e-sports user group has become the "soil" for e-sports events to go out of the circle, releasing the new potential energy of online e-sports events.

Brands and users participate together, and social networking has become a new direction for e-sports marketing

Circle layer penetration, empowering e-sports +

The esports industry is extremely inclusive, and users in any circle may be fans of esports games. Therefore, the dissemination and publicity of e-sports events is a broad communication process, not a simple "self-congratulation" in the field of e-sports. Weibo's unique circle attributes have just become the core key to the e-sports event.

Younger users' attention and enthusiasm for discussion are often driven by interest. One of the characteristics of the Weibo ecosystem is that users of different interest circles can more easily participate in the discussion of hot topics. During the Jingdong 618 Enterprise Cup, bloggers in the fields of technology and life such as @black technology mark and @life comic strip also participated in the viewing and discussion, which not only attracted the attention of their own fans, but also spread the influence of this event to other fields.

Brands and users participate together, and social networking has become a new direction for e-sports marketing

The influence of the e-sports industry is getting bigger, the coverage is getting stronger, technology, animation, design, music... More and more circles can be associated with esports.

For the brand, with the progress of the event, in addition to the brand's original fans deepening their loyalty to the brand, the newly participated e-sports users have also transferred the attention of the participating brands with the help of the medium of e-sports. This has found a new direction for branded esports marketing.

We believe that the promotion of e-sports events in the future will be more inclined to the penetration of the circle layer, with the purpose of forming a pan-field hot event centered on the event and surrounded by multiple fields.

Brands and users participate together, and social networking has become a new direction for e-sports marketing

Write at the end

The Jingdong 618 Enterprise Cup has come to a successful end, although it does not have the bustle of the offline arena in previous years, it still presents a wonderful e-sports event online. Whether it is the participation of brands or the discussion and feedback of users, this event has released new social vitality. It also allows us to see that the e-sports event itself is an activity that is not limited to the scene.

With the steady development of the e-sports industry, the value of social platforms for event dissemination is emerging, and we expect more e-sports events to amplify their influence through social platforms, realize the dissemination of e-sports content in a young and entertaining way, and bring new development possibilities to e-sports.