
Tongwei: East-West Collaboration Plant greenery on the field of hope

author:Daily Gansu
Tongwei: East-West Collaboration Plant greenery on the field of hope

Qingdao Ecological Forest.

New Gansu Gansu Daily reporter Yang Weiwei correspondent Liu Xianglong

In summer, the top of the South Mountain in Tongwei County is full of thick greenery, the slopes of the once wasteland are shrouded in emerald green, and whitebark pine, green peach, spruce, etc. are neatly erected, and the three red characters of "Qingdao Forest" are particularly eye-catching.

"Recently, we planted a sea of 100 acres of flowers, including lavender, ground cover chrysanthemum, black heart chrysanthemum, sage and so on." Tian Peiyu, head of the Qingdao Ecological Forest Project of Tongwei County Hongtai Municipal Construction Company, introduced that in the near future, it will be a sea of flowers.

Time back a year. In April 2021, Qingdao City and Dingxi City were connected to the mountains and seas, working together to write a new chapter in rural revitalization, and Jiaozhou City and Tongwei County cooperated with each other.

Tongwei County is located in the hilly and gully area of the Loess Plateau, with many loess beams, valley terraces, drought and little rainfall, sparse vegetation, extremely fragile ecological environment, and almost all the forest species in the county are water and soil conservation forests in the shelter forest.

Through the vigorous implementation of ecological construction in recent years, the ecological environment of Tongwei County has been greatly improved, but the overall green layout and plant communities have not yet been formed, and the seasonal landscape is single.

In this regard, in 2021, Tongwei County will prepare to build the Nanshan Ecological Park on Binhe Road, so that the local people can enjoy the dividends of ecological construction.

How to enlarge the advantages of capital, technology, and concepts in the eastern region and promote various work has become the focus of the cooperation between Qingdao and Dingxi.

Only by working together can we gather greater strength.

Tongwei: East-West Collaboration Plant greenery on the field of hope

The green Qingdao ecological forest. Photo by Zhang Sai, correspondent of the New Gansu Gansu Daily

The east and west hit it off immediately, and decided to start the Qingdao Ecological Forest Project and build it in conjunction with the Nanshan Ecological Park. The project plans to invest 100 million yuan during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period and build 12,000 mu of high-standard ecological forests in the north and south mountains of the county in five phases.

In the autumn of 2021, the first phase of the Qingdao Ecological Forest project began construction, and the infrastructure construction of Nanshan Ecological Park was in full swing.

Qingdao invested 20 million yuan in east-west cooperation funds to complete the construction of 4,800 mu of high-standard ecological forests and planted 9 kilometers of sidewalk trees;

The Tongwei County government invested 27.8 million yuan to complete 7.8 kilometers of cement hardened roads, 3765 meters of fireproof passages, installed 100 street lights, built 3 ancient scenic buildings, and built 1 leisure viewing platform of 560 square meters.

East-West collaboration unleashes a continuous stream of vitality and energy.

"Through the construction of Qingdao's ecological forest, the current situation of geological disaster areas, barren mountains and wastelands, and serious soil erosion in Nanshan will be improved, and the vegetation coverage area will be increased, forming a high-quality public welfare ecological park with evergreen in four seasons and flowers in three seasons." Xu Lei, deputy director of the Tongwei County Forestry and Grassland Center, introduced it.

Tongwei County invested 18 million yuan in supporting the construction of irrigation facilities, connected with the urban sewage treatment plant, and used the tailwater after the treatment standard to replenish the Qingdao forest fire protection water and the construction of forest water, improve the comprehensive utilization rate of water resources, and alleviate the contradiction of water shortage.

Tongwei: East-West Collaboration Plant greenery on the field of hope

Farmers are watering saplings. Photo by Zhang Sai, correspondent of the New Gansu Gansu Daily

Ecology, humanism and economy are fully reflected in the construction of the project.

Taking wen as the pulse, Qingdao Dingxi and Dingxi fully excavated the historical allusions of Ling Leng Wenwei of Tongwei County, Jiaozhou during the Qianlong period, built a long exhibition gallery of Wenwei Pavilion and Leng Wenwei calligraphy works, enhanced the emotional identity of the people of Jiaozhou and Tongwei, and left more and more lasting cultural genes.

Since the launch of the Qingdao Ecological Forest Project, it has absorbed 15,000 labor workers, benefited 229 rural households, issued labor subsidies of 2.119 million yuan, and the average household income was 9253 yuan; the local people were driven to raise seedlings for 50 mu, and the average income of 12 households increased by 3,700 yuan. Set up public welfare posts, select 5 people in the project area as forest rangers, and have an annual per capita income of 8,000 yuan.

Tongwei: East-West Collaboration Plant greenery on the field of hope

Overlooking the county seat from Nanshan, the new green stretches.

At present, the second phase of the Qingdao Ecological Forest Project is under orderly construction.

"In 2022, the total investment in the construction of Qingdao ecological forest in Tongwei County will be 10 million yuan, and the ecological greening will be upgraded and transformed, and as of now, 2,000 mu of afforestation has been completed, and the construction task is planned to be fully completed within this year." Xu Lei introduced.

From Binhe Road in Tongwei County, all the way up, the wooden boardwalk stretches to the top of Nanshan Mountain. In qingdao's ecological forest, the new green will continue to take root. Soon, it will open its arms to the masses with a new look of Nanshan Ecological Park.

Tongwei: East-West Collaboration Plant greenery on the field of hope

The construction of Nanshan Ecological Park is in full swing.

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